Escambia School Lunch Prices Increase

August 5, 2015

Breakfast and lunch will cost a bit more for some students this year when they return to school on August 17 in Escambia County.

For elementary school students, the price for breakfast will increase to $1.25 from $1, and lunch goes up to $2.25 from $2. Prices for elementary students that qualify for reduced price meals will not change. Breakfast will remain 30 cents, while lunch will still cost 40 cents for those that qualify for reduced prices.

Adults, such as faculty, staff, volunteers and visitors, will also pay more. The price for an adult breakfast will increase from $1.80 to $2, while lunch will jump to $3.25 from $3.

The meal prices for students in middle and high school will not change. Breakfast will remain $1.50, and lunch will still be $2.50.

The changes were approved last April by the Escambia County School Board. This was the first price increase since the 2008-2009 for the Escambia County School District.


10 Responses to “Escambia School Lunch Prices Increase”

  1. Maggie on August 6th, 2015 8:40 pm

    I always wondered if some teachers just left the approval letter sitting on the child’s desk unfolded to shame the parents or student s at open house. I wonder at what schools do all children get free lunch.

  2. Bob C. on August 6th, 2015 7:42 am

    Not said here is that MANY of our United States Military Members, because of their low pay, qualify for “Food Stamps” and their children qualify for the FEDERAL Free Lunch (and breakfast where available) Programs.

    Why do we treat the Heroic Patriots of our First Line of Defense as second-class citizens.
    Congress is to thank for the situation of those who protect US.

  3. Football Mom on August 5th, 2015 4:46 pm

    @ Coseys Ex:

    Am I missing something here? Where does it say anything about children who get foodstamps bringing their own lunch?

    TYPICALLY if you qualify for food stamps then you OVER QUALIFY for free lunch …..

    And yes, we wouldnt want the poor “poor” children (your words not mine) to miss out on anything special those rich kids parents pay for. I have to teach my “middle class” kids we are too poor for the “special” stuff but too rich to get foodstamps and have the government GIVE us the “special” stuff.

    Discriminatory (your word again) yes, but really ….. against whom? Guess its also good I have taught my kids to WORK if they want the “special” stuff and that “Life is NOT fair, get over it”

  4. lrector on August 5th, 2015 11:43 am

    actually if a certain percent of students get free lunch the whole school gets it free. it happens at several elementary school in Pensacola. and the lunch room gets extra money from the state for children who are on free and reduced lunches.

  5. Sue Byrd on August 5th, 2015 11:13 am

    Coseys ex, I don’t agree that it would be discriminatory to make food stamp recipients provide a lunch for their kids to take on. Having a lunch box is a privilege often reserved for the haves more than the have nots. Personally, I think it might also be more healthy. I don’t see how pizza or spaghetti at lunch is more nutritious than a sandwich and some fruit.

  6. Candy on August 5th, 2015 8:16 am

    I’m pretty sure children learn the difference between free lunch and paid lunch from adults. Unless someone tells a child they get free lunch who would know it wasn’t prepaid lunch. School uniforms would be great because then parents would not have to compete with each other on who spends the most on clothes. People are so quick to judge each other noone knows what’s going on in a child’s family. I also think that schools get money for children receiving Foodstamp, also medicaid pays some for speech and services as such. My mother had a massive stroke when I was in 9th grade my life changed greatly our income went from over 80,000 a year to around 1000 a month. From a beautiful neighborhood to low income housing. I regret none now as an adult cause I’ve seen how cruel adults can be.

  7. Dese on August 5th, 2015 7:53 am

    There is a free lunch program in the schools. If the parents qualify for food stamps they qualify for free lunch.

  8. bewildered on August 5th, 2015 7:32 am

    Kids notice who pays nothing, who pays a little and who pays the full amount. Correct!! Let everybody eat free and enforce the policy of “all you can eat cafeterias”.
    You have to eat what is on your plate!!!! If you are not planning on eating it, don’t take it in the first place. The cost of all the wasted food would make up for the money the paying students provide. .

  9. uh huh on August 5th, 2015 6:51 am

    @ Coseys ex – Who do you think should pay for all the kids to have free lunch? The school system doesn’t get the food for free and the lunch room workers don’t work for free.

  10. Coseys ex on August 5th, 2015 4:26 am

    How about not charging any students for meals? Make it even all the way around. Making children whose parents get foodstamps bring their own lunch would be descrimanatory to the poor children. Children have enough issues to deal with without having to be picked on for being poor. Kids can be cruel and notice much more than we think they do.