July Was A Record Setting Kind Of Hot

August 3, 2015

The average daily temperature of 84.5 degrees in Pensacola during the month of July made it the fourth warmest July on record, according to the National Weather Service. During the month, seven inches of rain fell, .41 inches below normal. Th hottest official temperature was 98 on July 29, and the lowest official temp was 69 on July 5. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “July Was A Record Setting Kind Of Hot”

  1. frank on August 4th, 2015 4:39 pm

    Tom, the BIG problem I have is to say that SUV’s are the problem… Where were they during the Ice age? … Also, Did I not see an Article a couple of weeks ago that Scientist said we are going to have a new ice-age in text 50 years?

  2. Tom on August 3rd, 2015 6:08 am

    So Global Warming is a Hoax? Sense about 1885 when record keeping became the norm, the average global temperature has risen about 2.53 degrees F. There are just so many national and world recognized organizations the American Meteorological Society, European Science Foundation, NOAA and a host of others have been telling us about global warming for years. But it seems most people would rather let the Politicians tell them if its real or not rather than actual scientist that do this for a living. Going back 650,000 years (Using Ice Cores) Carbon Dioxide levels have never been higher than they are now and looking at a graph there still shooting straight up as we continue to pump CO2 into the atmosphere.