Florida Forest Service Sends Firefighters To Battle Montana Blazes

September 1, 2015

The Florida Forest Service is sending 46 wildland firefighters to Montana as part of a five-crew firefighting unit. Crews will work together to battle intense wildfires in Montana’s extreme and mountainous terrain.

“Florida Forest Service wildland firefighters are a brave, selfless group of public servants who are always ready to answer the call to help others. We are incredibly proud and thankful for the work these firefighters do for us here in Florida and for the people out West,” said Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam.

In addition to the latest crew deployment, there are currently more than 98 Florida Forest Service personnel assisting wildfire suppression and wildfire management operations in the western United States. Since April, the Florida Forest Service has provided more than 470 personnel to assist wildland firefighting and management operations in other states. On Monday, a module of five initial-attack hand crews, comprised of Florida Forest Service wildland firefighters and firefighters from partnering agencies left for  Montana where they will receive assignment to the highest priority wildfire.

“Thanks to Florida’s temporarily lowered fire danger levels, we have been able to continue to provide the resources for which our partners out West have had a desperate need,” said Jim Karels, Florida State Forester.

Courtesy photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Florida Forest Service Sends Firefighters To Battle Montana Blazes”

  1. chillywilly on September 1st, 2015 2:52 pm

    So sad Gov Rick Scott vetoed these firefighters $ 2000 a year pay
    raise and then approves 2 million tax payers dollars for a Sea Wall
    on a golf course in south Florida. Gov Scott spends 1.3 million
    tax payer dollars to settle lawsuits against him for violating Florida Sunshine
    law for open government. so sad.