2-1-1 Northwest Florida Awarded For Quality Assurance

September 24, 2015

United Way’s local five-person 2-1-1 Northwest Florida team was honored with highest quality assurance over 20 other 2-1-1s from across the nation. The Quality Assurance program uses a paid third party to conduct secret calls each month and scores them using 42 distinct items. In competition with call centers containing staffs of over 180, 2-1-1 Northwest Florida scored highest among those who participated.

As a free, confidential informational and referral service, 2-1-1 Northwest Florida ensures that our community’s callers receive superior service from its specialists.

To be connected with community resources and information 24/7, dial 2-1-1 or visit 211nwfl.org.

“I am extremely proud of our team at 2-1-1. They work hard to connect our callers with the community resources that may meet the caller’s need and to provide a top quality service,” said Amanda Crabtree, director of 2-1-1 Northwest Florida.

Pictured: 2-1-1 Call Center Supervisor Mike Martin. Submitted photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


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