He Sent You: Local Principal’s Facebook Post About Homeless Man Goes Viral

September 21, 2015

An Atmore elementary school principal, John Brantley, watched as the man, down on his knees, checked fast food bags in the garbage can outsid the Mobile Best Buy store. The man found a few fries here, a few bites of a an old leftover burger there. The man never solicited those passing by him for money and cleaned up the area when he was done.

Brantley shared his experience on Facebook, in a post that has now been shared over 1.2 million times in less than a week.

“My heart literally hurt for him. I am not someone who just hands out money or even helps homeless people because so many are not truly homeless. I don’t guess I’ve ever seen someone actually go through a garbage can to try to find food to eat,” Brantley wrote in his now viral Facebook post.

Brantley approached the homeless man and told him to follow him on his bike to a nearby restaurant. He bought the homeless man the biggest meal on the menu and fulfilled his one other request…a big glass of sweet tea to go with the meal.

“When I brought him his food, he was so thankful. He told me his name was Steve and he’d been homeless ever since his sister died last September. He was trying to get off the streets, but it was so hard. I told him God loved him and I would pray for him. He told me again how much he appreciated the meal,” Brantley said.

Brantley drove off, but he felt compelled to return. He went back and talked to the man, and bought him a McDonald’s gift card for future meals.

“He broke down crying. He told me that he prayed for me today! I wasn’t sure what he meant (I was assuming he was praying for me for what I did for him) so I thanked him. He said, “No, you don’t understand. I prayed that God would send someone to buy me a hot meal today,” Steve told Brantley.

Then Steve would say three powerful words.

“He sent you.”

“I didn’t know what to say…I was speechless! Praying for a hot meal wasn’t a prayer I had prayed today! Come to think of it, that’s not a prayer I’ve ever prayed! I always pray over my food, but I’ve never prayed for a meal…it’s expected! I’ve never doubted that I wouldn’t be able to eat…Tears began to fill my eyes! Oh my…how blessed am I… Maybe God used me to answer this man’s prayer…to let him know that He cares for Him and knows what goes going through! But, maybe God used this man to show me just how blessed I am and what I take for granted,” Brantley wrote.

Then Steve pulled up his shirt, showing Brantley a huge mass sticking out of his stomach. He explained that he was dying from cancer, and he knew it would not be much longer.

“I asked him if knew Jesus. He told me that he did. I asked if I could pray for him and he said that I could. We prayed right there on the sidewalk of McDonalds. Tears just poured from his eyes,” Brantley said. “I stayed and encouraged him for a few minutes trying to fight back my tears. My prayer is that I showed him the love of Jesus today…that something I said gave him a hope.”

Since that Facebook post, offers to help Steve have came in….including an offer from a doctor in North Carolina that has volunteered to treat Steve’s cancer for free. And there are plans for an online fundraiser, perhaps through his home church, Cross Point Church in Atmore.

So far, no one has been able to find Steve again. The Best Buy store and many others are on the lookout.

To  read and share Brantley’s original Facebook post, click here.


39 Responses to “He Sent You: Local Principal’s Facebook Post About Homeless Man Goes Viral”

  1. Susan on September 22nd, 2015 8:24 pm

    Yes, some of them may buy cigarettes and beer, because they’re addicted just like I am to Diet Pepsi and chocolate candy! So what? That doesn’t mean they’re not hungry or don’t need help. We all have some kind of “addiction” that we spend money on that could better be spent somewhere else. When I see people in need I respond if I have anything to give. It hasn’t broke me yet and it won’t break you either. You would be surprised by the compassion and kindness that many of those “drunks” have–more than most of use, because we don’t know what it feels like to be in their shoes. Of course, we think we would never “allow” ourselves to be in their shoes…but there are many different reasons/ways that a person becomes homeless. If we want God and other people to have mercy on us, we must first be merciful ourselves. Thanks for your example Brantley.

  2. Ms. Relly on September 22nd, 2015 4:34 pm

    To God Be The Glory, To God Be The Praise! Thank you Lord for people like Mr. Brantley and may you continue to bless him as well as Mr. Steve. I also pray for continued guidance in both of their lives. Lord grant me favor to be able to not judge so quickly and give what I can when I can (even if I can’t physically, financially). Allow your spirit to move through me to be able to bless others in some way. I thank you for showing me everyday that you are real and I know you are the only way (truth and light). Bless your Holy name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  3. david lamb on September 22nd, 2015 3:56 pm

    I am not a perfect person, none of are! I drive a motor coach between Omaha
    and Denver or Chicago., Burlington Trailways.. I often buy 4-5 dollar menu hamburgers for indigent passengers. It is a rarity for someone to show that they care. They are not used to it and one can see the look of suspicion in their face. In a country where food is plentiful and restaurants and grocery stores throw away good food it is a shame and disgrace! In Omaha, Chicago , Denver and elsewhere, there are far too many for want of a good meal. THANK YOU JOHN FOR CARING. THIS WORLD NEEDS MORE LIKE YOU!!!

  4. northend resident on September 22nd, 2015 1:31 am

    As hard as things are for Steve in his personal life, he still humbled himself in prayer asking God for a blessing and his prayer was answered, just like the afternoon at NHS when many joined together in prayer asking God for a miracle for the Coach’s life. Prayer does work!

    I truly believe that sharing personal stories like this with one another is a blessing in itself. We need each other and God now more than ever.The days we are living in are filled with such turmoil, despair and anger that the Lord wants to remind us, he’s still with us and hasn’t left so don’t give up. God bless you Mr. Brantley.

  5. A Mom on September 21st, 2015 9:20 pm

    I would much rather give to a homeless person or someone that I don’t know than one of my relatives, I don’t know their story, but a lot of the times, we do know what others have & we don’t yet others tend to want you to give to them.

  6. Sarah on September 21st, 2015 9:14 pm

    Matthew 25:40New International Version (NIV)

    40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

    This story reminds me of this verse.

  7. Lone Chief on September 21st, 2015 8:28 pm

    Way coo!! Best stories I’ve read in a while. With so many scammers out there bumming it’s hard to know if it is indeed someone who ACTUALLY needs help.
    Hey Ray J., Brother, I think you are on to something. I’d write about my experiences I’ve had around the world that I believe you are referring to but society would deem me “delusional”. With all the clutter and busy-ness in our lives it’s hard (for me at least) “to be still and know that I AM”. John Brantley…Good on ya!!

  8. tomtom50 on September 21st, 2015 7:33 pm

    hey what does the news boys sing??? “GOD not dead” there is proof folks get right or get left

  9. Suzie B on September 21st, 2015 6:54 pm

    We have bought McDonalds gift cards for people also. It is better than handing them fast food out the car window – we never know how many other people had the same idea at the same time. One can only eat so much at once. By having the gift card, even if they sell it or trade it, sooner or later someone will benefit by getting food. We have purchased cheese crackers or snack cakes also. At least they’re lightweight and won’t spoil. I hope they find Steve again. You just never know what someone’s story is. It is not our job to judge.

  10. melodies4us on September 21st, 2015 2:24 pm

    This is proof to our entire community: how God operates. He is in the miracle business, and once you start living for him, the blessing pour.

  11. Mike G on September 21st, 2015 12:45 pm

    I had a similar experience when my wife and I were working in Cleveland, OH almost 5 years ago. Our grandkids and daughter came up from Columbus to eat dinner with us. We sat at the front looking out over the street through the front window. A young man who was obviously homeless stopped and went through a trash can sitting on the sidewalk. This was in full view of all of us. He found part of a meal that had been thrown away and ate it like he hadn’t had anything to eat in a long time. Needless to say it had a profound impact on all of us. We were all enjoying each other and our meal and this person was struggling to find something to eat. He was up and gone before we knew realized that we should and could have helped this young man. There was another incidence in Cleveland similar to that. I was walking from my hotel to one of my favorite restaurants and came upon an elderly male sitting at a bus stop carving wooden canes. I had seen him before from the window of my hotel. I talked to him for a while and realized he was hungry. I walked down to the restaurant, bought a hamburger, fries and a coke at took it to him. He was very thankful and ate every bit of it. I saw him on several occasions after that but then one day he was gone and I never saw him again. It made me realize that I need to be thankful for the blessings God has bestowed on me and my family and I do pray for those who are less fortunate than us each and every day. It taught me, my wife, some of my grandkids and one of my daughters a great lesson in life. It is better to give than to receive. I still think about that young man, the elderly man and all the other “real” less fortunate people in this world to this day and do offer them hope and salvation through knowing God. Amen.

  12. TUMom on September 21st, 2015 12:32 pm

    What a precious and uplifting story. What a special young man John is. This would be a better place to live if we had more people like John. I will be adding Steve to my prayer list as well as John(to thank God for John). God Bless you Steve whever you are!

  13. willis on September 21st, 2015 12:31 pm

    Great story!!!!

    Not a day goes by that each of us doesn’t have a chance to make some difference.

    Where are we ?

  14. Liz on September 21st, 2015 11:47 am

    Yes, many people say they will only buy beer and cigarettes. I don’t always give but sometimes I feel compelled to do so. Once that money leaves my hands it is no longer mine. I give in good faith and can no longer dwell on it. It they buy beer or cigarettes, then that is what they do. However, if just one person out of all I give to uses that money to buy food or to call a long lost loved one it is worth the sacrifice. We are all a piece of a big puzzle created by god. Without that homeless person, the puzzle would be incomplete. In time, we could also become homeless due to economy or circumstance. We need to count our blessings.

  15. Who, Me? on September 21st, 2015 11:32 am

    I love the story we do not here enough of these kinds of acts. May the Lord bless those two men.

  16. EMD on September 21st, 2015 10:56 am

    Thanks for an uplifting story.

  17. gayle thompson on September 21st, 2015 10:28 am

    Truly people must understand how powerful prayer can be. We all see people day to day asking for something. Being hungry is in our country and true blessings for both. The power of prayer also was shown at the Northview stadium the other night when so many went to their knees in prayer for that coach no matter who was playing against who,race,religion people prayed. God answers prayers in his time and is the right time. So if we all pray for each other our community, churches and nation what works can be done. And if we don’t pray shame on US…..

  18. No Excuses on September 21st, 2015 9:57 am

    God is always right on time!

  19. Molinoman on September 21st, 2015 9:14 am

    My sister told me a story the other day of a man outside Sonic’s in Pensacola, a homeless man. Sitting at a table praying, looking up to heaven, putting his head down, praying etc. She felt so bad for him she purchased him a Sonic combo at the drive-thru along with our meal and had the car hop take it out to him. As she was driving off he was saying “God bless you, God bless you!”

    I sent her the link of this picture, she said it was not him, he had no beard and a bald head. The story just sounds so similar.

    People do not understand the power of charity and what people may be going through. Some people do not understand what Jesus was even talking about. If more people in the world were like this principle and my sister the world would be a much better place to live.

    The challenge is, who among these readers will do the same, instead of just saying how nice it was? If the story touches you actually giving is a much better feeling.

    Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

  20. Gary on September 21st, 2015 9:06 am

    I am very short on money this week but I am going to buy a homeless person a meal today just because of this story and Mr. Brantley’s kindness. I can always go home and make a sandwhich or eat last nights leftovers.

    May God bless you John and the inspiration you have given me today.

  21. molino resident on September 21st, 2015 8:46 am

    God Bless you for helping this man.

  22. Robin Coker on September 21st, 2015 8:33 am

    This story touched my heart. God bless you for helping this man. I hope he is found and the doctor can treat his cancer. He already knows the best Physician there is, JESUS! Sometimes we all just need to know that someone is out there willing to step up and help us in our time of need. Keep those blessings coming…My grandmother always told me” Be careful what you say, you might be entertaining and Angel”

  23. Honest John on September 21st, 2015 8:32 am

    Hebrews 13 : 2-3

  24. molino jim on September 21st, 2015 8:22 am

    There is an old saying–” THERE BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD GO I”.

  25. Kelly Archer on September 21st, 2015 8:00 am

    Thank you for this inspirational story! I’d read it on Facebook, but hopefully this will reach even more people. Prayers for both of these men!

  26. Sherry on September 21st, 2015 7:48 am

    People say, “Don’t give them money because they will spend it on beer or cigarettes.” Being a Christian, I think that putting money in the Gospel tract, “Where Are You Going to Spend Eternity?” is the least that I can do. What they do with the money, as well as the message, is between them and the Lord.

  27. trishad on September 21st, 2015 7:43 am

    Sometimes what another person is going through is not their test, it is a test for someone else. God want to see how they would handle that situation. Hats off to John for stopping and Ministering in food and prayer with Steve. God Bless you all!!!!

  28. Tom on September 21st, 2015 7:40 am

    It’s wonderful to have a publication that will print such a touching story. God Bless You North Escambia, John Brantley and Steve.

  29. Rusty Shakleford on September 21st, 2015 7:34 am

    Our troubles really are trivial. I pray Steve gets his life on track and he will with God’s blessing through all the John Brantley’s out there. Bless you Steve, Bless you John and Bless you North Escambia for sharing the story.

  30. Tarrance on September 21st, 2015 7:34 am

    Mr Brantley,you are truly a good man and may god always bless you and your family,from the Netherlands Tarrance…

  31. tg on September 21st, 2015 7:29 am

    Not a dry eye in my house.

  32. Native 1959 on September 21st, 2015 7:07 am

    What a blessing to hear such a wonderful story! You have been such a blessing to him and many others. Such a testimony…

  33. Bea thonas on September 21st, 2015 6:51 am

    God wrks in mysterious ways in his people his love for us never lack for he cares for his people to not look down on anyone not love one each other with genuine love Because you never know a person if you never walk a mile in they shoes What a wonderfulv blessing and honor are on you it was a test of time we need each other weather for richer or poor Thanks you are chosen

  34. chris on September 21st, 2015 6:40 am

    In a society and nation where bold faith and Christianity are rarely seen, it’s refreshing and uplifting to hear how somebody fed, both physically and spiritually, somebody who is the least of these.

  35. Atmorewoman on September 21st, 2015 6:15 am

    Thank you for this story northescambia. I do not have Facebook and this touched me greatly. I do not always have the money for bills when they are due and I complain about that, but at least I have a roof over my head and food on the table every night. It has made me count my blessings.

  36. Jan on September 21st, 2015 5:41 am

    Mr Brantley, you are an example for all of us…”whatever you do for the least of these you do for me [God]“

  37. clint on September 21st, 2015 5:36 am

    nice story to satart my day.. god bless you

  38. Mandy Grubbs on September 21st, 2015 5:34 am

    I agree Dad! People come into our lives, and we don’t always understand immediately the purpose they are intended for. Prayers to all!

  39. Ray J. Grubbs on September 21st, 2015 1:06 am

    Maybe it wasn’t actually Steve, maybe it was a test. God bless you both.