Century Man Sentenced In Drugs, Weapons Case

August 13, 2015

A Century man has been sentenced to probation in a case in which a search warrant served at his home turned up a variety of drugs and firearms back in January.

Kinte Hassan Franklin, 37, was charged with possession of a weapon by a convicted felon, possession of methamphetamine, possession of cocaine, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Inside the home, deputies reported that they found crack cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana, a .22 caliber handgun, a 20 gauge shotgun, two bags of shotgun shells and a variety of drug paraphernalia. Investigators reported Franklin was the only person inside the residence as the search was conducted.

Franklin pleaded no contest to the charges against him. He was sentenced to 36 months supervised probation and 100 hours community service by Judge Ross Goodman. He was also ordered to pay $783 in costs and fines.


34 Responses to “Century Man Sentenced In Drugs, Weapons Case”

  1. Chris Burgans on August 16th, 2015 5:55 pm

    how in the world he got off like that …when i get caught driving on sepended license and get the same sentence ….. that just shows how mess up our system is ….but glad thats all you got …. keep your head up

  2. Jcellops on August 14th, 2015 1:50 pm

    First of all- I HATE drugs…but, I really despise drug dealers- a lot !!… Most of us have been touched in some way, or greatly affected by loved ones or friends who are using, addicted, or victims…..but, here’s what I do know – (from personal experience)….this guy was given a “gift”…..I’m sure that he provided authorities with “something” in return…obviously, the details can not be discussed publicly- however, it had to be substantial in order for the prosecutors and judge to go along with it…so, although it leaves a bad taste in ones mouth, it may have been been worth it to authorities -in the long run….no doubt about it- this felon will have to work three times as hard in order to restore himself into a successful father and member of society- but, it is possible…even in Escambia County! My loved one did it….he’s been out of prison for about 2 years now…struggled? Yes…..frustration/disappointments? Of course….. Prospective employers prejudging? Yep!…but, he never gave up! And, has been employed at his current job for over a year- doing well…saving some money and faithfully paying back his debts….but, he had to decide where his priorities lie…God, family and community….it sounds like Franklin has friends and family who see potential in him….But, the ball is in his court, as to what he does with his “gift”.

  3. Lori Millender on August 14th, 2015 8:06 am

    Slap on the wrist! All of his drug dealing buddies better watch out because they’re next! No hard work for the cops now! He has turned all of them up. Just watch how many of his friends fall now…..

  4. Mario on August 14th, 2015 7:36 am

    Thanks Mike for proving my point. You saying “there is supposed to be a stigma” is the reason felons have a tough time adjusting and find a job. You must not believe in second chances. The way felons are labeled and treated in the country is unfair. They complete their punishment and then still continue to be punished long after the fact. We need a policy that reforms this type of discrimination.

  5. Chris in Molino on August 14th, 2015 3:12 am

    Your comment is so fake. You couldn’t get a worse record than i have.
    5- robbery w/ firearm
    1- robbery w/deadly weapon
    1- armed home invasion
    20- pistols in the trunk pulled over in front of Happy Days before bring old enough to even drive. Charged and adjudicated as an adult. No youthful offender like today. I was stupid and deserved what happened. Can i be a lawyer ? Nope. The only male in my family to not serve my country. But i learned.
    I worked as an inspector holding numerous certifications making $55k a year. I ran a concrete pump making $18.75/hr, project mngr. on NAS Pensacola @ $20/hr. I currently make $1,100 per week, so don’t tell me about not finding a job. Thats your justification for living however you live. I also spend every single day making amends for my wrongs trying to help people.
    You live near some elderly folks ? Why not go donate your time one day (for free) asking what you can do to help. I promise if you live life in that manner, good things will come back to you.
    Just don’t come on here spitting bullcrap. You can feed me oatmeal and tell me it’s grits. I know better.

  6. Mike on August 13th, 2015 11:38 pm

    @ Mario

    Game? He got caught, GAME OVER! (No wait, he is free, I guess he can pick up where he left off). Stigma? There is SUPPOSED to be stigma attached to being a felon, to keep people from breaking the law! If a person can’t find a job because of a felony conviction record, oh well, maybe they should have thought of that BEFORE making the choice to break the law.

    I’ve had people try to say that going thru life without breaking the law is difficult, & that is total nonsense, you always have a choice on right or wrong. Game? Maybe. And if you break the rules of the game in big way like this guy you go to prison (well, most of the time).

  7. molinoman on August 13th, 2015 10:58 pm

    @Lisa, well pin a medal on him, not in trouble with the law for 15 years? *golf clap* How about never doing something to get in trouble with the law. You make it sound as if he should be rewarded for his “15 years not being in trouble.” He just hasn’t been caught in 15 years, I’m sure he didn’t just wake up or in a week or a month have a stock of drugs and guns in the home.

    If you do the crime sere the time, and time was not served here when it should have been. For the record I know several felons who messed up ONCE and got their life straight, how many chances does he need before someone gets killed, or he himself is killed?

    You want to mention God, if he’s not right with the Lord no amount of prayer from you will save him from where he’s headed. I will bet my life savings this will not be the last we see of him, it’s just a mater of time when he gets comfortable again and starts slinging.

  8. Betty Kline Porz on August 13th, 2015 9:24 pm

    After I read this article… I was searching for a word to express my disgust….what am I missing here! So many charges they ran out of paper to write them on…so many other offenders gone to prison for so much less …this guy just about ran out of things to get charged with and a judge gave him probation …there is no balance of justice here…I’ll bet when court was over and he had a moment with his sorry self…he laughed at the judge and thought …well what can I do next …I don’t have to worry about being sent to prison…..

  9. Mario on August 13th, 2015 8:54 pm

    Try getting hired as a felon. There is a stigma attached to being a felon and most people (like most of you commenting) have a predetermined mindset when it comes felons. The guy could not get a break and did what he had to do. Don’t hate the player hate the game!

  10. Mike on August 13th, 2015 8:32 pm

    @ time served

    I’m with you, that’s probably it, he must have rolled on some people. That makes him & this situation even worse. :(

  11. Lisa johnson on August 13th, 2015 7:45 pm

    First of all everyone needs to mind their own business and for the record the guns in the house was not his and he hasn’t been in trouble in 15ys every one learns from their mistakes and no one is perfect and I’m sure all of you that has something negative to say have kids and don’t know what your kids are going to do or have done and may not have got caught in the act God is his judge and not you all and with that being said mind your own business because at the end of the day prayer changes things maybe if you tried it you want have time to talk about no one Jesus died for our sins not man and maybe you feel that way because of his color but God did it so deal with it have a blessed life minding your own business NOW!

  12. chris in Molino on August 13th, 2015 7:36 pm

    @Deshaun & Ken
    I went to prison for 10 years at age 16. My last 5 spent at FSP on CM1 (solitary). We’re not talking about the place it is now where you have a voice, we’re talking about lining up fresh off the bus and gaurds kicking somebody to sleep just so you knew where you were at.
    “I” was a stupid kid and made mistakes i will pay for the rest of my life. I have a wife and two children. I have been the best at anything i do and am thankful for my $1,100 a week.
    Your friend wasn’t just providing for his family. Didn’t need a gun for that. He’s already had a chance so he deserves prison and deep down he knows it. He knew the game and the consequences. He just wants a gimme. Easy money. Well, don’t we all. I have no doubt he’ll be headed to prison sooner or later without serious life changes. Just tell him don’t try to get a job now. Keep selling drugs and toting a gun, lemme know how it works out. Cause he’s a boss, a playa, right ? Smarter than the man, right ? Ha !
    In prison i met many like him. Example :”What’s up man, they call me money”. But ain’t got none. Last to get mail, last to get on the phone, last in the canteen line, and last at the visiting park. But they call you money ? Where’s all the smokers ? Everybody’s a dealer huh ? All these Nino’s but no Pookie’s.

  13. Joe Brown on August 13th, 2015 7:19 pm

    Calm down everybody. He just did the community a favor. I can guarantee you with a slap on the wrist like that he just told on everyone of his drug dealing buddies. Im guessing we will see a round up real soon.. I think that’s a good thing.

  14. Citizen on August 13th, 2015 6:25 pm

    Deshaun, and Ken…seriously??? He’s a convicted FELON with a weapon, and a pile of drugs!!! This isn’t his first rodeo!! I have a family to support too, but I choose to do it in a law abiding way. Why should he care about the law when he just gets a pat on the butt and sent out the door. Society needs to stop coddling criminals and make them pay for their crimes!

  15. Kathy on August 13th, 2015 5:03 pm

    What don’t make any since is, he only gets probation, in the state of flat 3to5. For the gun and 10to15 for having it , ho . He getsba slap on the hand, something’s not right with his case. Judges needs to rethink it.

  16. molinoman on August 13th, 2015 4:51 pm

    Don’t give me that “he has a family to feed” or “if we had jobs here” I’d walk 20mi a day picking up aluminum cans and living off dry beans and ham hocks before I’d endanger my family with a drug store list of drugs in my house and guns. No what he wanted is quick easy money he doesn’t have to work a real job for so he can hang out playing bones and being a thug. Just look at his mugshot trying to look all hard. Justify it however you must to sleep at night. I’m appalled they let this CRIMINAL and DRUG DEALER back on the street. If he does have a family and kids, they should be removed from the home because of the drug environment, period.

    Quit making excuses people and do something productive for your community and with your lives.

  17. ProudArmyParent on August 13th, 2015 12:26 pm

    “was charged with possession of a weapon by a convicted felon”, this statement alone should have gotten Kinte Hassan Franklin some HARD TIME. What is wrong with our system?

    Judge Ross Goodman, pack your bags. You are the next judge to be voted off the bench for NOT doing your job!

  18. Rusty on August 13th, 2015 12:13 pm

    How can you guys defend this guy? He needs to be actually held accountable for his actions. Instead he was given a slap on the wrist. I am appalled by this and it really makes me angry that they let people get away with this. You do the crime you should do the time!

  19. chris on August 13th, 2015 12:07 pm

    “people would not have to feed their families like this.” So you concede that he was in fact selling drugs to make a living. Case closed. As for real jobs, I drive 35 minutes one way five days a week to earn a paycheck. Cry me a river.

  20. Time served on August 13th, 2015 11:43 am

    ALL I CAN SAY IS HE ISN’T DONE WORKING. THATS NOT THE SENTENCE MARK MY WORDS THATS THE GAME. FLIPPED?? YEAH HAS TO BE. That gun was supposed to be prison. Everyone better get a job cause police employ anyone willing to work.

  21. Tonya on August 13th, 2015 11:11 am

    Have you guys ever heard about the corrupt child support system the state of Florida has? Have you ever missed a child support payment? This state ruins lives with that corrupt system and this man is doing what he has to do to pay it and he is still a great father to his kids!

  22. Ken on August 13th, 2015 11:05 am

    I stand by my comment. I know this man personally. He is a great father and takes good care of his children. You don’t know his situation so please don’t hate.

  23. Don on August 13th, 2015 10:42 am

    TO KEN…are you being sarcastic or do you really believe in your statement?
    Men and women get up early each morning to go to work at ANY job to support their families,whether it be digging ditches or a suit and tie…..selling drugs is not on my list of productive employment! we pay taxes,insurance,and all associated fees that come with being a citizen! this dude already had his second chance…probation,but couldn’t follow even those rules.Judges what are you doing to the REAL tax payers who vote and pay your salary for you to put these people back in our communities? might want to think that over because we don’t forget at election time!! GGGGGRRRRRRRRR…………….

  24. chris on August 13th, 2015 10:09 am

    It seems to me that discussing the sentencing is not wrong; it’s reality. Furthermore, if he “has a family to feed” where is (was) he employed at? And if he was alone in the house with guns, ammo, and drugs, at the time of his arrest, where was his starving family at that time? Be for real!

  25. Judy on August 13th, 2015 9:57 am

    That’s it?!? Wow!!

  26. Shauni on August 13th, 2015 9:01 am

    I know him personally and he has told me he needs to make better choices. He is a good man and will learn from this mistake.

  27. Deshaun on August 13th, 2015 8:55 am

    Yall quit bashing the punishment he received. God forbid you all ever make a mistake. Maybe if we could get some real jobs around here people would not have to feed their families like this.

  28. Ken on August 13th, 2015 8:13 am

    For all of you all talking down on this man you are all in the wrong. He made a mistake and this is what he got. Dude has a family to feed just like everyone else.

  29. Mike on August 13th, 2015 7:25 am

    Probation for cocaine possession? There must be some mistake here, this can’t be right. I mean I know it’s true, but the sentence must be some kind of mistake, there are minimum guidelines on coke, & I don’t even need to check on that. You don’t get caught with that stuff & walk free.

  30. wonderful on August 13th, 2015 6:16 am

    This LEO, is what the fundamentally changing of AMERICA was all about. They voted for it and here it is. LEOs risk their lives every day only to have the (in)justice system laugh in their face.

  31. Don on August 13th, 2015 5:36 am

    insane judges?

  32. chris in Molino on August 13th, 2015 4:09 am

    This is insanity. I am amazed he didn’t go to prison just for the gun. I guess there wasn’t enough media coverage on this crime.

  33. molinoman on August 13th, 2015 3:58 am

    One guess what he’ll be doing now that he is out? These type thugs have no respect for the law to begin with. I doubt he gained any respect during this process, only more contempt.

  34. LEO on August 13th, 2015 2:30 am

    Wow. Its no wonder why our county is going downhill. Its because of sentences like this. It does not matter how effective law enforcement is if the judicial system is going to keep releasing them.