Escambia Man Convicted Of Shooting Jogger In The Face

August 29, 2015

An Escambia County man has been convicted of shooting a jogger in the face last year.

Roosevelt Bonner, Jr., was convicted by an Escambia County Jury of attempted first degree premeditated murder and aggravated battery.

On August 22, 2014 the victim was jogging on Avery Street when he was approached by Bonner, who asked the victim a question. The victim did not understand what Bonner was asking so he kept jogging.  The victim is Vietnamese and does not speak English.  A few blocks down the road, Bonner approached the victim once again, pointing a gun to his face and firing one shot in the victim’s cheek.  Bonner was located by law enforcement the next day at the Kangaroo Express on Mobile Highway.  Located in the bathroom trash can was a .32 caliber handgun.  DNA testing revealed Bonner’s DNA on the pistol.  Ballistic testing matched that firearm to the casing recovered at the scene of the crime.  Three days after the shooting, the victim identified Bonner in a photo lineup.

Circuit Judge Ross Goodman scheduled sentencing for October 1. Bonner has four prior felony convictions and was released from prison on April 1, 2012.  The State will request that Bonner be sentenced as a prison releasee reoffender.  Bonner faces up to life in state prison with a minimum mandatory sentence of 25 years.


4 Responses to “Escambia Man Convicted Of Shooting Jogger In The Face”

  1. Jcellops on August 29th, 2015 4:46 pm

    Shooting someone in the face….how callous! I would NOT feel a bit safe with that guy running loose on the street any time soon – or, EVER! Some people are just not meant to walk amongst civilized people. Lord, I hope Judge Goodman protects us.

  2. David Huie Green on August 29th, 2015 12:52 pm

    “Avery St. sounds like downtown, where you don’t wanna be on the street at night”

    Probably Oakcrest area since he was arrested across the street from there, AKA Brownsville. Avery ends to the west at Green Street.

    Daylight isn’t perfectly safe either.

    David for fewer free armed felons

  3. dman on August 29th, 2015 10:09 am

    Throw this scumbag into prison and make him earn his keep. Or better yet, ship him off to San Francisco, since they’ll take anybody and everybody there.

  4. Mike on August 29th, 2015 7:50 am

    It doesn’t say what time of day or night this happened, but Avery St. sounds like downtown, where you don’t wanna be on the street at night. I hope the victim is a little more streetwise now & does not put himself in this position again. This ain’t Disneyland, get that concealed carry permit & arm yourself. Pensacola, like Mobile, is fulla vermin like Mr. Bonner, be aware & beware.

    I wish we all lived in a world of candy canes, cotton candy & chocolate bunnies, but sadly it is not so. :(