Confederate Monument Vandalized

August 1, 2015

Police are investigating after Pensacola’s Confederate monument in Lee Square was damaged by graffiti  The words “Confed Lives Don’t Matter” were spray painted on the structure.

Lee Square is located at 602 North Palafox St., between the north- and southbound lanes of Palafox Street. Damage to the statute was estimated at around $1,000.

“We are investigating this as possible felony criminal mischief because of the extent of damage,” said Chief David Alexander III.

Anyone having information on the incident is asked to contact the Pensacola Police Department at (850) 435-1900 or Crime Stoppers at  (850) 433-STOP.

Photo courtesy NewsRadio 1620 for, click to enlarge.


23 Responses to “Confederate Monument Vandalized”

  1. Bob's Brother on August 2nd, 2015 7:08 pm

    @ j. godwin. Very well said, sir. I find it ironic that whomever the thugs were that damaged this monument would think that by vandalizing it, they’ve done anything other than damage their own cause. They’re also not aware that the Northern States that had slaves in bondage kept some of them that way until nearly 1900.

  2. Simmer Down on August 1st, 2015 8:03 pm

    I know many people in favor of removing the Confederate flag. None of them have ever expressed that the lives of the soldiers of the Confederacy don’t matter. I find it unlikely that anyone actually feels that. Even if they did, what would they gain by doing this? Right now all the momentum is on their side. All this act does is galvanize people who are in favor keeping the flag flying.
    What are the chances that this was done by someone who is a flag supporter just trying to stir the pot? If I were a betting man that is where my money would go.

  3. molino jim on August 1st, 2015 6:34 pm

    For those who like to destroy or damage Confederate monuments– you may wish to read U.S. public law 85-425. sec 410. Congress made this a crime a number of years ago. I know the Fed’s are not going to follow up and I question if the fools who did this will or can read this.

  4. john on August 1st, 2015 6:11 pm

    I wonder if these thugs realize that its all of our heritage good or bad but that’s a fact so when they are doing these vile acts there saying there heritage doesn’t matter.

  5. Jabo on August 1st, 2015 5:55 pm

    “Confed” because they can’t spell confederate.

  6. sniper on August 1st, 2015 3:02 pm

    The Ebenezer church in Atlanta was terrorized by 2 white men who placed a few confederate flags on the church grounds…they are pursuing that case as an “act of domestic terrorism.” Let’s pray for all those poor souls that have to deal with the repercussions of that awful event. Never forget 7/31/15. Lol

  7. BPD on August 1st, 2015 1:22 pm

    Take away them free government money cards and some on both sides of the issue will be too busy trying to earn a living to worry about such.

  8. Russ on August 1st, 2015 1:08 pm

    Glad I live out in the country. I am tired of all of this mess. I fly my flag with pride. Heritage not hate.

  9. nwo on August 1st, 2015 1:05 pm


  10. Mike on August 1st, 2015 11:23 am

    $1000? Gimme $500, I’ll get some paint thinner & have that fixed up for ya! :)

    To the weak minds that did this, I’d say that destruction is easy, & if you don’t like the sentiments expressed by the memorial, why don’t you try creating some attraction that expresses your own opinion?

    Because you take the easy way, & you always will. :)

  11. hilton on August 1st, 2015 8:55 am

    It makes me wonder. When the Martin luther King statue downtown was spray painted the media and the local civil rights activists went ballistic. The person{s] who did that dastardly deed were chastised, hunted, lambasted, threatened, and ridiculed beyond belief for vandalizing a statue, which in my opinion is a horrible thing to do especially a statue memorializing someone that is dead…. But the media is once again very quiet on the Confederate statue because they know they will not get the gang pack reaction from the folks that support the history of our nation.
    I wish that instead of destroying statues, removing gravesites, causing trouble, etc, etc, that the people who still feel wronged by the civil war, would thank and applaud the soldiers that set them free. Is that too much to ask? is it going to hurt our civil rights leaders to hold a candlelight vigil in remembrance of the ones that lost their lives on their behalf? That would go a long way in showing that you have a heart, not the racial bias that our civil rights leaders and their followers have. The ones that preach hatred in their churches, the ones who riot, scream, burn, conduct racial murder have become what they hate. Bigots. Racists.

  12. willis on August 1st, 2015 8:54 am

    We would probably be surprised if the ones who did this were actually caught.

    Might surprise them if the right people caught them doing it.

    One stupid act usually leads to another.

  13. barrineau on August 1st, 2015 7:56 am

    No one had a problem with confederate flags or southern heritage until the liberal media told them to. Just follow blindly like most of these sheeple do.

  14. bewildered on August 1st, 2015 7:49 am

    This kind of behavior goes way beyond an innocent prank. To show disrespect for the dead by smashing tombstones, scrawling graffiti on monuments, etc. is
    pulling out the moral basis of a society.

  15. molinoman on August 1st, 2015 7:23 am

    This racial mess is out of control! We are being controlled by corrupt media looking for Likes, Ratings and unique hits on their websites.

    People have went way too overboard on this. We are a lost society spiraling out of control… next stop civil war, rebellion and anarchy.

    Who is at the puppet strings? Government and corrupt police. Get prepared people and stay away from FEMA camps.

  16. Kiki on August 1st, 2015 7:15 am

    I am sure there are some businesses around there that have security cams! It’s just a matter of time before those thugs (or thug) get caught! ECSO is good at their job!! Opinions are just that OPINIONS. People have a right to them but DO NOT have a right to destroy others property!!!

  17. William M Carney on August 1st, 2015 6:57 am

    Why isn’t this being investigated as a hate crime? Vandalism is one of the qualifiers for a hate crime. The Confederate flags on New Ebenzer MLK church in Atlanta is possibly being investigated by the FBI as a hate crime. What’s the message the Justice Department trying to send? Sounds like they are in favor of the “ethnic cleansing” of Southern heritage culture by these vandals because of their inaction.

  18. Audrey on August 1st, 2015 6:41 am

    Could be they are just voicing what our politicians are really saying by removing the confederate flags. Just sayin’. Although I do not condone this either.

  19. Grandma on August 1st, 2015 6:34 am

    A group of people should gather and clean the monument. Then show love by praying for those that vandalized it. Retribution only feeds the monster. Love extinguishes hate.

  20. Sam on August 1st, 2015 5:22 am

    Hope they are caught and put away.

  21. ME on August 1st, 2015 4:39 am


  22. j. godwin on August 1st, 2015 1:37 am

    you can take our flag, you can spray paint our Memorial monument honoring dead soldiers who did not come home from a brutal war. but you will NOT take away our heritage, our family memories or the dignity of these people who were honoring their sons and fathers and brothers who never came home. Some of these families to this day do not know where their loved ones are buried. It is a gravestone for all of them. They went to war and never came home. They matter. They were the grandsons of the men and women who got our freedom from England in the first place. So fire up your paint cans. You will never destroy the spirit of the Southern People whose sons died in this war, be it wrong or right. I will pray for you and your hateful actions.

  23. Yep on August 1st, 2015 1:10 am

    stupid wanna be thugs