Bill Aims To Shield Churches That Won’t Perform Marriages Against Beliefs

August 11, 2015

A Central Florida Republican filed a bill Monday that would shield churches and clergy members from liability if they refuse to perform marriages that violate their beliefs.

The bill, filed by Rep. Scott Plakon, R-Longwood, comes after the U.S. Supreme Court in June ruled that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry. After the ruling, Plakon went on Facebook and said he and Sen. Aaron Bean, R-Fernandina Beach, would file what was dubbed the “Pastor Protection Act” to safeguard clergy members from being forced to perform marriages contrary to their principles.

The bill filed Monday would go beyond clergy members, applying to churches, religious organizations and their employees. It also would go beyond solemnizing marriages, applying to such things as providing services and facilities. Clergy and others in the bill would not be required to take part in marriages or related activities “if such an action would cause the church, organization, or individual to violate a sincerely held religious belief of the entity or individual,” the bill said.

The proposal, which will be considered during the 2016 legislative session, would provide a shield from criminal or civil liability and also would provide protections for religious organizations’ tax exemptions, government contracts, grants and licenses.

Nadine Smith, executive director of the advocacy group Equality Florida, criticized such proposals last month after Plakon posted the information of Facebook. She called the issue an “invented problem” and said ministers already can refuse to marry couples.

by The News Service of Florida


16 Responses to “Bill Aims To Shield Churches That Won’t Perform Marriages Against Beliefs”

  1. CommonSenseWithCommonDecency on August 13th, 2015 7:18 pm

    Really Chris in mo? You are NOT in the majority otherwise equal rights wouldn’t have happened. Get a grip! You probably would have said the same thing when slavery ended if you were around then. YOU need to get some morals and stop the HATE. If there is a god, (s)he would think badly of you!!!

  2. 429SCJ on August 13th, 2015 4:23 am

    Why not have (politically correct term) ministers marry (politically correct term) people.

    I am tolerant of most things, as long as they do not invade my space, otherwise I seek ways to remove, or to be shed of them.

  3. tomtom50 on August 12th, 2015 12:30 am

    RealityCheck… watch the news there is Gay’s married in church’s all the time and i can not support that

  4. chris in Molino on August 11th, 2015 9:20 pm

    Very, very well put. I regret you did not clearly define who that dictator is so that everyone would know.

  5. kyle on August 11th, 2015 8:15 pm

    It is a hallmark of arrogance to think that a court composed of nine people can redefine what has been clearly defined for a very long time, and held as sacred by a majority in society.

    it really does not matter what the courts decide; people have already begun to disobey the courts edict and refuse to marry.

    this is one of areas where civil disobedience is *already* happening. the proposed law will only encourage it to occur more often. the end result will be that the entire family law system will break down – i expect a litigation assault on divorce courts next, when the “new” type of couples also have to split up.

    and custody battles will follow.

    but I saw this coming years ago. because if there is no common morality upon which the people agree, the only basis left for authority is “was the law legally created?”

    which is exactly one step removed from the first person who says “I created the law, follow it!” – and that type of person is commonly called a dictator.

  6. chris in Molino on August 11th, 2015 4:49 pm

    PS…..Good thing everybody isn’t homosexuals. If so, in a single lifetime humans would be EXTINCT. That’s how i really know it’s wrong. You people can’t make a life.

  7. Bryan Bethea on August 11th, 2015 8:50 am

    This bill serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever. Everything the bill aims to protect is ALREADY protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution. If a church or pastor does not want to officiate a same-sex wedding, then he/she has no obligation to do so under the law. The same goes for interracial, interfaith, divorced, or any other couple deemed objectionable. Religious organizations have always been able to define what practices they will and won’t support for themselves. This bill is nothing more than throwing “red meat” at conservative voters. Shouldn’t our lawmakers be focused on legislation that actually does something?

  8. pat walker on August 11th, 2015 8:36 am

    there is a Christian couple being sued and forced out of business because they refused so YES definitely this bill is needed to protect the clergy from people wanting their moments of fame and sueing the very ones that need to be protected.are the Christians ofour country

  9. RealityCheck on August 11th, 2015 7:54 am

    It’s unlikely that same sex couples would want to be married in a church, given the bigotry found in most. If they truly desire it, there are plenty of churches that will do it. Either way, they’re happy to finally have equal rights.

  10. left on August 11th, 2015 6:47 am

    I know that is comment will make SO many people mad, but truth is, when a church (or any business for that matter) accepts government help…and they DO by NOT PAYING TAXES(tax break) then they should provide their services to the public. Non discriminatory!
    If they want to discriminate and not provide the public the service, then they need to privatize. If you have a private business, you can choose to discriminate.

    I’m all for love and equality and it makes me so sad to see such hate toward specific groups of people because they don’t have the same view as someone else. Folks, we are all HUMAN BEINGS! Please, PLEASE think about it that way.

    Love and Peace on Earth…why is it such a hard concept?

  11. Kate on August 11th, 2015 6:15 am

    Clergy have always had the right to refuse to marry folks. Ya’ll call Democrats SOCIALIST but this is SOCIALIST at the highest level. Republicans insist they want less regulation and you praise more regulation. Go ask a Priest to marry you while you remain Baptist and see what he says.

  12. Robert on August 11th, 2015 4:54 am

    This seems like overkill to me. Churches have the right to adhere to whatever beliefs they choose. You cannot sue a church for discrimination. It would be like suing a Jewish Rabbi because he won’t perform a Christian marriage?

  13. c.w. on August 11th, 2015 4:32 am

    Gays have the right to marry. Anyone that has the right to marry them should have the right to say no to anyone they wish.

  14. chris in Molino on August 11th, 2015 3:59 am

    Finally, a law being introduced that protects the majority, our wishes, and our constitutional rights. No doubt the godless will find a way to completely ignore the constitution and trample us some more.

  15. Linda on August 11th, 2015 2:37 am

    I will support this Bill! Just cause Clergy has the right to refuse doesn’t stop them from SUEING! So this Bill is Needed to Protect from that!

  16. tomtom50 on August 11th, 2015 1:54 am

    Yes sir I back this ~!~!