Cantonment Man Gets Three Life Sentences For Molesting 7-Year Old

August 22, 2015

A Cantonment man will spend the rest of his life in prison for molesting  a 7-year old child.

An Escambia County jury convicted George Gilbert Heady, 56, of three counts of sexual battery of a child under 12, one count of lewd or lascivious molestation, one count of lewd or lascivious exhibition, and one count of battery of a child by expelling certain fluids.

Immediately following the jury’s verdict, Circuit Court Judge J. Scott Duncan sentenced  Heady to three concurrent life sentences. Heady was also designated a sexual predator and will be required to register as a sexual predator and comply with all statutory requirements.

The case involved a three-year-long pattern of sexual abuse by Heady on a young family member. The child disclosed the abuse to her mother in January 2015.

The victim told investigators that Heady promised to take her shopping if she would not tell anyone.


30 Responses to “Cantonment Man Gets Three Life Sentences For Molesting 7-Year Old”

  1. Mr nobody on August 27th, 2015 4:43 pm

    Well if we had punishments that fit the crimes this sort of thing would never happen. In certain countries if you steal an item you lose a hand. We should take some lessons from those countries. This is a crime that deserves death. Without a 30 year wait. Just convict and execute. And publicly. If people knew there was an actual punishment then they would never even think about doing stuff like this.

  2. melodies4us on August 26th, 2015 5:53 pm

    This is as low as they get.

  3. David Huie Green on August 26th, 2015 10:19 am

    *”I’d love to know where you got your statistics on 55% of people in Century CORRECTION as being …”*

    87.42853% of all Internet statistics were made up on the spot.
    (Just like this one.)

    David for better numbers

  4. justsaying on August 25th, 2015 9:31 pm

    To molionman: I’ve spent over twenty years watching those that are incarcerated at Century CI, so regardless of what the statistics say, I personally know what is behind the fences. And I would bet my next paycheck, that man will be housed at Century CI within the next two years. It’s “statistical” better for them to be closer to home.

  5. molinoman on August 25th, 2015 9:30 am

    @just saying, I’d love to know where you got your statistics on 55% of people in Century CORRECTION as being baby rapists? Century correctional is hardly a state pen, it is more like a hotel stay in for “correctional” living. This baby rapist is going to the state pen. If you do some actual research instead of grabbing percentages out of the air you would know of a report that came out recently on the real issues in state pens that involve pedophiles.

    You know what they say 90% of percentages are made up, the other 10% are wrong.

  6. Nonsense on August 25th, 2015 12:36 am

    @chris in Molino, well said! Deserves what he got and more.

  7. chris in Molino on August 24th, 2015 8:39 pm

    @Hypocrites–The guilty cry the loudest. I guess you must be attracted to children to get so indignant about people being upset. Either that or someone close to you is and you have found ways to justify or mitigate their/your actions.
    I still don’t see what makes me a hypocrite. You say pedophiles can’t control their behavior similar to how a homosexual can’t change. That’s just it, i don’t believe that. I think that’s their justification for continuing to be homosexual. I believe in God. He is against SODOMITES. If a homosexual was “born that way”, God wouldn’t condemn, judge, or punish so harshly.
    Back to the topic though. Yes, i still say punish with death. I do not care if they get help. Like a rabid racoon or fox, put them down i say. That would be your deterrent hypocrite. And a much cheaper one i might add.
    By the way, if i were an animal, i’d be the hound who tracks your precious pedophile down so he can get his death sentance.

  8. David Huie Green on August 24th, 2015 7:05 pm

    “And those who said “they don’t change”, they don’t. If he is truly a “pedophile”, he is Wired to be attracted to pre pubescent children. Pedophiles can’t change their sexual preference similar to how homosexuals can’t change. There is emerging research that shows this. If it wasn’t for people like most of you condemning pedophiles, they would be able to get help and not turn into “child molesters”. By the way, child molester is not necessarily a pedophile and a pedophile is not necessarily a child molester.”

    You agree with the research showing he will not change yet you believe he can change his behavior.
    Good of you.
    Makes no sense, but good of you.

    If help could have helped him, he could have asked for it rather than rape small children, but then he wouldn’t have had easy access to small children because people would have been warned.

    He chose to hide his desires, intentions, actions.

    And while a person attracted to small children may not act on it, he certainly seems to have done so.

    Fascinating thought you expressed: “If it wasn’t for people like most of you condemning pedophiles.”
    They are condemning his repeated actions against a helpless child.
    You are free to condone them if you wish.

    Nonetheless, it is not hypocritical to care for the safety of children; it is in keeping with the teachings of Christ.

    David for safe children

  9. haley on August 24th, 2015 9:10 am

    Just don’t get child molesters. I truly believe they cannot be rehabilitated. Getting out of prison it seems they repeat their actions. I don’t know what the answer is. Im just appalled at these sick ppl. I think the laws need to be much more stringent on child abusers. And I say that because I truly believe they will never be healed of this sick perversion toward children.

  10. Hypocrites on August 24th, 2015 1:34 am

    Some of you claim to be “God fearing” or religious but are unwilling to even attempt forgiveness. Not condoning his actions, but condemning him to death for this crime?
    And those who said “they don’t change”, they don’t. If he is truly a “pedophile”, he is Wired to be attracted to pre pubescent children. Pedophiles can’t change their sexual preference similar to how homosexuals can’t change. There is emerging research that shows this. If it wasn’t for people like most of you condemning pedophiles, they would be able to get help and not turn into “child molesters”. By the way, child moleser is not necessarily a pedophile and a pedophile is not necessarily a child molester.

    To those who said he will do it again, research shows that those arrested for sexual crimes have the lowest recidivism rate of any crimes. Possibly due to the fact that they receive help after caught when they couldn’t before for fear of being turned in.

    Still want to condemn him to death and hell? Don’t claim to be “godly” “religious” or “ethical” and just admit you are an animal yourself. Change the prospective and maybe we can see a way lower offense rate for this crime!!

  11. Who, Me? on August 24th, 2015 1:33 am

    My prayers go to the girl and family. They have a long road ahead of them. May the Lord be with them on this long road to recovery.

  12. just saying on August 23rd, 2015 12:12 pm

    Hate to break it to all of you, but this guy will be just fine in prison. If something happens to him, it won’t be because of what he is in there for. About 55% of inmates at Century are baby rapist. What will happen to him…. he won’t have to work if he doesn’t want to, he will get three meals that are superior to school lunches, he will get
    Clothes and shoes with laundry service. He will get medical and dental, and his daily rights have just been doubled over yours. Oh yea he also gets 24/7 personal security.

  13. Puddin on August 22nd, 2015 8:04 pm

    If I read that right, Concurrent life sentances means he does all three at the same time. So, in 20 years, he will be out raping little kids again. I pray for him, but still would never trust him around any child. Best bet? Make sure the other inmates know what he is in for. That should take care of the problem, permanently.

  14. David Huie Green on August 22nd, 2015 6:17 pm

    *There is not a ++++ thing attractive about a child.”

    Obviously the child was attractive to him.
    That’s not the reason people shouldn’t rape children.
    It’s just WRONG.

    David for better people

  15. Kathy on August 22nd, 2015 6:09 pm


  16. molinoman on August 22nd, 2015 4:16 pm

    @Christian, I agree, they better run to the protection of the police if it were my kid. Now-a-days the aggressor has more rights than the family and victim(s).

  17. chris in Molino on August 22nd, 2015 3:19 pm

    @Christian-yes, i would agree. He’d be more likely to die sitting on death row waiting for execution. However, when evidence is overwhelming there should be an advertised execution at the courthouse for the public to see. Yes, hopefully nobody were really innocent, but you gotta break a few eggs to make an omlet. They would receive their place in heaven. I feel it necessary to insure these monsters are deterred and understand the community no longer stands for this nonsense. If a few innocent ones slip through, i’m sorry.
    As for those who think he’d get his in prison, possibly. He’d get punked almost daily, but physically, the department makes it impossible with the way they monitor inmates and controlled movement. Theres also so many of them in prison the general population have become desensitized. It’s not like it used to be i’m sure.

  18. christian on August 22nd, 2015 2:16 pm

    What else can you do chris? Death penalty trials plus the cost of housing a death row inmate would cost taxpayers more than a life sentence. Maybe the solution would be quick and easy public executions, and then lets hope hes truly guilty? As a father i would be more than willing to murder any deviant that would dare put hands on my child.

  19. Understand on August 22nd, 2015 12:36 pm

    Let’s get this clear this less than an animal was molesting her for 3 years and she finally told it at age 7 so he had been molesting her since she was 4 tiny years old. There is no name to call this thing that can describe what he really is. I pray for his salvation but records show they never change. So if he doesn’t change I know there is a special corner in hell for people just like him. God Bless him according to his actions.

  20. Should have been three consecutive on August 22nd, 2015 12:11 pm

    He should have gotten three consecutive life sentences or three concurrent sentences without the possibility of parole…The way our judicial system is set up he could be out in 15 yrs to do this again.

  21. nwo on August 22nd, 2015 10:48 am

    This punk will become a punk in his new home DOC good luck.

  22. molinoman on August 22nd, 2015 10:41 am

    I agree Chris, but I will just say that being a pedo in prison is lower than a snitch. It will not be a Hilton trip for life for this man. He will be tormented in very disgusting ways in prison and for a life time of that treatment I will gladly pay for that to occur to this filth. That way he’s primed for an eternity of torment.

  23. r on August 22nd, 2015 10:29 am

    Amen Chris

  24. Jim on August 22nd, 2015 10:07 am

    You said it Chris!

    The death penalty is a completely appropriate response to child molestation.

  25. A ellis on August 22nd, 2015 10:00 am

    Chris well said.

  26. Sedition on August 22nd, 2015 9:32 am

    One bullet +one rapist=one grave.

  27. Native 1950 on August 22nd, 2015 8:57 am

    VERY well stated, Chris!!!

  28. I am with Chris on August 22nd, 2015 8:28 am

    Chris, I agree with you 100%. I am a single mother who doesn’t date for this very reason. I am so worried a man would be more interested in one of my children than me! It is a sick world.

  29. chris in Molino on August 22nd, 2015 7:06 am

    I’m tired of all these “slap on the wrist” sentances.
    There is not a damn thing attractive about a child. Moreover, a family member whom should feel safe around you is not attractive. Why, as a taxpayer, a father, a husband, a God fearing man who tries to do good and help others, should i have to pay for this animal to be incarcerated for life ? Food, clothing, shelter, security, medical, dental, and mental health treatment. At roughly $33,000 per year, let’s say he lives to the average male lifespan in Florida. That’s roughly $700,000 with inflation.
    I’m sorry, i’d rather spend those tax dollars paying off wounded vet’s homes, helping needy children, or helping people with medical procedures who can’t afford it.
    This country really needs to rethink some laws. Animals like this should be euthanized. No life sentance, just death, period. Then maybe, just maybe, our laws will be a deterrent to this behavior which is one of the reasons for laws and punishment. Deterrent. Obviously now, the laws we have in place are not deterring anything.
    Am i wrong ? Am i alone in how i feel or how we should proceed?

  30. coseys ex on August 22nd, 2015 6:43 am

    Three life sentences is not nearly long enough. The child that he abused will be affected by his actions for her entire lifetime. Death for these deviants might suffice