Cantonment Man Gets Life For Sexual Assault, Carjacking

September 2, 2015

A Cantonment carjacking and sexual assault suspect was sentenced Tuesday to life in prison as a prison releasee reoffender. Under the sentence handed down by Circuit Judge Jennie Kensey, Atkins is not eligible for parole and will service the rest of his life in prison.

Eddie Lee Atkins, age 27 of 622 Muscogee Road, was convicted bny Escambia County Jury of sexual battery with force likely to cause serious bodily injury, attempted sexual battery with force likely to cause serious bodily injury, burglary of a conveyance with assault and battery and carjacking without a weapon for two separate attacks on September 18, 2014.  The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said DNS evidence linked Atkins to both crimes.

At approximately 8:15 a.m., a carjacking was reported at the Raceway gas station at Highway 29 and Muscogee Road. The 55-year old victim went inside the store to make a purchase and pay for gasoline. After she pumped her gas, she found that  Atkins had allegedly entered her unlocked vehicle and concealed himself in the backseat. The victim did not see Atkins and drove away from the store with him in the vehicle.

Atkins ordered the victim to drive to a particular location and when she disobeyed his orders, he jumped in the front seat and began beating her multiple times in the face.  Finally, the victim was able to stop the car, at which time Atkins pushed her out and stole the car.

Within 20 minutes, the stolen vehicle was located at the intersection of Pine Street and Booth Avenue.  The second female victim was jogging past the area when Atkins attacked her and dragged her into the woods where he sexually battered and beat her.

A little more than 15 minutes later, the attempted sexual battery of a female jogger was reported on Rocky Avenue. The victim reported that as she was jogging when an unknown black male suspect grabbed her from behind and dragged her into awooded area. Once there he struck her in the face and attempted to remove her clothing but the victim fought back and was able to escape.

DNA evidence found inside the vehicle linked Eddie Lee Atkins to the crime.  He was subsequently identified by the second victim in a photographic lineup.

Circuit Judge Jennie Kinsey scheduled Eddie Lee Atkins to be sentenced on September 1 at 1:30 p.m. at which time he is facing up to life in prison.

Atkins was released from prison in August 2013 and has a prior criminal history that includes robbery, two  aggravated assaults, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.


7 Responses to “Cantonment Man Gets Life For Sexual Assault, Carjacking”

  1. john on September 5th, 2015 5:13 am

    Actually, some of you have it wrong, mankind is the only species that God created that acts like this, many animals have more decency and morals than we do, for example a female wolf will stay with the same mate her whole life!! How many of y’all can say that. To get back to the story; as long as this depraved, reprobate, individual is on the “green side of the grass and not the brown side” their is the possibility he may walk the streets again.

  2. Pat on September 2nd, 2015 11:40 am

    @xd9-It costs much less to house an inmate in general population than on death row. It is actually cheaper to house an inmate for life without parole, like Atkins, than for 20+ yrs on death row. The reasons include the much higher level of custody on death row, and the additional man power needed to provide the security required. Hey, I’m with you, it galls me to think of all the better uses of the taxes I pay
    than on these sub-human animals. But until we can carry out a death sentence in less than a lifetime, we’re stuck.

  3. Mike on September 2nd, 2015 7:36 am

    Great job Judge Jennie, I hope this serves notice to any other animals like this one that the cage is waiting for them if they pull this kinda crap. :)

  4. jim leath on September 2nd, 2015 6:33 am

    Way to go Jennie. A good mother and daughter as judges.

  5. concerned citizen on September 1st, 2015 4:53 pm

    Another creep off the streets!!

  6. XD9RACER on September 1st, 2015 3:47 pm

    WELL I GUESS THAT IS ANOTHER ONE WE AS TAX PAYERS WILL HAVE TO PAY TO KEEP LOCKED UP FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE. What is it now–about 50,000 a year to keep these scum alive, fed, clothed and housed and well taken care of but it is better than him and others alike out free looking for other victims tormenting and creating fear and havoc in their lives. I hope his victims have or will recover from their ordeal soon after seeing the sentence he received which is best and justified from his past record. GETERDONE

  7. NICE on September 1st, 2015 3:28 pm

    GOOD JOB Judge Jennie.