Former Sheriff Ron McNesby Seeks Office Again

August 4, 2015

Former Escambia County Sheriff Ron McNesby pre-filed Monday to run for Escambia County Sheriff as a Republican in 2016.

McNesby served as Escambia County Sheriff from 2000 to 2008.

He issued the following statement:

“Today I am announcing my candidacy for Sheriff of Escambia County, FL.  For the past 6 and a half years, I have been approached by hundreds of people who are concerned about their safety and lack leadership by the current administration.  Those folks include Deputies from the Escambia County Sheriff’s office, Pensacola Police Department and State law enforcement. My biggest concern is for every family, who had hoped for a better, safer community.

“We must have a new feeling of responsibility and discipline to fight our growing crime problem.  It’s much too early to discuss all the issues that an ego driven administration has created.

“Over the next few months we will continue seeking input from everyone who is looking for solutions and how we can reach those goals.  We will also be working to continue building and establishing our political team in order to lead our county back to where we can once  again live without fear and have a future we all deserve.”


24 Responses to “Former Sheriff Ron McNesby Seeks Office Again”

  1. JSCS on August 8th, 2015 10:04 am

    Been there, done that, didn’t work!

    No reason to believe it would work this time.

    My vote goes to Sheriff Morgan. GOOD LUCK!

  2. James on August 7th, 2015 3:26 pm

    You DO realize that cordova mall is in the CITY OF PENSACOLA and is jurisdiction of the PENSACOLA POLICE DEPARTMENT not ecso. Just wondering how many people “remember” things that are completely false.

  3. Sgt Jailer on August 5th, 2015 12:22 pm

    I for one would welcome Ret. Sheriff Mac back. I recall how the people of Escambia County was hoodwinked into voting for Morgan twice and hopefully not a third, maybe the retired military citizens that where influenced by Morgan’s stars and bars on his chest learned a lesson. And to those of the black community that allowed him to sing at Sunday service to promote his campaign, hey I’m not mad that’s what they call politics I guess smart move Sherrif. Mr Mac I watched you build CBD and know how much it meant and while under this administration they gave it back to the county and watched it blow up. We need you to come back and take the jail back to straighten this terrible mess that the current administration and the county has led us into. Out of the twenty something years of my career at the jail I have never seen things as they are now. Come back Mac and bring us back.

  4. Buck on August 5th, 2015 9:01 am

    No way!!! He is untrustworthy and this household will not vote for him.

  5. chris in Molino on August 5th, 2015 3:39 am

    Yes. Your making my point EXACTLY. Yes, there have been murders lately. However, media, in cooperation with law enforcement, seems to think news is every little crime committed. I mean come on, WEAR now has “crime tracker”.
    Like i said, it’s all about the dollar. They have an expo every year for FDOC where huge companies like Sprint offer the latest greatest in communications, not to mention all the companies that make shock shields, 12 gauge bean bag guns, etc. Besides the millions made directly from inmates and their families. (Over $50 M)
    So look it up. Read a little about crime rates and population increases in America going back 100 years. They don’t just “catch” criminals. They sometimes “create” crime.

  6. Joyce Grimes Crutchfield on August 5th, 2015 3:08 am

    Definitely voting for John Johnson. He’s definitely the best man for the job.

  7. John on August 4th, 2015 9:29 pm

    Chris, if you believe violent crime is down, answer these questions. Do we have more or less law enforcement on the street? Do we have more or less judges on the bench? Do we have more or less prosecutors? And, do we have more or less prisons? Still believe violent crime is down?

  8. chris in Molino on August 4th, 2015 8:17 pm

    Violent crime in Florida actually has steadily decreased 59% over the last 20yrs while the population has increased by 40%.
    My question to those LEO provided stats are : Why has the prison population increased about 46% ??? (Rhetorical question)
    Answer: $$$$$$
    At any rate, i like Johnson, but i know Mr. Mcnesby. Would love to see an old school guy back in, bust a few heads to get folks in line. I mean, they all do dirty stuff. Nature of the beast. Mr. Mac helps folks out. If you never had the media in your face 24/7 you’d say he was a great sheriff. Just like he is a great man.
    At least he’s not a preening peacock every time a camera is around. Nor does he seek out drama. Morgan would do well with a reality show about county sheriff’s.

  9. Michael on August 4th, 2015 6:25 pm

    Anybody really think LEO could have prevented the triple murder that is tied to black magic? It’s sad, but nobody can stop certain acts of violence.

  10. bewildered on August 4th, 2015 6:13 pm

    I got a good laugh out of Jim’ s comments. It refreshed my memory of the antics pulled during that time – especially the strip club episode. Escambia County politicians are like the national ones – Bushes and Clintons (no favoritism to either party!!!) – they simply will not go away.

  11. Voter on August 4th, 2015 5:02 pm

    Mr. McNesby, please stay retired. I’d like to see fresh, new faces, not old ones or the current one, full of cloudy connections and a not-so-good past performance record.

    I voted for you before and wished I hadn’t.

  12. well on August 4th, 2015 4:52 pm

    I’m with you oldnews, a change yes.

    John Johnson is it.

  13. Sage 2 on August 4th, 2015 2:35 pm

    Continue to enjoy your retirement!

  14. oldnews on August 4th, 2015 2:07 pm

    His time has come and gone. The best candidate in my opinion is John Johnson. He has the experience to restore the public’s confidence. Crime is not down, no matter what Morgan says. Five homicides in a week is not a reduction in crime, no matter how he tries to spin it.

  15. Rufus Lowgun on August 4th, 2015 12:26 pm

    Say what you like about Ronnie Mac, but when it REALLY mattered, and he HAD to do his job, he rose to the occasion and delivered. Anyone who was here through Hurricane Ivan will know what I’m talking about.

  16. Don on August 4th, 2015 10:38 am

    I remember when Mcnesby ran all he hookers and low lifes out of Brownsville then
    they ended up in my nice,quiet, neighborhood of Myrtle Grove…has’nt been the same since! if he will run them the other direction then he’ll be welcomed back..

  17. Jim on August 4th, 2015 9:45 am

    I remember Sheriff Ron McNesby’s attitude toward gunfire in the food court at Cordova Mall in 2008. He said that “these things happen” or something to that effect.

    Let’s see…lawsuits over excessive force by his deputies, deaths of mentally ill inmates at the jail, hunting violations in Wisconsin, trying to weasel out of a bill at a strip club, and… will we ever know what really happened to Willie Junior?

  18. BPD on August 4th, 2015 9:19 am

    Look up Good Ole Boy Network and you will see RonnieMac was the king. Sheriff Morgan has my vote.

  19. 429SCJ on August 4th, 2015 8:44 am

    Ron McNesby, the most disastrous Sheriff’s Administration in the annals of Escambia County history.

    Mistakes should serve as a learning experience and we surely do not wish to repeat that mistake.

  20. Lone Chief on August 4th, 2015 8:32 am

    Oh no…no…no. How quickly we forget! Way too much corruption and wrongdoings under his regime. Yes our area is plagued by scumbags of all sorts but lack of parental supervision, lack of education, lack of jobs, etc… is not LEO’s fault.

  21. UPS DRIVER on August 4th, 2015 8:26 am

    Sheriff McNesby,, Is what this county needs,, the current Administration is being ran by nothing more than a GOMER PYLE and a bunch of Goober’s like from ANDY GRIFFITH show. I sure felt safer when McNesby was Sheriff,, he actually let cops do there job and go after criminals . He is a proven leader ,Ask yourself ,, Is Pensacola “ESCAMBIA COUNTY” safer in the last 6 years under Morgan or did you feel safer under McNEsby?

  22. Fresh Start on August 4th, 2015 8:07 am

    You have my entire support. According to news reports, more people were murdered this past week in Escambia county than New York City. Triple homicide and multiple shootings? Welcome back :-)

  23. northofI10 on August 4th, 2015 6:49 am

    Welcome back!

  24. Gman on August 4th, 2015 5:01 am

    You would be a welcomed ray of sunshine in a dark and gloomy sheriff’s office. I hope to be the first to say, welcome back, when all is said and done.