Assisted Living Facility Bosses Sentenced For Elderly Abuse And Neglect

August 14, 2015

Two former administrators at an Escambia County assisted living facility have been sentenced for crimes against the elderly.

Former Kipling Manor administrator and owner Belie Brock Williams is headed to prison for 33 months, and his daughter, assistant administrator Adrienne Taylor, was given two years on community control.

Williams was accused of refusing psychological nursing caregivers entrance into the Kipling Manor facility to assist mental health residents resulting in residents without care for two to three weeks. Taylor was accused of failing caregiver responsibilities to protect the residents from the abuse and not ensuring residents received prescribed nursing services. Investigators received information regarding the alleged abuse and neglect from the Northwest Florida Long Term Care Ombudsman Program Office.

Kipling Manor was shut down by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration last year.


8 Responses to “Assisted Living Facility Bosses Sentenced For Elderly Abuse And Neglect”

  1. Shirley McDonald on August 20th, 2015 2:53 pm

    It was not just abuse of the elderly. My son was sent there by the courts and Mr. Williams threw him out on a very cold, rainy night with his medicines in a plastic bag. I had visited the place and it smelled so badly that the workers had to open the windows. The only time the residents were given good meals is when the state was around. I hope Williams never is able to run anything again.

  2. ANDRE P LOUIS on August 15th, 2015 3:09 pm

    I do applauded the State Attorney office for a good job,by enforced the state law
    to protect the voiceless,and powerless .By send the wrongdoers to Jail is a good message, will discouraged additional abusers. Lke be aware about your methods of abuses , the poor elderly, there is a Penalty with Prison terms punishment for their cruelties against human being. whatever their age they do deserved protection from their caregiver.
    By closed the place,is the best option to prevent another management take over
    and to hurt more people.

  3. Binaboo on August 14th, 2015 2:03 pm

    I use to work there.That place is inhumane.The rooms were nasty.The food was disgusting.It was sad to see the residents live like that.I spent my own money and gave the residents who didnt have anything..soap,shampoo,toothpaste etc. Abusing the elderly and running that place the way he did is unacceptable.Hopefully he’ll get his karma when he goes down the road!!

  4. bartender on August 14th, 2015 8:42 am

    thats not enough time for abuse on older people.should have done something to those horrible people way before it happen.and for his daughter,that is no punishment,she seen what was going on and even was mean herself.that fool is gona get old soon so i hope he gets the same treatment who ever cares for him.shame on you both.she needs jail time to.

  5. haley on August 14th, 2015 7:56 am

    I will never understand the abuse of elderly, children or animals. I believe these ppl should get the strictest of punishments. So glad this place was investigated and shut down.

  6. 429SCJ on August 14th, 2015 6:49 am

    Bailiff! Take them away.

    Hopefully this will serve as a warning and deterrant (deterrent) to those who would, through neglect or deliberate design, harm our elders.

  7. Kate on August 14th, 2015 5:30 am

    I actually saw this place and him screaming and threatening a resident. On occasions the staff would put the dementia residents salads and hot food on the table for them to eat, no plate, no napkin no silverware. You can report them a thousand times to AHCA and they couldn’t find anything wrong. Blind dingbats at AHCA for many years.

  8. Gman on August 14th, 2015 5:10 am

    Kipling Manor was a rat hole. These two deserve what they got and more.