Century Approves $360K Loan, New Employee Insurance, Fence, Elevator

August 25, 2015

The Century Town Council approved a $360,000 loan, a new employee insurance company, a fence and an elevator during a special meeting Monday afternoon.

Drainage Project Loan

The council voted to allow Mayor Freddie McCall to execute a $360,000 loan with United Bank. They money will be used to pay a contractor working on a drainage project in the north part of town.  Once the project is completed, Century will receive a grant reimbursement of the entire principal plus the interest. The loan will cost the town 1.964 percent interest plus a $350 fee. Escambia County Bank in Flomaton quoted a loan rate of 3 percent with no fee.

A Fence And An Elevator

The council approved recommendations of the Century Architectural Review Board to allow the First Baptist Church to construct a front porch, extending the brick steps toward the street and widening the steps for safety purposes. The church will also remove an existing handicap ramp and replace it with an “elevator” – a residential platform lift to the porch level for the handicap.

The council also approved a review board recommendation to allow Felix Fussner to install a four-foot wooden picket fence along the front of his property at 402 Front Street. The council also approve a variance to allow the four-foot height due to a three-foot limit currently allowed by ordinance.

The approvals of the e Century Architectural Review Board were necessary for both projects because they are located in the Alger-Sullivan Historical District.

A New Insurance Company

Also at Monday’s special meeting, the council voted to  approved United Health Care as the town’s new employee insurance company. Employees will be able to chose from three plans offering deductibles of $500, $1,250 or $1,500 per year with zero coinsurance. The town will pay 99 percent of the monthly cost for employee-only plans and 78 percent of the cost for family coverage of the cheapest of the three plans (the $1,500 deductible plan). Employees will be responsible for the additional cost of the more expensive health care plans if they choose that level of coverage.  The new plans go into effect October 1. Town employees are currently covered under plans by Aetna.  The town’s overall health care insurance costs will increase by only a few percent.


3 Responses to “Century Approves $360K Loan, New Employee Insurance, Fence, Elevator”

  1. EPenn on August 25th, 2015 11:25 am

    Concerned, the ACA (Obamacare) and all new policies under the new laws have no lifetime limits.

  2. Willene Bryan on August 25th, 2015 9:01 am

    I never say anything negative about Century. But I do have to say this, an it is not a bad thing but I don’t see anything historical about front street. It has all changed big time. And this is fine, but I surly wouldn’t call it historical. I live there as a child and I remember what it look like. And I think it is great for people to be able to fix up there homes and not worry about it being in the Alger-Sullivan Historical Society. Just my opinion.

  3. Concerned on August 25th, 2015 6:43 am

    I hope the Century Council checked with local hospitals and physicians to see if they are still taking United Health Care. United Health Care is no longer being accepted at some of the hospitals in Pensacola. There seems to be a problem with them paying facilities in a reasonable amount of time. The bottom line may sound good, but research completely before you and your employees end up with nothing. Also, see what United Health Care’s lifetime limit of coverage is – $100,000, $500,000 or no limit. One cancer diagnosis, heart attack or major illness can clear the insurance and families are not covered at all.