Evers Files New Bill To Allow Guns On Campuses

August 4, 2015

Two Republican lawmakers Monday filed proposals that would allow people with concealed-weapons licenses to carry guns on college and university campuses, setting the stage for a renewed debate about the controversial issue.

Senate Criminal Justice Chairman Greg , R-Baker, and Rep. Greg Steube, R-Sarasota, filed the bills (SB 68 and HB 4001) for lawmakers to consider during the 2016 legislative session, which starts in January.

The proposal drew heavy debate during the 2015 legislative session, with gun-rights advocates supporting the idea and many university-system leaders opposing it. The issue ultimately stalled in the Senate Judiciary Committee. But National Rifle Association lobbyist Marion Hammer immediately made clear that supporters would seek to bring back the proposal in 2016.

Supporters of the proposal argue, at least in part, that it would allow people to defend themselves if attacked on campuses, including in cases of sexual assault. But opponents, including university presidents and police chiefs, contend that guns could combine with such things as alcohol and drug use on campuses to create safety problems.

The new versions of the bills were posted online Monday morning as a flurry of bills emerged for the 2016 session.

Also among the newly filed bills was another controversial measure (SB 72) that would allow designated employees or volunteers to carry concealed weapons at public schools and other educational facilities. The bill, filed by Evers, is virtually identical to a proposal that failed to pass during the 2015 session.

Under the bill, school superintendents could designate trained people to carry weapons on school grounds. Those people could be honorably discharged military veterans, active-duty members of the military, National Guard or reserves or active-duty or former law-enforcement officers. The measure would not require school superintendents to make such appointments.

Other potentially high-profile bills filed Monday morning included a proposal (HB 1), filed by Rep. Mike Hill, R-Pensacola Beach, that would place an additional requirement on physicians who perform abortions. Under the bill, such physicians would be required to have admitting privileges at hospitals within 30 miles of where abortions are performed.

Also, Rep. Evan Jenne, D-Dania Beach, filed a measure (HB 21) that would create an independent commission to draw up future redistricting plans that would be considered by the Legislature. Jenne’s bill comes as lawmakers prepare for special sessions this month and in October to redraw congressional and Senate districts.

by Jim Sanders, The News Service of Florida


25 Responses to “Evers Files New Bill To Allow Guns On Campuses”

  1. chris in Molino on August 7th, 2015 6:24 pm

    @ Sedition & Marshall— AMEN !!
    Marshall, the reason criminals aren’t prosecuted enough and commit crime over and over is simple. It will bolster the government’s plan to take away guns altogether by showing they can’t stop crime. Similar to the huge waste of money on the ” war on drugs “. They can stop all kinds of terrorism plots to kill mass people but can’t stop truck loads of dope coming in. Really ?
    @Kate- Even if you were right- somebody has to balance the huge push to yuppify America by the liberals and their media puppets who are the real domestic terrorists.
    I say terrorists because they are destroying this (once) great nation and its (once) great people without firing a shot or detonating a bomb.
    God Bless all who believe in Jesus.
    Thank you Mr. Evers
    Corrections Officers — Quit whining.

  2. Sedition on August 7th, 2015 4:21 pm


    Those same “kids” (21 year olds) are the same ones out there fighting in foreign countries for your freedom.
    Don’t project your own temptations to “push boundaries” upon their shoulders.

  3. Marshall on August 7th, 2015 1:33 pm

    “LEE” – A couple of your statements are a stretch in your want to ban firearms from College Campuses…

    When kids first get to college, in most cases anyway, they are 18-19 years of age. You can not get a Concealed Weapons Permit until the age of 21, so most have been in College for at least two years before they can legally carry a firearm. So the just getting away from home and trying new things is long gone by the time they are able to procure a Weapons Permit.

    While I realize that underage drinking does occur on college campuses, as well as in the real world, technically they can not legally drink until the age of 21 either.

    Since you think that this is such a bad idea, you should be able to provide multiple instances of problems from other States that have allowed Campus Carry for years…right? Problem is, those States have not had the issues that you describe, and have proceeded with no problems. If you have those cases of problems, please reply, as I can not find them.

  4. Lee on August 7th, 2015 11:22 am

    Evers needs to do some research on the development of the frontal lobe before he decides allowing guns on college campuses is a good idea. Having worked on a university campus, I can tell you that “kids” (yes, they are still kids) and guns are not a good mix. Many of these “young adults” (aka “kids”) are away from home for the first time. Even “good” kids who have never had a beer are testing new boundaries. They are often keeping odd hours, meeting new people who they are likely quick to trust, and have that on top of the world, “I am invincible” feeling common among young adults who are learning to fly. Mix liquor, hormones and guns and you are looking for trouble. And, yes, rapes do occur on campuses. However, most of them are a result of alcohol use and/or failure to use common sense and failure to follow campus safety precautions.

  5. Marshall on August 6th, 2015 7:48 pm

    “K” – I can answer your question about why Law Enforcement has to wait three days vs someone with a Concealed Weapons Permit getting their Handgun right away. Now, if someone does not have the permit, they also have to wait three days, which is the waiting period set up by the Florida Legislature.

    I actually posed this question to Mr. Evers, when a relative of mine (a Police Chief) who is Law Enforcement, had to wait. When the Florida Legislature was taking up the Concealed Carry Law in Florida, the various Police Organizations did not want to put their support behind the Law so requested that Law Enforcement would have to follow the same laws as a normal citizen. So due to this, in order to bypass the 3 day waiting period, Law Enforcement Officers must also have a Concealed Weapons Permit. They can actually thank the same organizations that are supposed to be supporting them for this waiting period issue. So until this is brought up again, which is unlikely, in the State Legislature…Law Enforcement will be under the waiting period unless they have a CWP.

  6. K on August 6th, 2015 4:54 pm

    Mr. Evers.
    Please address the law that requires a state certified law enforcement officer to wait 3 days to purchase a weapon but someone with a CCW permit can get one without a wait.

  7. Marshall on August 6th, 2015 4:50 pm

    Zach – You may be pretty close to right on that. But there is a problem with the Gun Control issue that you rarely hear about. Take Chicago, where they are reportedly taking many illegal guns off the streets daily. Illegal Gun Possession is a Federal Crime that is rarely prosecuted on a Federal Level.

    In our great United States, there are 90 Federal Districts, with a Federal Prosecutor in each district. Chicago is one of the worse areas in our Country for Gun Crime, but is #90 or of 90 Districts in Federal Gun Prosecutions. In other words, the area with some of the highest gun crime rates in the Nation, is last in Federal Prosecutions. Even the Chicago Police complain that they arrest them and the criminals are right back on the street again…with Illegal Guns…again.

    Pretty Simple Really…Murder, Burglary, Assault, Straw Purchases, Rape and ETC…are already Illegal and can all be charged Federally, especially if a Firearm is involved…but it is rarely ever done. Want to fix some of the Gun Crime Problems…start prosecuting the criminals to the “Full Extent” of the law.

  8. zach on August 6th, 2015 1:39 pm

    Why is this even a debate? The right to self defense does not end because you step onto an imaginary “gun free zone”. I’m starting to think that people who support “gun control” have a mild mental illness.

  9. Marshall on August 5th, 2015 4:24 pm

    “BOB” – Don’t think you have done a lot of research into Gun Laws and their relationship to Gun Crime. Pretty simple…take a look at Chicago or D.C. just for two. Chicago has possibly the strictest gun laws of any City in this Nation…but on just the 4th of July Weekend I believe the stats were 42+ Shot and 10+ Dead…from Gun Violence only. Take a look at Gun Crime in our Nations Capital and you will find the same High Gun Crime Rate, and they have only issued approximately 20 Concealed Weapons Permits since the Federal Decision ending their ban on Concealed Carry. And for your question about New York or New Orleans…it will definitely be New Orleans, where they allow us the 2nd Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms. With my Florida CWP I can carry in New Orleans…Legally. New York does not respect our Rights and only issues permits to the Rich and Famous, or rather Friends of the Gov and etc.

    And for you statement about the NRA Training…it is the same for everyone…the Class is only a Start to teach you the Fundamentals of Firearms and Shooting. It is your continued training and range time that improves your competency. I would bet that I spend more time at the range that most Law Enforcement Officers and also probably have more training under my belt than they do. Starting at about 6 years old, three tours of Nam, and continued on. I don’t think you could ever count on me firing 19 times and you would still be standing.

  10. c.w. on August 5th, 2015 12:38 pm

    It’s well passed the time that evers needs to go. He proposes some of the dumbest things. Do something right for once, get the correction officers a big raise.

  11. Bob on August 5th, 2015 10:51 am


    Quoting Breitbart as a source does not exactly fill us with confidence. If you want facts, look at the fact that states (and cities) with the strongest guns laws are the states (and cities) with the lowest crime rates. To put it another way, would you rather be out late at night in New Orleans or New York City? Say what you want about the weather and movie prices, but for SAFETY, I’ll take the Big Apple every time.

    And to those pointing out that people need to take an NRA approved class to get a carry permit I’ll point out that Escambia County sheriff’s deputies undergo pretty good weapons training…and a guy they shot at from pretty close range 19 times is still breathing. Where did all those bullets that missed go? Luckily, into a deserted front yard. Where would they go in a crowded theater?

  12. Dan on August 5th, 2015 2:21 am

    Why don’t he try to get state corrections officers a pay raise he sure ask us for enough favors

  13. Marshall on August 4th, 2015 10:58 pm

    This link is to an excellent article from Breitbart News, that touches on this exact issue, Gun Free Zones. You could add the FSU Shooting and others, but this is a great start.


    I also challenge those that are against this Law to provide Shootings that have occurred in Guns Allowed areas. Go for it…but I am not expecting many responses.

  14. Marshall on August 4th, 2015 10:34 pm

    “CHRIS” – Since you have “never heard of a single instance of someone without a gun shooting someone”, I wonder, have you heard of a Criminal that does not obey the No Guns Signs shooting someone without a gun or a way to protect themselves?

    Have you heard about all of the shootings in the areas where “No Guns Signs” are posted? Do you understand that Criminals do not care what the law may be if they decide to obtain a firearm and commit a crime in a No Guns Zone like FSU was?

    What people seem to forget is that Criminals look for areas with the least resistance to commit their crimes. When someone post a “No Guns” sign, the are basically telling the criminals that you will not face any armed resistance until Law Enforcement shows up minutes later. Don’t get me wrong, as I am not knocking Law Enforcement, but just stating facts.

    Plus, to carry a firearm concealed…You must be 21 years of age, submit your fingerprints, go through a Law Enforcement background check and take a firearms class from a Certified Instructor. Most of the instructors are NRA Certified Instructors and in many cases are teaching NRA designed classes, which are normally excepted by all States. So this BS about 100’s of kids running around with guns is totally wrong. It is just more BS by the Gun Control crowd trying to stop people from being able to protect themselves.

    In the Library attack at FSU, there was a Military Veteran in the Library that was trained with firearms. Had he been armed, the entire attack would have ended quickly with less victims.

  15. Grapeshot on August 4th, 2015 10:22 pm

    You can’t fix stupid, but appreciate the laughs provided.

  16. Chris on August 4th, 2015 4:21 pm

    Too many guns out there! I’ve never heard of a single instance of someone without a gun shooting someone.

  17. Sedition on August 4th, 2015 3:52 pm


    Will, Joanie…you just made my day!
    I’m not sure if you meant to, but you just helped prove my point.

    (I can’t totally blame you for the misunderstanding…The “sarcasm off” and “truth on” section kind of deformatted on publication and blurred together.

    No harm, no foul.

  18. Don't Tread on Me on August 4th, 2015 1:28 pm

    Will and Joanie, I believe you missed the sarcasm that Sedition was speaking. You might want to re-read his post, and pay a little closer attention.

  19. Will on August 4th, 2015 9:42 am

    Sedition seems to have an issue with the “Saouth”
    I agree with Joanie you appear to be ignorant. If you were familiar with college you would see the statistics. It’s a part of orientation. Orientation is a way to introduce one to new surroundings and campus statistics is a major part of this process……..just sayin’

  20. ME on August 4th, 2015 9:37 am

    You also have to be 21 years of age in order to get a CCW in the State of Florida, so it’s not like every student on campus can carry. I say go for it, my $.02 is the only unsafe place is one where guns are prohibited.

  21. Joanie on August 4th, 2015 9:23 am

    “No woman ever has been sexually assaulted or raped on a campus as college campuses are among the safest ”

    That is such an ignorant statement. I’m not sure if I’m angry or just surprised at your lack of knowledge about such a degrading crime. The truth is females living on campus are 3 times more likely to be raped than students living off-campus. Do your research before you make such inaccurate statements.

  22. Joe on August 4th, 2015 9:12 am

    Excuse me Kate but FSU needed a hero. I know you are probably not aware but to have a concealed carry permit you have to take a class and you have to pass the class. You also have to shoot, at this class, and go thru the back ground check process. This is not a NRA issue its a safety issue.

  23. Sedition on August 4th, 2015 8:31 am

    You’re right Kate…no one EVER has to take an NRA approved class to obtain a carry permit. One doesn’t have to be 21 to carry a side arm, we hand guns out to 6 year olds “down hea’ in the Saouth’”. No woman ever has been sexually assaulted or raped on a campus as college campuses are among the safest places to be, much like movie theaters, military recruiting centers, shopping malls…you know, the places with the “NO GUNS ALLOWED” signs.
    You’re right, I carry because I can’t WAIT for the opportunity to squeeze into my tights, put on my mask and cape, whip out my sidearm and announce to the world that “Gun Man has come to save the day!” >sarcasm offTruth on<
    You know…there is physiological help for those who suffer from hoplophobia…just sayin'…

  24. Chris on August 4th, 2015 6:17 am

    Guns don’t kill people. People with guns kill people!

  25. Kate on August 4th, 2015 5:34 am

    Bought and owned by the NRA. That really is what we need a hundred kids on campus with guns wanting to be a hero and having no idea of how to. Good going Evers. Serve the people not the NRA.