Hundreds Turn Out For Free Food Giveaway (With Photo Gallery)

August 28, 2015

Tons of free food were given away to hundreds in need Friday morning in Century.

Between 12,000 and 15,000 pounds of food were distributed in cooperation with Pensacola Caring Hearts and the Bay Area Food Bankey at the Abundant Life Assembly of God Church.

The line for the began forming nearly three hours before the giveaway was set to start, church members said. When the first boxes of food were given out around 9 a.m., the line stretched out of sight and all the way around the church to the back of their property.

“It’s an amazing turnout. There are an awful lot of people here,” Joseph Berman of the Bay Area Food Bank said. “In one way, that’s good, but in  another it’s really bad that there that many people here in need.”

For more photos, click to enlarge.

Pictured: A free food giveaway Friday morning in Century. photos.


3 Responses to “Hundreds Turn Out For Free Food Giveaway (With Photo Gallery)”

  1. Kathy on August 29th, 2015 7:53 pm

    I would love to thank everyone that made it possible, and Thank you Robin Sutton. Iam very greatful for the food.

  2. Robin Sutton on August 28th, 2015 4:13 pm

    Thank you, Pensacola Caring Hearts for all the hard work you did today in Century. Though the line was long everyone who waited it out did leave with a box of food.

  3. well on August 28th, 2015 3:15 pm

    Thanks to all who helped make this possible.