Jeb Bush Brings Campaign Message To Pensacola

August 27, 2015

Former two-term Florida Gov. Jeb Bush brought his presidential campaign message  to Pensacola Wednesday. The Republican touted his experience as governor who can get things done in a crisis.

Bush spoke in a crowded room that held about 400 people at the Pensacola Bay Center. The crowd included many students, including a group from West Florida High School.

Pictured top: Northview High School student Mitchell Singleton  with Jeb Bush Wednesday afternoon in Pensacola. Pictured inset: Bush addresses the crowd. Pictured below: Tyler Stilleto asks Bush a question during the town hall style meeting. Photos by Mitchell Singleton, Kim Stefansson and others for, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Jeb Bush Brings Campaign Message To Pensacola”

  1. Wally J. on August 29th, 2015 10:27 am

    He has the right idea in mind. Just like Obama, he is going for the young, mobile voters that can’t think for themselves.

  2. Mrs. Ellis on August 28th, 2015 8:47 am

    Way to go students… get involved, see first hand, make your vote an educated one! Get your picture made with EVERY csndidate… proof that you are an interested citizen!

  3. 429SCJ on August 27th, 2015 8:13 pm

    Please Mitchel, do not tie your horse to Jeb Bush’s wagon.


  4. JJ on August 27th, 2015 7:42 am

    Jeb was a very poor Gov, for Florida. His administration was in constant turmoil, due to poor leadership and cronyism. A lot of under the table deals were made with many vendors to the State, including a very poor computer program that the State uses. It cost us 81 Million dollars. Yes, it really did. And the person who “owned” the computer program business was a female that was “close” to ol’ Jeb. No open bids, no input from actual users of the program. The worst thing is, she went to Canada and bought the program off the shelf and then made it “hers”. Remember the software company that messed up the O’bama care roll out? Same folks. Jeb is not trust worthy and has messed up our education system and is a proven “rino”. He’s got to go :(

  5. molinoman on August 27th, 2015 6:51 am

    whoever votes another Bush into presidency are idiots or have been asleep for the past 30 years.

  6. William M carney on August 27th, 2015 5:52 am

    Makes me want to take a nap….Bush=Rominey 2.0.
    He lost me when he said take the Confederate flag down.
    Real conservatives are done with candidates like Bush.