Century Woman Sentenced For Bratt DUI Crash

August 19, 2015

A Century woman convicted for a DUI crash on Bratt Road back in January.

Debra Lee Lukkar, age 51 of Century, lost control of her vehicle, with her Jeep overturning coming to rest across both lanes of Bratt Road just east of Vaughn Road about 10:30 p.m. on July 12. Lukkar was briefly trapped in the vehicle but quickly extricated by firefighters. She refused medical treatment at the scene.

Lukkar was charged by the Florida Highway Patrol with DUI and resisting an officer without violence.

Lukkar was sentenced by Judge Jennifer Frydrychowicz to 12 months probation and ordered to pay $1,081 in charges and fines. She was also ordered to attend first offender DUI school and consume no alcohol.

NorthEscambia.com file photos.


8 Responses to “Century Woman Sentenced For Bratt DUI Crash”

  1. James on August 19th, 2015 6:26 pm

    I agree and they also need to get a anklet that can pick up Xanax and loritabs cause this people are just as dangerous, they will just fall asleep while driving!

  2. WVgal on August 19th, 2015 3:02 pm

    Apparently there is an alcohol anklet that people are ordered to wear, just like a GPS tracker anklet, that transmits information to the law enforcement agencies, it is somehow able to monitor excreted ethanol molecules on the skin.

  3. Mic Hall on August 19th, 2015 2:32 pm

    She should also have to reimburse all costs to the Fire dept. Any call they answer costs a lot to the dept. She was completely at fault so she should have to pay all but at least some of the cost.

  4. A Mom on August 19th, 2015 1:57 pm

    Chris, I also think it would be a great idea for the breathalyzer in vehicles, I don’t drink so I wouldn’t, & if they wouldn’t drink before driving they wouldn’t either :) our points exactly

  5. chris on August 19th, 2015 10:09 am

    @429SCJ – the roads would be filled with slowly moving vehicles if your idea became reality.

  6. Congrats on August 19th, 2015 8:59 am

    She was also ordered to attend first offender DUI school and consume no alcohol.?

    And how will the court know that she WILL not continue to consume alcohol?
    Just curious on how that part works?
    Will there be an alcohol test done daily, weekly? or none at all?

    MIKE: If she had happened to have hit you, or a family member would you still feel the same? my opinion is $1,081 is NOT enough for a 51 year old person drinking and driving who should know better. But from what I see stupidity and ignorance comes in all shapes, sizes and AGE

  7. 429SCJ on August 19th, 2015 7:40 am

    They should feature a breath-a-lyzer on all vehicles, that if a condition of drunkenness is indicated, the vehicle would be incapable of exceeding 25 MPH.

  8. Mike on August 19th, 2015 1:24 am

    So, she will pay more fines than the guy with the cocaine, meth, pot, & guns. Wow.