Incumbent Steven Barry Pre-files For District 5 Commissioner

August 8, 2015

Incumbent Steven Barry has pre-filed for Escambia County Commission District 5 as a Republican for the 2016 election. Barry has served one term on the commission.

“I have the utmost respect for the important trust that the citizens of Escambia County, District 5 in particular, have placed in me.  I believe I have conducted myself and performed my public service in a manner the citizens can be proud of, and I humbly ask the voters of District 5 to support my re-election.  I aspire to continue to work to help make Escambia County a vibrant community where anyone would love to live, work and play,” Barry said.

Barry is an independent certified financial planner and has operated his small business in District 5 for 15 years. He and his wife, Ellen, are expecting their first child, a daughter, in late October.


17 Responses to “Incumbent Steven Barry Pre-files For District 5 Commissioner”

  1. Dudley Herrington on August 10th, 2015 11:09 am

    I Supported Brother Steve Barry the first time he ran, and I am PROUD to say
    He is still the Man He was before becoming District 5 Commissioner.
    I also know his Brother David, and I am proud to be able to know these
    Brothers that are “GOD” fearing people and a true Asset to OUR County.
    Brother Steve knows how to get things done.
    Thanks for Your Service !!!!!!!

  2. Leon Bell on August 9th, 2015 2:30 pm

    Thank you Steve, I know it not easy trying to please everyone but you have done a Great job in trying. I personally thank you for the work you have done for our District, community, and county. You have my support. I believed in you from the beginning, and congratulation to you and the Wife (It takes Two to work together).
    OH!!!!! and Three to seal the Bond. (smile) Leon.

  3. Joe on August 9th, 2015 10:06 am

    A great man doing a great job for all of District 5. Thank you Mr. Barry

  4. Lou on August 9th, 2015 6:36 am

    So glad to hear he is running again! Yes…that’s how I’m voting! He is involved in our community, honest and follows through!

  5. Dan on August 9th, 2015 2:43 am

    All you can ask for is a commissioner that knows right from wrong and stands up for it even if he is overruled or outvoted which I think mr Barry has always done he gets my vote so far just keep representing the people that’s what it’s all about

  6. melodies4us on August 8th, 2015 2:45 pm

    He’s getting my vote. Thank you Com. Barry for all you do for us.

  7. Newcomer on August 8th, 2015 1:19 pm

    Does anyone know if he gives attention to the northernmost boundaries of District 5, Century, the State Line, the entrance into Escambia County, Highway 29?

  8. homebody on August 8th, 2015 12:36 pm

    Seems like a good guy. A few months ago our entire neighborhood was going to be completely closed off by CSX to work on the tracks. We would not have been able to get in or out for 2 or more days from 9-6. By the time I called his office he and his staff were already working on the problem. I feel their involvement made the difference. He will get our votes.

  9. Concerned Citizen on August 8th, 2015 11:07 am

    If I remember right, he was one of two commissioners who was not quick to vote the raise the fire tax. He has done a good job. Now Mr. Barry, its time to make ECAT survive on their own money. Get rid of the 4 cent tax and also increase the bed tax to pay for the upgrading of the Fire Services in this county. Don’t lay it all on the tax payers.

  10. Jcellops on August 8th, 2015 10:01 am

    He’s a standup guy, In my opinion- prior to his last election he came to speak at our neighborhood watch group- I really liked his demeanor- very genuine- very approachable…I do hope that he gets another term.

  11. JSCS on August 8th, 2015 9:57 am

    Glad to hear that Mr. Barry is running for comm. again.

    He will surely get my vote and support to a second term.

  12. deBugger on August 8th, 2015 7:54 am

    Glad to “hear” this.

    Best commissioner we’ve had from/for D5 in a LONG time.

  13. William on August 8th, 2015 7:38 am

    >I want to find out if he was one of the commissioners that voted to increase our gas tax 4 cents a gallon without the people getting to vote on it.

    No. The vote on the four cent gas tax for ECAT was before Mr. Barry took office. He was not yet on the commission.

  14. Anne on August 8th, 2015 7:30 am

    My best knowledge of Mr. Barry is seeing him on the televised BOCC meetings.
    He is very impressive with his calm demeanor, professionalism, and ability to direct and redirect the flow of issues and conversations so that they stay on track.
    He appears to be very patient and has a good grasp of the rules and maintains the orderly conduct of business before the Board.
    Thank you Mr. Barry for your leadership and your representation and hopefully another 4 successful years for the citizens of District 5.

  15. Lawson on August 8th, 2015 6:14 am

    He gets my vote and support!! He got Barrineau Park Road paved to the bridge. This was something all other commissioners before him said couldn’t be done!!

  16. nora jones on August 8th, 2015 2:12 am

    Mr Barry seems like a pretty good commissioner. Before I vote, I want to find out if he was one of the commissioners that voted to increase our gas tax 4 cents a gallon without the people getting to vote on it.

  17. david lamb on August 8th, 2015 1:52 am

    If I were a resident of Escambia County, I would support and help Steven Barry be reelected to District 5. He supported me and Escambia 4H supporters and for that I am truly thankful and beholding to him.. HE is worthy of a second term.