Why Were No Northern Schools In Escambia County Picked For Free Meals??

August 14, 2015

An announcement that all students at 30 Escambia County schools will receive free meals this upcoming school year sparked a lot of public debate and messages to North Escambia asking why there were no school in the northern part of the county included.

According to Superintendent Malcolm Thomas, the federal funds went to the schools where the most students already qualified for free or reduced meals. He said that is how the federal dollars are allocated.  A formula set by the federal government was used that multiplied the percent of free and reduced lunches by a set multiplier. That resulted in the top 30 schools being compared based upon a score of 87 to 145 percent. All of the northern schools in the county did not score as high due to fewer students already receiving free or reduced meals.

The school rankings are printed below, with those selected to take part in the program highlighted in yellow. All of the schools in the northern end of the county had fewer students receiving free and reduced lunches than  those selected.

The school district’s meal program, Thomas said, does not have enough money  to fund free meals for all students at the remaining schools. The meals at the schools scoring highest are being paid for by federal funds.

Click here for the original story.


51 Responses to “Why Were No Northern Schools In Escambia County Picked For Free Meals??”

  1. Sara on August 17th, 2015 8:17 pm

    The poor kids eat regular school lunch and the others eat all the chips soda cookies and “real Pizza” that’s brought in and sold at the school. I sent in 48 pencils and my self didn’t put one in the school box so my child was told today those are class supplies she needs to bring in hers tomorrow really!! I hope the schools supply printer ink and computer this year cause I’m not printing from home. If they want computer work done they can supply it because it wasn’t on the list.

  2. Bratt Girl on August 17th, 2015 2:54 pm

    I have four grown children that never got free lunch at school. I did whatever it took to make sure my children had what they needed whether it be a hot lunch they bought at school or something they wanted from home. I don’t agree with EVERY student at these schools getting a free lunch because some of the parents CAN afford it as I was able too ! They should send an application home with students like they have been doing for how many years now ?!! If they qualify, give them free lunch , if not, do as I did … Whatever it takes. I can guarantee you that 99% of the students in these schools receive food stamps for their families ( which everybody else pays for ) and I guarantee they have the means of packing a lunch just like my kids did !

  3. Cricky on August 17th, 2015 12:58 pm

    School meals are the only meal some of these children will eat all day long. It’s been a long summer, how blessed are those kids who finally got a decent meal today?

    Stop whining about what you don’t have and spend more time on your knees thanking God for what you DO have.

  4. Big Daddy on August 17th, 2015 9:05 am

    So if the government is covering all of the free lunches at the above mention school’s what are they going do with the money that was already allocated?
    Can it be used in the other school’s to reduce their lunch or at least keep them
    from going up.

  5. ProudArmyParent on August 17th, 2015 8:26 am

    I will never understand giving FREE lunches to a whole school! Does not make sense, but then nothing ESCAMBIA COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT does makes sense!

    Here is one to look into William…..

    Why is it that the ESCAMBIA COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT posts a school supply list county wide for each grade. Why not let the individual schools and grades make their own lists? My daughter has 4 children in school. With what the ESCAMBIA COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT put on the supply list my daughter had to buy 8 boxes of crayons just for 2 kindergarteners. (We got no “CRAM the VAN” supplies. My daughter was told all the folders that were REQUIRED on the ESCAMBIA COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT supply list were NOT going to be used at all. Why are we buying things that teachers don’t want and don’t need?

    Money is differently being wasted! Just because the School Board has money to throw away doesn’t mean everyone does.

    Oh by the way we were told that supplies that weren’t used we would get back at the end of the year. WASTE, WASTE, WASTE!

  6. sniper on August 17th, 2015 8:25 am

    Be cautious before you say “northend gets left out.” think about that nice paved road you travel on getting to and from school and work. southend taxes matter

  7. Kane on August 16th, 2015 10:29 am

    So feeding hungry children is a problem now? To those who don’t have children in one of the free lunch schools (such as myself) suck it up buttercup, maybe one day all schools will have free lunch for all kids as it should be. For those that complain that they should not have to pay for kids school lunches because they don’t have kids remember that once you yourself was a child and probably would’ve benefited from a free school lunch. For those that are complaining about wasting “tax payer money” on “bums” here is something that will really grind your gears and is frankly a much worse waste of that same money “http://www.northescambia.com/2014/07/tax-watch-north-escambias-new-1-1-million-bridge-to-almost-nowhere”. All schools should be free to all students because one day soon those kids will be the ones running the country that is why no one should begrudge those students anything. You want a better country it all starts in kindergarten people.

  8. BigDon on August 16th, 2015 9:48 am

    You can tell that it’s getting close to election time.
    The reason the north end of the county doesn’t get the
    goodies is because it doesn’t vote socialist comucrat.
    Free food (or anything for that matter)=’s votes.
    Shame the hard working north end voters are forgotten .

  9. Susan on August 15th, 2015 8:56 pm

    Most school cafeterias don’t break even anyway so why not offer free meals to all kids.

  10. fred on August 15th, 2015 8:17 pm

    Its more class warfare, the government handout should have been refused by the county unless it was available for everyone

  11. jsc on August 15th, 2015 5:46 pm

    I guess food stamps can’t buy peanut butter and jelly to make lunches. what a same they might have to brown bag their lunch, like i did. Why don’t we just run them down to Bugerking, McDonalds wendy’s, ETC. for lunch

  12. Kate on August 15th, 2015 3:24 pm

    Complain, complain, complain.

  13. Mike on August 15th, 2015 3:10 pm

    Where is all the lottery money promised for schools? Are hungry kids sitting at state of the art computer work stations? :(

  14. jennie on August 15th, 2015 11:57 am

    If you’ve ever had to turn a child away without a hot meal, you might would feel different. There is no alternate meal offered to students who don’t have money at breakfast, so they are made to go hungry until lunch. When they return again at lunch time, they get a cheese sandwich and a cup for them to fill with water. As tax payers, we feed prisoners better than that! There are so many parents who fall just short of qualifying for free or reduced lunch, and absolutely can’t afford to pay. Many of them are not the kind of people who just reproduce and expect us to take care of their children. They are genuinely struggling. I honestly would rather see my tax dollars go to feeding the children (ALL OF THE CHILDREN), than I would pay for someones gender reassignment, or abortion. If we are going to feed one, we should feed them all! Our Northend babies included!

  15. David Huie Green on August 15th, 2015 11:51 am

    “David and others,
    Why do you believe that you are the only ones that “love” the children? ”

    Why do you believe that I believe that?
    Is it that you don’t understand the quotation marks mean someone else said it and that I am responding?

    Is it that you didn’t understand when I said the complaints (by those who do complain) were against what they believe to be irresponsible parents and either government overreach or underreach?
    They even complain at Malcom Thomas for the decision on the part of the federal government — not him — to fully fund meals either at ANY school or not at EVERY school.
    I never complain (unless I do).

    David for lima beans and reading comprehension

  16. Perry on August 15th, 2015 9:48 am

    I think this is only step one. The Federal government creates a program to provide free lunch to certain schools. Some with children in schools that do not receive free lunch complain. Then the Federal government will decide that it must provide “free” lunch to all children in order to be fair.

    As others have stated, there were/are already programs in place to assist those in need. If there’s extra money (wonder where it came from?) available, then they should have expanded the program for those in need, not just entire schools.

    I spoke with a friend yesterday who has a son attending one of these schools. At orientation, they were all told there is no need to pack a lunch for your child, it’s all free. She was insulted that it was automatically assumed that she could not afford lunch for her child.

    I don’t mind my taxes paying to help those in need – especially children who, through no fault of their own, have parents who cannot/will not provide for them. However, I do have an issue with broad programs like this one. Our government is already out of money – we cannot continue to add/expand programs that provide “free” stuff to everyone. It’s not the government’s (or school’s) role or responsibility.

  17. armymajorswife on August 15th, 2015 8:57 am

    Once again!, I see that the “North End” of the county was left out. It seems that North Escambia always gets the shaft when it comes to school funds. It has always been
    this way. I graduated in 1990 when there was still a Century High School . When my husband (now) moved to a Pensacola school his senior year he let me know the differences. Those inequalities are still there. I am thankful for all the teachers we have at the “North End” that make up for the lack of district interest! My advice is to use this as motivation to do better!!! My husband and I sure have!

  18. Amanda Moore on August 15th, 2015 8:44 am

    First and foremost the school system in general is a perfect example of why this world is in a financial debit and they don’t have the brand to wants to correct this isssues. From day one whom taught you how read,write,educ ational skills A TEACHER.
    Teachers are so poorly paid it is crazy.. you pay 135 to 155 a week in daycare as a baby, you then alone pay another 50 to 80 for after school care for someone to just pysically watch your child. Not teach or educate. Why if God name would you not as a government or presidential role think to sale HOW did I ever get to where I am today. It all started with a Pre-k teacher and Kindergarten Teacher, but yet you expect them to watch are children foe more then 7 hours a day,educate ,mentor,consensual,be a adult role models and you pay them nothing. School should all receive free lunches,free supplies to elementary levels school and free conceals for the children growing up in the world today. Because they are going to need all the help they can get.

    I’m not a teacher but a CPA,Mortgage Loan Officer and Finicial Advisor I work with money all day long,it sad what they pay the ones who start the foundation for our furture..
    just saying

  19. Lewis T. on August 15th, 2015 8:07 am

    David and others,

    Why do you believe that you are the only ones that “love” the children? How much money is enough and why don’t you include all children. Aren’t all children-children. Since they are children lets, tax everyone $15,000 a year so that kids can do have everything that adults think they should have.

    Kids today have cable, cellphones, xbox, large screen tv’s, etc. We do to little for our children by trying to do to much. Yes many of those on free lunch.

    Compassion maybe short for some people because the government has fleeced them under the guise of children.
    If the northern children are children why are they treated differently.

  20. Xpeecee on August 15th, 2015 7:56 am

    Sure thing, David Huie!!!!!!!!!!

  21. 429SCJ on August 15th, 2015 6:40 am

    Demographics and Socialist Democrats.

    NorthEscambia Lives Matter Also!

  22. cheese and lighbread on August 15th, 2015 6:04 am

    If a paying parent forgets to send money for two or three days in Escambia County. Florida the child get glass of water, two pieces of light bread and a slice of cheese for lunch. Some of this money should have been set a side for this.Explain this to a child that is watching other kids eat pizza and drinking milk. Working parents does not have a chance. So wrong.


  23. nod on August 15th, 2015 1:56 am

    as long as the government continue to pay people to have children, they will continue to take care of them from the womb to the tomb.
    a lot of people look forward to their government handouts and have never worked a day in their lives. this type of action or inaction will be passed on to their children and grandchildren. I do not particularly blame the people I blame the Liberal government that continues to try and buy votes.

  24. Marcia Taylor on August 15th, 2015 1:44 am

    I have lived in the North County for 29 years, that is where I still pay my taxes, no longer have children in school. At one time I used the reduced meals for my 2 children, it helped me as a single parent. Do you think it might be a good plan free breakfast south and free lunch north, or free breakfast north and free lunch south. Fair is fair.

  25. Mom on August 15th, 2015 1:39 am

    Wow…some of these comments shows just how ignorant people can be. It’s free lunch for children not bums. Some of you need to realize that according to god the children are the most precious no matter what part of the county they live. My girls are in a school that was not picked and we will be ok.

  26. Alton Russell on August 14th, 2015 11:31 pm

    It’s just the Government/Democrats way of buying more votes.

  27. john on August 14th, 2015 10:14 pm

    We are just about there “I mean were the Roman Empire was” before it fell both financially and morally, who is paying for this, know one yet, ironically these kids will be paying for these meals propably into their adult years with interest compounded, now tell me who is the fools?

  28. David Huie Green on August 14th, 2015 8:31 pm

    “Where is the love? We’re talking about children here.”

    Understand, I’m not griping, because I never gripe, but the complaints aren’t directed against the children.

    Some are unhappy because it seems people are having children they can not or will not take care of themselves.

    Others are unhappy because they can’t get in on it.

    David for love, kindness, understanding, happiness
    (And blackeyed peas with bacon — but
    that falls under “happiness” anyway)

  29. chip on August 14th, 2015 8:26 pm

    I agree totally. This is for the kids and no child should be left hungry, but on the same note I did not have your kids, I shouldn’t have to pay for their food.

  30. Tired of inequality on August 14th, 2015 7:07 pm

    What I want to know is… they already had free and reduced lunches for the children that needed it. So now an entire school gets free because a “majority” of kids were getting it free before, and now I have to pay MORE this year for my children to eat. How is that “equal”???? Sounds like some people paying for others to me. Leave it alone. It was working just fine before; the ones that could afford it paid and the ones that couldn’t got it free. What sense does it make to lump all kids into one group just by what school they go to? Now who is stereotyping???

  31. FireThomas on August 14th, 2015 6:31 pm

    They had to raise the rates for the middle class people to pay for the low life’s in the county. Glad that I live in Santa Rosa. I say make it equal across the board or fire Malcolm Thomas. #firemalcolmthomas

  32. molinoman on August 14th, 2015 5:59 pm

    What happened to those who qualify get free lunch and those who don’t, well… don’t? Wouldn’t that system work better than making blanket free lunch across X schools? Just seems like a waste of tax money and federal funds to me. I’d much rather feed X kids on free lunch than 30 whole schools. Leave it up to the state of Florida.

    I’m glad my kids attend to the school they are, free lunch or not, at least I’m not in the hood or Pensacola/Cantonment period. I’ll take the quiet country life thanks. That is worth buying a lunch for both my kids every week.

  33. Avis on August 14th, 2015 5:24 pm

    If you have two children and you give them each a bowl of ice cream, one vanilla and one chocolate, the one with chocolate will complain how much better the vanilla would be. The one with vanilla would complain about how much better chocolate would be. Both would be shoveling the treat into their mouth as fast as they could swallow it but still complaining all the time.

    My point being, all you folks complaining about “they got better than me” should perhaps hold those thoughts until after church this Sunday and then proof-read what you said before you post it.

    Where is the love? We’re talking about children here.

  34. David Huie Green on August 14th, 2015 5:01 pm

    “I’m sure the people who are so negative and quick to judge support our government spending millions billions and trillions on helping other countries.”

    I betcha a nickel they don’t.

    David for sure things

  35. christi on August 14th, 2015 4:45 pm

    Not all the schools listed are ghetto as some have commented above my kids school was chosen and not a ghetto school the kids deserve the best some may not have money to pay for lunches and get bread and cheese not a good meal and then get picked on for not having regular school lunch this makes each child equal

  36. working on August 14th, 2015 4:37 pm

    Maya my daughter goes to one of the schools that is mentioned above, her father and I both work at Asend, formerly Solutia. So don’t say that this is for people sitting on their behinds doing nothing. Could pay for hers and yours if need be.

  37. sam on August 14th, 2015 4:01 pm

    same ol, same ol. if you pay those high property taxes, additional 112 dollars for fire protection on the south end. work for a living, you get the short end.

  38. billw on August 14th, 2015 3:37 pm

    Well said Frank. We are blessed and should rejoice.

  39. Candy on August 14th, 2015 3:29 pm

    I’m sure the people who are so negative and quick to judge support our government spending millions billions and trillions on helping other countries. But everyone is quick to judge another person or just can’t be happy a child may get a meal that they may not have got. Why is it so wrong to help your own country.

  40. well on August 14th, 2015 2:59 pm

    So maya……
    It’s not my fault so many kids qualify for free or reduced meals either. Nor is it the child’s fault.

    But I’d sooner feed a needy child than a ……

    I have no children in school but I do feel it should be one place where the kids at least get a chance to make it better for themselves without hunger or persecution because of who or what their parents are.

  41. CNL on August 14th, 2015 2:48 pm

    Wow! My children went to one of the schools receiving this aid. I had no idea we were all dope smoking bums. Thanks for pointing that out. smh

  42. Anne on August 14th, 2015 2:46 pm

    A few years ago, divorced, two children under 8, working full-time with the school board and barely able to have rent, food, utilities, bare essentials for two young girls was told that I did not qualify for free lunch or breakfast because of earning FIVE DOLLARS over the amount. Struggling but working and proud of it. We made do and we were successful.
    Others sit on their rears and dn’t work one bit and they get “Entitlements”.
    Proud my kids turned out how they did.
    Wonder what “the Other Statistics” of these schools would be?
    Is the All Kids Free Lunch an indicator of where to not send your kids?

  43. chris in Molino on August 14th, 2015 2:34 pm

    Hate to say this, but…..,..you all are welcome to move down to the neighnorhoods these schools are located.
    Just joking, i get it. It’s sad, i get off work smelling like a wild goat, yet some of the parents in the free lunch schools would fracture their neck to get away if work is mentioned.
    I just deal with ita nd do what i do. I know me, can’t let anyones actions (or lack thereof) decide my actions.

  44. Katie on August 14th, 2015 2:32 pm

    I would like to say on behalf of my parents who both work full time and have part time jobs on the side, this is a blessing that my youngest sister will not have to pay for lunch. I am absolutely sickened that you all just assume that all the people benefitting from this program are ‘ghetto kids’ whose parents are drug dealers. My parents have worked hard all of mine and my sisters’ lives to support us the honest way and there are more parents out there like them on our side of town (Pine Forest). Shame on you all for your stereotyping.

  45. mom on August 14th, 2015 2:23 pm

    I agree it’s not fair that just because you live in a descent area and actually work a job but barely make ends meet we don’t get picked. I’m a single mom and work my butt off to provide for my son! No stamps, no medicaid no housing assistance. I struggled just to buy his school supplies and was blessed by a coworker to get him school clothes. Just not fair in my opinion.

  46. sniper on August 14th, 2015 2:16 pm

    Eventually all the schools will be free. If enough ppl gripe….

  47. concerned on August 14th, 2015 2:12 pm

    What has the U.S. come, too? You abide by morale guidelines and try to be a positive product of society, your punished. You are taxed so the less productive, scamming, and less motivated can live very comfortable without paying any dues. Try to better yourself and your family by being motivated and your pocket is hit even harder.
    These days we teach our kids everyone gets a trophy, no matter the effort put forward. This is wrong! Things in life should be earned not entitled. Life is tough, and the federal government is making it tougher on a daily basis to stay, Motivated!

  48. Frank on August 14th, 2015 1:54 pm

    Why not look at the truth… We are blessed, (It is all economics)

  49. mother on August 14th, 2015 1:50 pm

    Yep….if your child goes to a ghetto school, like mine did, they all get free meals! Smh. But yet when my husband and i were both unemployed we didn’t qualify because we have a small IRA and life insurance with cash value.

  50. Maya on August 14th, 2015 1:44 pm

    Yet again, those that do nothing to better themselves get all of the help. It’s sad that those who sit on their butts with no jobs have more/make more than myself because everything is handed to them by the government. Keep on soing dope, the tax payers will feed your kids!

  51. father on August 14th, 2015 1:34 pm

    So the ghetto gets yet another free hand out. Go figure