Escambia County, Community Group Team Up For Cantonment Computer Lab

August 24, 2015

Old computers no longer used by Escambia County are being put to good use in Cantonment.

Residents can now take advantage of a new computer lab at the Carver Park Resource Center, thanks to the cooperative work of several Escambia County departments and the Cantonment Improvement Committee.

“We are very appreciative of the computers,” said Josh Womack, Cantonment Improvement Committee chairman. “We are just getting started with all the ways we can put the computers to good use.”

Escambia County’s Information Technology (IT), Neighborhood and Human Services and Facilities departments worked to convert a building at the request of District 5 Commissioner Steven Barry’s office.  The lab consists of 10 computers refurbished from the 911 dispatch center that were donated by the county’s Public Safety Department.

“One of the ways we hope to use the computers, maybes with help from Careersource EscaRosa, is for people in the community to look for jobs,” Womack said. “And we hope to one day offer GED classes.”

Earlier this summer, IT and Facilities teamed up to make sure the electrical system was adequate for the setup that was needed. Facilities worked with a local electrical contractor to get the proper electrical and data lines put in place along with an alarm system. Once the electrical and data lines were in place, the IT department went to work tidying up the data lines and installing computers.

At the end of the project, the Center has 10 computers with internet connection to provide online learning, training and research for members of the community who do not have the same resources at home.

Carver Park is a two-acre neighborhood park at 208 Webb Street with a covered pavilion, playground, basketball courts, security lights, benches and picnic area. The park also has a small community building and some of the most historic oak trees in Escambia County.

Photos for, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Escambia County, Community Group Team Up For Cantonment Computer Lab”

  1. Josh WomackWe on August 25th, 2015 10:39 am

    We as the Cantonment Improvement Committee would like to thank everyone for their help in bringing about a change in the community community, Now is the time for the Community to stand up and say we want change. Much Love,and Respect to you all.

  2. pat clements on August 25th, 2015 8:08 am

    I congratulate Cantonment Improvement Board and the county agencies for their cooperation and completion of an educational goal for the Cantonment Community.
    Adults, as well as children, should be encouraged to be Life Long Learners.
    I have worked alongside Cantonment Improvement Board at Relay for Life of Greater Escambia and know that they have big hearts and truly want to improve their community.It is with pride for them that I write..Congratulations!

  3. Nice on August 24th, 2015 8:50 am

    That’s awesome! There are a lot of free online tutorials/training classes people could use to increase their skills.