Tropical Storm Danny Expected To Become Hurricane

August 19, 2015

Tropical Storm Danny has formed. The storm was located well over 1,000 miles east of the Windward Islands.  Danny is expected to become a hurricane by Thursday. Complete information is in the graphic above; click to enlarge.


14 Responses to “Tropical Storm Danny Expected To Become Hurricane”

  1. Facetious Bob on August 19th, 2015 5:15 pm

    I can deal with a hurricane to a point. I can prepare and button down. The bad thing about a hurricane is neighbors who let their big trees fill out, not pruned since Ivan, and hang over my buildings. Been there, and not really wanting to deal with that again. Erin , Opel, and Ivan were expensive to me and my insurance company.

  2. jeeperman on August 19th, 2015 4:15 pm

    Hopefully those that lost their stayed in their home and lost it to IVAN will NOT do that again.

  3. srcitizen on August 19th, 2015 3:09 pm

    Seems like everyone is being a little too sensitive about this. It is just a hurricane same as every other one that we have been through. No need in worrying about it since you cannot dictate where it goes.

    I thought Puddin and Aubrey Jenkins comments were funny. People really need to lighten up some and put a smile on their face.

  4. Workforapowercompanytoo! on August 19th, 2015 1:23 pm


    Sounds to me like you are being greedy at other people’s expense! Maybe you should get a part time job to pick up where you are slacking in funds???? I myself would rather be home than working if that’s what it takes!

  5. Sedition on August 19th, 2015 12:09 pm

    I just lost my 4 legged buddy this week. I always thought he would be with me guarding our generator and supplies at night after a hurricane. but he’s gone now.

    So looters, should the storm hit here, you will not hear my buddy’s thunderous bark. You won’t hear his deep-throated growl warning you that you’ve been noticed.You won’t even hear a Defender round being chambered into my 12 Ga….it’s already there.
    Being a Floridian, you should have already made your storm preps long ago. Do not come after those that did prep.
    My buddy’s not here any more, which makes my house a far more dangerous target for you. If you loot here, now you’ll have to deal with just me.

    Don’t do it.

  6. Paying Attention on August 19th, 2015 11:55 am


    I was just trying to help out Puddin whoever that is. It just seems like everyone was attacking him/her. I am sure that no one wants a bad storm to come here. A Tropical Depression would be nice to bring in some needed rain unless you are one of the few lucky ones that has been getting rain lately. Everything you stated is the reason no one really wants a bad storm. I have lived in the North End since the early 70’s so I have been through enough to know what it is like. Sometimes everyone just needs to lighten up a little bit. It makes life better.

  7. aubrey jerkins on August 19th, 2015 10:24 am

    Whoo Hoooo….. Overtime, Overtime I work for the power company!!

  8. molinoman on August 19th, 2015 9:39 am

    @paying attention, Oh, I read it and paying attention:

    “Hoping for a nice big, threatning one that fizzles out after we get a few paid days off”

    We all know a “nice big, threatning one” does not just “fizzle out” not when its close enough to “get a few days off.”

    The comment most likely jokingly, is not something to joke around about just so you can get a few days off work. It is not a joke when you’ve lived through every hurricane that has hit the area since the late 60’s. I can still remember every single one. North Escambia is one of the last areas to get power, waiting in 1-2h lines for fuel, waiting in car lanes for ice and MRE handouts from the National Guard, the clean up from trees and debris, roof’s damaged and leaking in every other home, high humid temperatures, trying to keep your kids cooled off and content, stores out of or low on supplies like propane, charcoal, charcoal fluids, candles, batteries…

    Should I keep going? Sounds like a big joke right? Some people thrive on destruction and chaos. I for one thrive on peace and order. Living on the Gulf coast we expect the occasional hurricane, but to wish one for whatever reason is an ignorant thought or comment to make, even trying to be funny.

  9. Paying Attention on August 19th, 2015 8:38 am

    I think y’all didn’t read what Puddin said. He said one that Fizzles out. Gots to be more carful.

  10. Betty on August 19th, 2015 8:23 am

    Anyone who thinks a hurricane is party time hasn’t survived one and lost their home etc. Every year that we make it without a storm is a good one. Nothin enjoyable about a month with no power in humid hot temps…Been there…done that with Ivan. Once was enough for me.

  11. Don on August 19th, 2015 6:06 am

    Puddin…….having lost my home to IVAN,and being inside when it came down,I find your comment irritating,I am sure you were trying to be funny but remember KARMA… will come for…..YOU!!!!!

  12. molinoman on August 19th, 2015 12:41 am

    Yeah Puddin that’s just what we need, power out for 2 weeks, living out of coolers, 110 degree temps, west nile spreading, flesh eating bacteria everywhere. Get real. A hurricane on the panhandle is the last thing we need. I’m already prepared, just not looking forward to it. We are due for one.

  13. Puddin on August 18th, 2015 6:51 pm

    Excuse me for saying so but WOOO HOOOO!!!!! Lol. Hoping for a nice big, threatning one that fizzles out after we get a few paid days off! ;-)

  14. Freda Whaley on August 18th, 2015 5:13 pm

    I keep telling them…. put a bunch of huge fans on the beach pointing out and blow the storm back out to sea…..