Gulf Power Customers To See Rate Decrease Next Year

September 2, 2015

Beginning in January, Gulf Power customers will see a 2.7 percent decrease in their electricity bills if approved by the Florida Public Service Commission.

The residential bill for 1,000-kilowatt hours of electricity will drop $3.71 to $135.58. This decrease is due mostly to continued lower prices in natural gas and coal used to generate electricity.

“We’ve worked very hard to manage our fuel mix to provide affordable, reliable electric service for our customers,” said Jeff Rogers, Gulf Power manager of external communication. “In the end it means lower electricity bills and that’s great news for Gulf Power customers.”

Each January the Florida Public Service Commission adjusts Gulf Power’s prices to reflect cost changes in fuel, environmental compliance and energy conservation programs.


6 Responses to “Gulf Power Customers To See Rate Decrease Next Year”

  1. Sick of nay-Sayers on September 4th, 2015 8:03 am

    So many nay-sayers love to hate on GP! I’m willing to bet when your power is out from a storm or extreme heat & transforms blowing you are happy to see them quickly restore the power. Those guys leave their famlies & family functions (spouse/kids birthdays, Easter/Thanksgiving/Christmas dinners) at all hours of the day/night, weekends, & holidays if you are without power to take care of you the customer. FYI – GP has to lock in contracts for their coal prices. So that means they are locked into a contract – 10 years. So even when coal prices go down, they are under a contract! They don’t just hike the rates because they want to, there are regulations they must maintain. So get off your complaining soap boxes & be more efficient with power used to lower your bill. So many are so wasteful. Our society is so full of negativity it is sad! So much hate fuels the fire of those that just want to complain verses trying to do something positive about an issue.

  2. js on September 3rd, 2015 7:42 pm

    Just another carrot to attempt to make the customers feel like they are getting some kind of extra value. Just watch the rates in a couple of months when it gets cold.
    GP will more than make up for it in a short time. Remember the big increases from the price of coal/fuel? Did we get any relief when prices went down? Not at all.
    But we did get to pay for that mutlimillion $ scrubber project several years ago, that’s been paid for…Anyone know about the private jet GP has? It’s no secret.

  3. Sage 2 on September 2nd, 2015 9:21 pm

    This will be be great if he proof is in the continuous billing process…lower rates.

    As some have posted…the bill/rate is cut, only to be increased later…i. e. customer service charge or franchise fee.

    We all need and use electrical service, but it would require at least 100 full time attorneys to clarify for the customer all the stipulations, amendments and codicils relating to Gulf Power’s charges to various individuals and businesses.

    Gulf Power does a good job of providing service, when compared regionally or nationally.

  4. Max on September 2nd, 2015 6:02 pm

    Thank heavens for small favors. I’m not sure what the coal prices are doing, but natural gas prices have dropped over 40% from last year. Still, we are saddled with one of the highest electricity rates in the country.

  5. Don on September 2nd, 2015 5:06 am

    But they allway’s make it up with sur-charges,like the one just to be their customer!

  6. nod on September 2nd, 2015 1:13 am

    the problem is every time they lower their rates, within 6 months after that they triple their rates and really sock it to us.