Undocumented Immigrants Could See Tougher Penalties

August 20, 2015

A Senate Republican on Wednesday filed a proposal that would stiffen penalties for people who are in the country illegally and commit violent crimes.

The bill (SB 150), filed by Sen. Travis Hutson, R-Elkton, will be considered during the 2016 legislative session, which starts in January. The bill would increase the criminal penalties for undocumented immigrants who commit offenses such as assault, aggravated assault and battery.

For example, a crime that ordinarily would be considered a first-degree misdemeanor would be upgraded to a third-degree felony. As another example, a crime that ordinarily would be a second-degree felony would be upgraded to a first-degree felony.

by The News Service of Florida


11 Responses to “Undocumented Immigrants Could See Tougher Penalties”

  1. Avis on August 23rd, 2015 10:18 am

    Making more “laws” only affects “law-abiding” people. I wouldn’t expect too much result from more empty threats like tougher penalties. We already have more laws than anyone can count. All of which are useless without enforcement.

  2. Mike on August 21st, 2015 5:28 pm

    @ just saying

    It is easy to get up on your high horse & give a history lesson. Maybe you like the idea of America being overrun with illegal aliens (undocumented immigrants, give me a break) but I think most Americans don’t.

    If you take a look at the UK & the mess they are in since letting their countries be overrun with Middle Easterners, you might think differently. I really think you are missing the big picture here & not recognizing the long term effects of open borders. The pols might see this as an opportunity for more Dem votes & a way to expand on the burgeoning multibillion dollar correctional industry, but the rest of us are going to deal with the tax aspects & the social aspects.

  3. Brande on August 21st, 2015 2:16 pm

    1st The people who are hiring them” instead of legal Americans”should get a BIG FINE or their business shout down. 2nd they don’t need to be put in are jails. We should sentence them and send them back to their country to do their jail time. Why keep them here to do their jail time then send them back. That makes NO since!!! Why should we the taxpayers pay for them IDIOT’S!!!!

  4. haley on August 21st, 2015 11:19 am

    Well, I think the politicians are missing the point. There are legal means of becoming an American citizen. These ppl that come over the border illegally should be sent back to their country of origin. I agree with some of the comments that our correctional facilities are already full and we don’t need to add to them if we can help it. WE are spending too much money incarcerating these ppl. Send them back and if they want to become a citizen of this country -do it correctly. Trump doesn’t always deliver his message appropriately, but what he is saying about illegals is spot on. We got to get America back to where it once was. A great country, one in which other countries respected. I’m sorry to say, this Administration has created an atmosphere of immoral America. Our politicians need to recognize and take heed to some of Trumps ideas. American has always been a melting pot-but it has become out of control.

  5. Just saying on August 21st, 2015 9:32 am

    I find it very hypocritical and ironic when people talk about “sending these people back where they came from” since not a single one of us can say that our ancestors originated here. Many of us can claim Indian heritage, which would make us descendants of the first SETTLERS here, but none of us can honestly lay claim to ownership of the land. Indians claimed it first; white men came and took it away; now history seems to be repeating itself with an ironic twist: the white man is watching it being taken by others and they don’t like it.

    I’m sure the Indians felt the same way. Maybe you’ll have better luck trusting your government to handle this situation than the Indians did!

  6. M in Bratt on August 20th, 2015 6:35 pm

    If the politicians had the intestinal fortitude to apply very stiff fines on any employer that hires illegal immigrants, they would all pack up and go back where they came from.

  7. Klondike Kid on August 20th, 2015 7:49 am

    We call them ” Illegal Aliens “. Calling them ” undocumented immigrants ” is like calling someone with no driver’s license an “undocumented driver ” .

  8. 429SCJ on August 20th, 2015 6:41 am

    Good work Senator Hutson, now let us seal our borders.

    For the doubters I say go visit the 38th parallel, I have seen it, and I assure you that is a sealed border.

  9. Don on August 20th, 2015 6:01 am

    YEA! tell them they could get sum of dat PROBATION!! OH NO!

  10. Mike on August 20th, 2015 3:49 am

    Penalties? The law dictates deportation, start enforcing the laws on the books & quit trying to make money off the situation.

    Locking them up in our jails & prisons that are meant for good lawbreaking American citizens only causes overcrowding of those jails & prisons & costs the US taxpayer. I’m tired of this crap, come into the country legally or not at all. They are coming here & birthing children that the taxpayer has to pay to raise & educate, & taking advantage of the system in place meant for Americans. They get free educations meant for American children. Trump has the right idea, cut the birthright crap completely & ship them back where their parents came from along with the parents.

    Tired of this nonsense, they come here & start drug dealing, robbing & killing, deport them back & let their countries deal with them! :(

  11. chris in Molino on August 20th, 2015 3:30 am

    It’s the most stupid proposal in a long while. Florida already incarcerates too many illegals at an average of $33k per year. Most are also classified as “white” so that they can bump up numbers in comparison to whites. So why Sen. Hutson, should taxpayers pay for more illegal criminals to be locked up when your just going to deport them at their end of sentance anyway ?
    I would think it’s more of a deterrent to give the prison sentence and then deport knowing if they come back again then go to prison. The current policy makes no sense whatsoever.