One Dead Following Drive-by Shooting

August 12, 2015

One person is dead following a drive-by shooting Tuesday morning.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office received a shots fired call just after 9 a.m. on Hansel Street near Hollywood Avenue. When they arrived, they found 25-year old Dewayne Nason Silas dead from multiple gunshot wounds.

The investigation into the shooting is continuing.


26 Responses to “One Dead Following Drive-by Shooting”

  1. Stumpknocker on August 14th, 2015 6:24 am

    Well there is a manpower issue at the sheriffs dept,can’t keep deputies,a high turn over rate,less deputies now then in 2006. No one is applying for the job,so now their going as far as paying tuition for future deputies, but still having trouble hiring people. So it’s not just more money that’s needed because they can’t even keep it staffed with the money they have. It does not help either to keep promoting until there is a lieutenant and 2 or 3 sergeants supervising 7 or 8 deputies.George Stone has full classes for law enforcement,but they choose to work elsewhere once they graduate,or they go to work at the ECSO for a short time,or until the job they want with another dept becomes available. It’s kinda like this,when the teacher leaves the room the students act out until the teacher returns,when there is little presence of law enforcement the criminals do the same and victims are created,figure out who is in charge and lay the blame there for not being able to maintain just a normal amount of deputies.

  2. D HEIST on August 13th, 2015 5:46 pm

    Seriously people,
    You can have the best Sheriff’s Department in the country but if your community is full of thugs you are going to have killings and no law enforcement can stop it all because they can’t be everywhere at the same time.
    We currently have officer’s in this country who are doing their jobs defending themselves against thugs and what has got got them. Criticism, loss of a job, having to move and hide from those that seek to kill them. I pray that this doesn’t lead another officer to second guess that split second decision that he or she has between going home at the end of his or her shift or not going home at all.

  3. anotherone on August 13th, 2015 8:35 am

    FL_girl31….Some of your statements are incorrect. A LEO is allowed to attempt to make contact with any citizen by initiating a citizen’s contact. Many times the citizen will do something during this legally permitted contact that rises to the level of reasonable suspicion, or probable cause to either detain the person or make an arrest. During my career, I have served many warrants simply by making a citizen’s contact and the person telling me they have a warrant and want to go to jail and get it taken care of. Also, many times, the person will take concealed drugs, or a weapon and drop it on the ground, simply by the presence of the LEO. Sounds like I am making this up, but it is the truth. People get nervous and do stupid things when they are holding drugs or weapons. You are correct in that during the Morgan administration, the number of deputies making citizen’s contacts has drastically decreased, due to the fact that many deputies are afraid they will be subject to unfair discipline, simply for doing their job. That is my point, it is time for a change. If anyone honestly believes the streets of Escambia County have become safer during Morgan’s time as sheriff, vote for him again. I do not believe the streets are safer and in fact have become more dangerous. Morgan will not get my vote.

  4. Robinhood on August 13th, 2015 7:16 am

    MANPOWER ?????? Is that everyone’s answer ???? If so, Then let the county RAISE YOUR TAXES to pay for it. David Morgan has repeatedly asked for and has been rejected / turned down over budget issues that are required to PAY those deputy’s salaries. Stupid people want more BUT DO NOT want to pay more for those services. Not so sure how those that think more manpower will help can explain how to pay for more personnel. It is the COUNTYS fault for not providing enough $$$$ to pay for the manpower needed BUT manpower is not the answer. Those neighbors that everyone mentions is the REAL PROBLEM since they protect the THUGS when they should be turning them all in and get them off the streets. I for one carries guns and never have had to pull them or use them on anyone BUT makes me feel more safe and it definitely EQUALIZES the situation when a THUG thinks he can commit a crime on me or around me. Those that have been shot are THUGS themselves if you would look them up. They are involved with criminal activity and that is what you get when you hang out with those type of people / areas of known crime. If YOU want more deputies on the streets then TAXES will need to be raised to pay for them since the COUNTY states they do not have the $$$$ to give to David Morgan for which he has asked for numerous times. NOT DAVID MORGAN’S FAULT at all …. It is the COUNTY”S !!!!!!!!!!

  5. northofI10 on August 12th, 2015 8:08 am

    There really isn’t anything new here about the lack of cooperation between neighborhood residents and law enforcement it was–is–and will be a problem. The residents are there long after law enforcement leaves the area and the criminals count on this to be the case in order for them to be—-criminals and prey on the innocents.

    While the sheriff continues to tout and spout that crime is down in Escambia County the headlines tell a different story. Perhaps if more violent crime would be designated as ‘ritual’—’witchcraft’ etc., it may get the attention of the individual that is supposed to be the top law enforcement officer of the county. Unless there’s something [publicity/recognition] in it for him the stats will continue to rise along with the lower crime rhetoric. It’s long past time for a change and hopefully a return to an actual law enforcement officer to run things.

  6. concern citizen on August 12th, 2015 1:47 am

    CINDY– in the last 2 weeks in the COUNTY there has been 6 homicides

    Lincoln park 1 shot & killed —(tuesday) last week of july
    3 killed on Deerfield — (friday) last week of july
    Lakeview Ave 1 shot & killed — past weekend
    Off of Hollywood ave 1 shot & killed — today

    Also 1 shot at Moreno courts lived and yesterday off of mobile hwy 1 shot and lived.

    And never mentioned anything about the city crime.
    Look at FDLE web site to see we have more crime then areas 3 times the population as Escambia County. The sheriff is to blame for lack of man power and morally. Not the actual crime itself. IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE!!!

  7. Violinist on August 11th, 2015 10:19 pm

    There is no reason to blame Sheriff Morgan, He can not go around and babysit everyone. He is doing his best. He is human like the rest of us. Just because he is the Sheriff does not make him a robot or give him superpowers. So don’t put blame on him. yes there is a ton of crime right now, and no doubt they are probably working very hard to solve everything and find who has done everything and will eventually catch the bad guys.

  8. Mike on August 11th, 2015 10:17 pm

    Get a grip people, this ain’t Disneyland. Like LEO said, police can’t be everywhere at once. There are places you don’t wanna go in any town, you know what I’m talking about. So stop blaming ECSD or how it’s run, or try to make all these murders a political thing. It’s warm out this time of year, the criminal element is out on the street more, so it figures there is more activity in the 2 legged wild animal faction.

    9am is kinda weird, the scumbags are usually sleeping one off around that time. Stop messing around & get those concealed carry permits, you live in a zoo where the animals are running loose, and they have guns. So you need to be able to shoot back. Either that or you are just potential prey.

  9. chris in Molino on August 11th, 2015 9:10 pm

    People keep talking about “high crime”. Crime in Florida has steadily decreased over the last 20 years. So let’s take a look at 20 years of crime in Escambia County (violent crime) which is the perception here.

    Murder–21 ( 5 years had a higher rate)

    Forcible Sex–277 ( Only 6 years had a lower rate. 2 within 20 cases, 2 within 10, and 2 within 5)

    Robbery–388 ( The lowest in 20 years )

    Aggrevated Assault–1454 ( 8 years had a lower rate. 4 of them within 100 cases )

    Violent crime complaints per 100,000 residents–704.2 ( only 3 years had a lower rate )
    Source: FDLE

    So where is the high crime you speak of ? Or is it more likely a lack of news stories worth coverage ? Yes, there have been higher than average homicides but not very high by any means (Q David with dry humor) and certainly not outlandishly high.

  10. FL_girl31 on August 11th, 2015 9:00 pm

    @anotherone – the “in contact” with people you refer to is a huge bone of contention for LEO. If they see people standing on the street, and they approach them to “check them out”, the LEO is jeopardizing themselves to lawsuits and disciplinary action for profiling or illegal contact. They must first see some illegal activities before they can contact a person and determine if they have a warrant, gun or drugs.
    Gangs have been in Escambia County for many years. In recent years they have become larger, more brazen, better protected and LEOs are being watched under a microscope.
    You can’t have the control of citizens, without sacrifice if some “rights”. The balance between the two is in question. Where should the line be drawn?
    LEO must work within the laws of our government and within the budget set for their operations but the local government. Criminals have no respect for the laws, and when they need more money they sell more drugs or steal it.

  11. Hogan's Hero on August 11th, 2015 8:12 pm

    Code of Silence:
    When a person opts to withhold what is believed to be vital or important information voluntarily or involuntarily.

    The code of silence is usually either kept because of threat of force, or danger to oneself, or being branded as a traitor or an outcast within the unit or organization.

    Sometimes the biggest danger comes from those who you would think you could trust.


  12. Tlash on August 11th, 2015 8:07 pm

    If you have never done it, you should take a ride through a high crime area. Lots of people standing around, and no not just kids. People never work, and don’t look for work either. All these young males have worthless fathers and the mothers keep having kids not able to provide proper supervision. The woman let “baby daddy” use their cars and live in their section 8 housing and because of this they run around dealing drugs and look to steal/rob. There truly is no other way of life they know and they enjoy it also. There are a select few who try to help the community but law enforcement is met with people who hate them. They try to ask questions about crimes and no one wants to talk. I don’t blame them, if they talk they have to worry about death threats and there families getting hurt. It’s a double edge sword and there is no simple fix.

  13. Susan on August 11th, 2015 6:49 pm

    I agree with others on here…. The person that held the gun and pulled the trigger is to blame! I am sick to death of people placing blame where it doesn’t belong! There are people that I despise! I have a concealed weapon permit, therefore, I have several guns. Not once have I ever considered actually shooting someone! Nothing the LEO’s have ever done has made me shoot anyone! If I shoot someone, I AM RESPONSIBLE! No one else!

  14. Rick on August 11th, 2015 6:24 pm

    I think Alex has made an important point. If the neighborhoods weren’t under the “code of silence” and if they didn’t tolerate crime on their street, things would start to change. I know they’re afraid, (snitches get stitches) but it must be done ‘cus the silence condones and perpetuates the culture of crime. As was said, cops can’t be everywhere, even with more deputies and a different sheriff. WE are on our streets everyday, WE see what is happening. WE need to report it.

  15. Alex A on August 11th, 2015 5:14 pm

    High crime is not our local LEOs fault. When the public refuse to point their fingers to friends , neighbors and family ,the crime continues with closed eyes.

  16. Cindy on August 11th, 2015 4:47 pm

    Not all of the recent deaths/homicides have been in the county – some were within city jurisdiction. Is Morgan responsible for every violent act that takes place in Pensacola? Whatever happened to personal responsibility and respect for yourself and others? Asking that may show my age, because it seems that not many of the younger generation is doing that.

    I dare anyone to find one person that doesn’t know that murder, rape, robbery, drugs, etc are not illegal activities.

    PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY – Get you some of that !

  17. bewildered on August 11th, 2015 4:34 pm

    Please leave politics out of this. Sheriff Morgan cannot do a thing about people that grew up without a moral compass and take no pride in living productive lives.

  18. puddin on August 11th, 2015 3:56 pm

    LEO in Alabama,
    The reason people are referring to Sheriff Morgan, aka Barney fife, because of his hideous statements to the public about Escambia County’s crime rate and homicides being down. It is sad that our county is littered with crime and trash in the streets. I know that it is not the Sheriff’s fault that this is happening but, quit trying to sugar coat a bad situation for his political benifit. Morale is at a all time low with county deputies and this partly due to Morgans inability to manage his troops in a positive manner. Praying for this persons family during their time of sorrow and loss.

  19. BentStraight on August 11th, 2015 3:55 pm

    It’s a culture that has rejected God and His standard of morality for selfish lifestyles of drugs, theft and violence with no regard for life or personal property, propped up by our perpetual welfare sate the result is lives that produce nothing have no sense of worth or value. Law Enforcement ALL OVER our nation is fighting a losing battle so quit whining about the Sheriff or LEO’s and start voting responsibly for our government leaders!

  20. anotherone on August 11th, 2015 3:33 pm

    LEO in Bama…..You are correct, that the suspects are to blame for the actual crime. Morgan is to blame for the lack of deputies on patrol and it is under his watch that almost every unit in the sheriff’s office has fewer deputies assigned to it than when he was first elected. Morgan has fooled the public with his gift of gab, but it appears that the public may be tiring of, “Media Morgan”. I recently viewed his campaign videos from 2007 and the listened to the many promises he made. I don’t believe he has fulfilled one of them. The sheriff’s office is in crisis and hopefully the public will come to know how bad morale and staffing issues are in this campaign.

  21. JQ on August 11th, 2015 3:23 pm

    I hate when I have to drive to Pensacola. I feel as if I have to watch everyone around me. It didn’t used to be like this! It’s became a scary place.

  22. I agree on August 11th, 2015 3:10 pm

    @LEO in BAMA I agree with you, why is it always someone else’s fault? Never the ones that are doing wrong! When the authorities do step in, then they take a chance of profiling on some sort of scale, or if they have to use force. I wouldn’t want to be a law enforcement officer these days, I do admire them though! And the crime would be down if the thugs would go get a real job instead of selling drugs and stealing for a living! And don’t give me the line of there aren’t any, get out and cut some grass! Quit using excuses!!!!!

  23. LEO in Bama on August 11th, 2015 2:28 pm

    Why do you people always blame the Police/Sheriffs??? God forbid you hold these thugs accountable for their own actions. The police can’t be everywhere at all times.

  24. lock your doors on August 11th, 2015 1:03 pm

    Another death in Escambia County! Mr Morgan, why can’t I feel safe for the ones I love in my own County? What is your fix for the crime in this area? Prayers for all thats involved in this.

  25. anotherone on August 11th, 2015 12:54 pm

    Morgan’s failed policies and mismanagement have contributed to the increase in street level violence. Patrol is so shorthanded that they are unable to do any
    proactive policing, which leads to a increase in violent crime. If a deputy is
    making contact with people on the street and they have warrants or drugs on them, they go to jail and aren’t on the street to contribute to the increase in crime.
    When all patrol can do is run from call to call, because of man power shortages, who do you blame? The blame lies at Morgan’s door.

  26. concern citizen on August 11th, 2015 11:32 am

    So let me get this straight, in the last 2 weeks 6 murders and another 2 people were shot and survived. And there’s no telling how many more violent crime has happen that we the citizens don’t know about. I thought crime was down sheriff Morgan? This county is going to hell. Sheriff Morgan you seem more concerned with being on tv then crime itself. I for one will not vote for you nor will any of my family or friends. It’s time for a change, since you have been sheriff, there have been more murders, deputy shots and crime then I can ever remember in my 50 plus years. Time for a change people and yes before someone ask, it is the sheriff fault and the buck stops with him!!!