All Students At 30 Escambia Schools To Get Free Meals This Year

August 14, 2015

All students at 30 Escambia County schools will receive free meals this school year.

The schools will participate in the federal Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program which will provide free breakfast and lunch to all students at each of those schools.

Free breakfast and lunch will begin on the first day of school at the following locations in Escambia County:

Elementary Schools: Bellview Elementary, Brentwood Elementary, C.A. Weis Elementary, Ensley Elementary, Ferry Pass Elementary, Global Learning Academy, Holm Elementary, Jim Allen Elementary, Lincoln Park Elementary, Longleaf Elementary, Montclair Elementary, Myrtle Grove Elementary, Navy Point Elementary, Oakcrest Elementary, Pleasant Grove Elementary, O.J. Semmes Elementary, Sherwood Elementary, Warrington Elementary, and West Pensacola Elementary.

Middle Schools: Bellview Middle, Warrington Middle, Woodham Middle , and Workman Middle.

High School: Pine Forest High School

Special Centers:
Judy Andrews, McMillian PreK Center, and Escambia Westgate Center.

Alternative Education/Charters:
Camelot, Escambia Charter, and Jacqueline Harris Preparatory Academy

Parents of the students at these schools are not required to submit an application for the Free and Reduced Lunch program at that school.

Siblings attending schools not on the CEP list above will need to reapply to maintain status. The application will ask for a list of family members and parents should still include all names, because the number of people in a household can affect eligibility.

If a student does not attend one of these schools a Family Meal Benefits Application should be completed online at .Paper applications can be picked up at the school site or the Food Services office at the J.E. Hall Center.

“There is a 30 day grace period where students who were eligible last year will maintain their same meal status but, parents should try to get their new application in as soon as possible,” Jaleena Davis, the district’s director of food services.

For a student seeking to requalify in a new school year, or a new student who completed school registration, the online applications can be processed as quickly as 48 hours. The school’s food service account will be automatically updated and a paper notification will be sent home soon after.

For students brand new to Escambia County schools, the application may take up to ten days to be processed, so parents should plan on providing their child with money for their meals for those days to avoid creating a deficit in their account. Student accounts can also be accessed at

For an explanation as to how the 30 schools where chosen, click here.

File photo.


67 Responses to “All Students At 30 Escambia Schools To Get Free Meals This Year”

  1. Wharf Rat on August 17th, 2015 10:46 pm

    OK, comments are wearing thin. Dang it people, do you think charity is free? Do you think freedom is free.? People are paying for what we have every day, some of it with their lives. I hope the people of this nation will wake up and realize what is happening to us every day. A whole new voting majority is descending upon us, and, I know I will not be here to see this disaster, but, I would like to know my granddaughter would have a chance at a decent life and future that my family, and others, have contributed to in the last 100 plus years. Lord help us all.

  2. Wendy on August 16th, 2015 6:43 am

    That is an amazing picture. Wonder where it came from. School lunches have not looked like that in over a decade.

  3. northendbratt on August 15th, 2015 4:36 pm

    I’m all for all children having food everyday.I was one of the kids who went to school hungry, and because back then there was no such thing as free lunch, I stayed hungry. That being said, is the money that is coming into these homes being spent on nails and two hundred dollar hair dos,and are these kids being brought to school in very expensive vehicles? Just wondering. …….?


  4. Joe on August 15th, 2015 9:45 am


  5. mom on August 15th, 2015 9:12 am

    I do not care how poor the parents are. They need to learn where to cut corners, spend frugal, and quit seeing where they get a free “lunch” in every area. Totally agree with “atwork”, Facetious Bob . You have heard the saying, “You don’t work….you don’t eat!” Go watch the movie, “ROBIN HOOD”

  6. William on August 14th, 2015 11:38 pm
  7. Facetious Bob on August 14th, 2015 10:35 pm

    Proverbs 22:7: When you are in debt to another, you enter into a slave/master relationship./ or, The rich rule over the poor, and borrower is servant to the lender.

    Psalms 37: 21: The wicked borrows but does not pay back, but the righteous is generous and gives.

    Just a couple of thoughts from the Good Book.

  8. molinoman on August 14th, 2015 10:31 pm

    @BPD haha I thought the same thing at first glance! I was thinking the school either knew pictures were being taken that day and hooked that plate up or this has to be a stock photo William placed with the article. NO school lunches look that good that I have ever seen in my day or now my kid’s.

    I called both my kids to the screen and asked them if their school lunches looked that good. Both started laughing and said “NO WAY!”

    The price for lunches keep going up, but the quality does not. Eventually it will be cheaper to have David’s Catfish or Ryan’s cater the school lunches.

  9. Proverbs 14:21 on August 14th, 2015 9:43 pm

    He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth: but he that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he. (KJV)

  10. BPD on August 14th, 2015 9:12 pm

    It would be amazing if an actual school meal looked as good as the plate that little girl is holding. That looks like an $8 to $10 plate, if purchased in the real world.

  11. Facetious Bob on August 14th, 2015 9:06 pm

    Thanks Don, All the “cram the van,” food and shoe, (wow) give aways, retail stores asking for a donation over your purchase for school supplies, just building an entitlement generation, that grows like an amoeba. There is a parable relating to one day there will be more people riding on the wagon than pulling it. Since I learned from my parents the importance of frugality, they came out of the depression, and to not over extend our existence, we had no more children than we could afford. I have paid my taxes religiously over 50 years.

    When I was a kid in the 50’s, there were friends of mine who could not afford their mealsl, and they worked in the lunch room…KP? Hopefully, They may have learned a valuable lesson that life is not fair. They were supported by the school, yet they were the minority. It is not right or fair for a child to go hungry. Where are the parents? Does anybody see where these programs are leading this nation? My question is, since I am no longer employed, age 72, could I stop by for a “free meal” every few days?

  12. David Huie Green on August 14th, 2015 5:08 pm

    “goes to a private school in Alabama and she pays $160.00 a week for his lunch. Horsefeathers! Do the math, Kathy. That is $32.00 per lunch. I do not believe that for a second.”

    Could be.
    Could be.
    I hear cavier’s expensive.

    David for grits

  13. Melissa on August 14th, 2015 4:09 pm

    Don is right on. I stopped doing all that stuff for the same reason.

  14. Tom on August 14th, 2015 3:59 pm

    Tax payers will bear the brunt of this; nothing is ever free. If I am not mistaken, any parent can move their child to one of these schools and take advantage of the free meals. There are always certain people that will take advantage of anything free. I loved watching on Ch 3 news the other night as one school group was handing out free backpacks and school supplies to the needy and a kid comes up in a Ralph Lauren Polo shirt and Michael Jordan shoes; yeah that’s needy; lets spend money on high price luxuries, but not the necessities. Or the parent with 9 kids and no job. That’s ‘Merica for you.

  15. Maggie on August 14th, 2015 3:18 pm

    If school uniforms was mandatory then more money could be spent on learning supplies. Many poor parents spend all their money on clothes and shoes so they fit in. After reading a lot of these comments from teachers it really makes me nervous sending my child to schools taught by so many people full of meanness.

  16. Steve on August 14th, 2015 3:07 pm

    Kathy (above) needs to edit her post. She says that her child goes to a private school in Alabama and she pays $160.00 a week for his lunch. Horsefeathers! Do the math, Kathy. That is $32.00 per lunch. I do not believe that for a second. Why don’t you make him a sack lunch?

  17. Don on August 14th, 2015 2:44 pm

    This Is one of the reasons I quit supporting “cram the van” I did it for years until I talked to a few teachers and they agreed that it was mainly lazy parents who would rather spend their money on lottery tickets,because they know some bleeding heart agency will provide!! it’s the same for ALL the programs at holidays,the entitlement class will sign for every program even though they don’t need it….same with the school meal program,they can’t be bothered with it..they breed em’ we feed em’!! and they know we will!

  18. THE DOER on August 14th, 2015 2:37 pm

    Oh, my goodness. Let’s take a look at what the REAL issue is here. It’s not the fact that students are getting free lunches. That’s well and fine; however, we all know someone is actually paying for that — yes, we, the taxpayers.

    The issue is that not ALL of the children in this county are. The issue is that now many ineligible children will get free lunches because the majority of the students at that school qualify. How sweet and special; however, if your child attends a school where the majority does not qualify, you are just left out in the cold.

    How can we even CONSIDER this program? Would we a girl the opportunity to play football if she wanted to, even though she may be the only girl on the team? Absolutely not. That’s discrimination. Would we deny a student the opportunity to practice free speech in both the written and spoken word? Absolutely not. That’s discrimination. Would we deny a child entrance into a school because his or her parents make too much or too little? Absolutely not. That’s discrimination.

    Well, what the heck is this? Some of you people need to rethink your logic. The issue is not free lunch or free breakfast. The issue is that it is begin given to some of the public schools and not all, based on majority income, which means that children of parents who make above a certain amount are being totally discriminated against. And that, my friends, is how districts really mess up. This is going to become a legal matter. I guarantee you.

  19. Elwin on August 14th, 2015 2:23 pm

    Not all of the schools are south of nine mile. My daughter works hard and does all she can even with our help. There is little left for food even at home much less at school. Her kids qualify for free lunch anyway but they make it almost impossible to work and make the meetings to apply for help. I agree more schools should qualify for this but don’t say everyone who gets this is lazy and not doing everything they can to get by.

  20. Melissa on August 14th, 2015 2:15 pm

    To the person who said school supplies are cheap. when was the last time you went shopping. I spent over $70 for two kids. My son does not go through 48 pencils in a year and if he did i would get him more, but no everything goes in a pile so the kids whose parents can’t be bothered will have some.

  21. William on August 14th, 2015 1:31 pm

    The photo is a file/stock photo from the USDA, which administers the National School Lunch Program.

  22. Randy on August 14th, 2015 1:00 pm

    The soul is willing, but the flesh is weak. Feed the flesh and prepare the mind. No child should go to school hungry, that is receipe for disaster…

  23. Dawn on August 14th, 2015 12:52 pm

    I sit here and read all these comments, I agree with a lot, but none of these children are at fault, all people do these days is complain about everything, I don’t know if you realize but our country has starving children! We send money to other countries so why not keep it here! If you want it to change, then go to the polls and make a difference! I am sure some of you never even voted for our congressmen or president, if you didn’t I suggest you delete what you have to say! I am a conservative I believe in drug testing for food stamps and financial help, I also think if you receive these funds you should contribute to the community you live in, community service not as punishment but to help out. Times are hard period but our kids shouldn’t suffer! What has happened to our country as a whole, coming together, being more giving, and not because you have to but because you want to! Very sad!

  24. my thoughts on August 14th, 2015 12:40 pm

    To all the complainers out there: If you think your child/ren qualify for free/reduced breakfast/lunch, then all you have to do is apply and find out. The schools that are getting school wide free breakfast/lunch are the ones where the majority already qualify anyway. And to the parents complaining about schools supplies, my gosh, that stuff is cheap!! Kids go through a lot of pencils, paper, crayons, etc. They break them, they lose them, they use them up! It’s all a part of the learning process.

    As far as the picture of the food tray, I have NEVER seen portions that large on a child’s tray; or an adult’s for that matter. I think that was just for the picture. Anyway, y’all are fighting over a school lunch, not a gourmet meal. I’m sure the kids will hear all of the negative comments from parents/grandparents and come to school with the negative stuff on their minds. What a lousy way to start the first week of school. If parents would “talk up” the schools, the kids might come happier, more positive, and ready to learn.

  25. Kathy on August 14th, 2015 12:37 pm

    I pay good money for my son to go got private school almost $6000. a year because Escambia county Alabama has really hurrible schools and still have to pay for his lunch and thats another $160.00 a week and thats brought in by local restaurant and its cold by the time they get it really sad

  26. David Huie Green on August 14th, 2015 12:21 pm

    “As a taxpayer, I don’t mind paying my part to help. So many Debbie Downers! Sheesh!”

    I suspect you would resent it if the other taxpayers didn’t help you share the burden of helping. You think it is their responsibility to help care for the children.

    Many of these people consider it the responsibility of the parents to provide for their own and resent the fact they do not seem to be doing so.

    So you are like them even if you don’t like them.

    David for free food for everyone
    (and the Tooth Fairy owes me several quarters)

  27. Carla on August 14th, 2015 12:12 pm

    I like how some people are commenting that this is happening because parents are too lazy to get up and work. FYI I am employed with a great company here in Pensacola and I have absolutely nothing to do with the schools that were chosen. I work 40 and sometimes more hours a week. By the time you pay bills, buy gas, and food, there isn’t much money left over. If you are middle class, I’m sure you understand. Not ALL parents of children that are receiving this benefit are using the system, let alone get any type of assistance. My children have never been eligible for free lunch and I am excited to see how much I will save. That’s if they even eat it!

  28. mom on August 14th, 2015 11:39 am

    Really?! Many parents sacrifice to put their kids in a Christian school. These parents pay taxes and do not even use the public school system. The kids bring their own lunches because the school cannot provide for those resources. The salary of these teachers may be 12,000 or less a year. Let the parents pay for extras that the school does.

  29. Melissa on August 14th, 2015 11:27 am

    Bettie – You are right. the reason they want so many school supplies is because they know some will not bring any. Some might not be able to afford them, but most just want bother because they know they don’t have to. Look at the parents of these poor kids and see if they have their nails done and their hair done. You know they do. And if we keep giving these kids everything, how are they going to learn any different. They see their parents doing nothing and getting everything, so why should they go out and work.

  30. Bring it On on August 14th, 2015 11:23 am

    Just ridiculous ! I don’t owe any of these people anything ! I raised my children and paid for their lunch at school by the way. I know it’s not the children’s fault here but the parents of these children need to learn the definition of the word PRIDE and stop living off everyone else’s dime.

  31. Bring it On on August 14th, 2015 11:19 am

    Back in the day, my children had either a bag lunch or money in their pockets for lunch at school. Now they are grown and moved away from home so why are we still paying for all these free programs out there ? It just seems that everytime a liberal minded fool comes up with an idea and stamps FREE on it , the hard working people have to pay for it. Stop taking so much and try your luck at contributing to your own children’s welfare. It’s called PRIDE !!

  32. Really? on August 14th, 2015 11:19 am

    It amazes me at all of the complaints. Just like others have said if you meet the requirements then please apply to get free lunches. Be thankful that a lot of kids won’t go hungry. As a taxpayer, I don’t mind paying my part to help. So many Debbie Downers! Sheesh!

  33. Susan on August 14th, 2015 11:04 am

    Teacher: I don’t need a bandaid and don’t want to pay for everyone else’s bandaids!

  34. A on August 14th, 2015 11:02 am

    My children’s schools are not on the list. Yet, Thank You for looking out for the children of our communities. Great job! Children should Never be hungry. This is America and we are for the People.

  35. Susan on August 14th, 2015 10:59 am

    This is discrimination. If these kids get it, ALL should get it! I worked to put myself through school so I could support MYSELF and MY kids, not everyone else and their kids

  36. Football Mom on August 14th, 2015 10:34 am

    So in OTHER words……..the areas that predominately receive welfare benefits (FOOD STAMPS FOR FREE FOOD) are now going to get FREE LUNCH TOO?????

    Wonder how long it will be before folks start griping about what the freebies are being served? “Those kids in the Northend of the county get Chick Fil A and Papa Johns and its very discriminatory that our FREEBIES dont get it too.”

    Haha wont be long now………SMH

  37. Brenda Estes on August 14th, 2015 10:31 am

    Not fair…….discrimination against children living in the north end. Have grandchildren that attend school…….while $2.50 doesn’t sound like much…That is $12.50 weekly for elementary school. Bet middle and high school cost more. With three kids, that is a minimum of $450.00/each or $1350.00/year……..That would go a long way towards buying school clothes and supplies. And while on the subject of supplies, why does a second grader need four boxes of 24 crayons, 48 pencils, 4 packs of paper, 2bottles of glue, 2 pairs of scissors, several folders and composition books. Is this to cover children that Don’t bring anything?

  38. Joyce on August 14th, 2015 10:29 am

    I don’t mind as a taxpayer,paying for children to eat free ,I would rather pay for children than grown people sitting in prisons to eat free at least this way I am contributing to a future not a failure

  39. north end on August 14th, 2015 10:26 am

    Guess we need to take our kids south of nine Mile if we want them to do anything like that for our kids!

  40. kimberly on August 14th, 2015 10:16 am

    Look people its not these childrens fault they have lazy parents and they will not get a job or provide them with food. I’m glad escambia county is doing these for these children. Noone really knows if this is these kids only meals. Instead of being negative how bout pack your own kids lunch if you think almost $3 a day is going to break you. So ridiculous!!!!

  41. Karl on August 14th, 2015 9:58 am

    NOTHING is free TAX PAYERS are paying for it!

  42. THE DOER on August 14th, 2015 9:49 am

    Dear TEACHER:
    You are missing the point. I am an employee in this school district too. I am also a parent whose children have been and are still being educated in this district. There is no such thing as a “FREE LUNCH.” Someone is going to fit the bill. This is one of the most discriminatory things in which our county has ever participated. Middle-class is more than just income. It is about values, morals and expectations. My children have never qualified for free lunch. That is fine; however, now the tables have shifted. This district has decided, once again, to accept the federal government’s bait for FREE FOOD FOR ALL, but ONLY at particular schools. This is bullying at its finest form. I do not care how much money parents make. If you are going to offer free lunches at one school, then you should do it at all. Call it the TITLE XYZ program. You cannot show favoritism to one school (by offering free lunches and breakfasts to all, even those who do NOT qualify) and punish other students within the same district who do NOT attend that school. So my students are now penalized not only because their parents work and pay for their food, but now because they do not go to a school where the majority of students are poverty-stricken.

    Contrary to the majority’s belief about this area, there are many highly educated people who actually are very versed and even qualified in the legal area. This is a law suit in the making.

  43. Betty H Killam on August 14th, 2015 9:36 am

    If everybody in any school is put on free lunch—then put them all on in every school.
    How very un-fair! So most kids eat free and some families who happen to work for a living continue to pay for everybody. We should all just quit work and go fishing! Make everybody happy until the economy collapses! Then nobody will feed anybody so everybody will be hungry!

  44. Christie on August 14th, 2015 9:23 am

    Ah yes, I see….. This explains why my son’s lunch and breakfast prices went up…I try to do what’s best by putting him in a good school (north end) and get penalised for it.

  45. meliss on August 14th, 2015 9:19 am

    I do believe it saw an article last week about the price of meals going up in Escambia County. So really this is not free, it is just one group of people pay for another groups meals. Just like everything else is our country these days.

  46. atwork on August 14th, 2015 9:08 am

    It must be nice – I have to pay cash for food. And after taxes, I can’t afford to have kids. Now these kids will learn who their real daddy is: the government.

  47. Teacher on August 14th, 2015 9:00 am

    This program is available to schools that have a student population that a high percentage of the students parental income qualifies them for free or reduced lunch. I have worked at, and continue to work at, one of these schools. If you qualify for free or reduced meals at your school, then by all means, fill out your application and receive what you qualify to receive. It has NOTHING to do with where you live!! You see poverty in all areas of the county, north and south. Most of these schools deal with the same population of students. These elementary schools feed in to these middle schools that eventually feed in to this high school.
    Bewildered, if you are unhappy paying the price for the meals in schools, then pack your child a lunch!! I am not sure you can provide them with a protein, fruit, and vegetable and a drink for the $2.50 that it cost for a elementary student to purchase a meal. For some parents $12.50 a week is a lot of money. I will end with the same thing I tell my students that complain that somebody gets something that they don’t, equal does not mean the same as fair, If you don’t need a band aid, you don’t get a band aid just because some one else gets it.

  48. Xpeecee on August 14th, 2015 8:56 am

    Liberal Progressive Socialism at it’s best…

  49. KK on August 14th, 2015 8:48 am

    So… All of the hungry kids live South of 9 Mile Rd? That’s amazing.

  50. Lifendason on August 14th, 2015 8:26 am

    Though this sounds like a wonderful idea because no child should go without food in America, it is not free, someone will be paying the bill.

    Question I have is those folks who are receiving food stamps to buy food for their children, are they going to get a decrease in stamps to supplement the cost? Doubt it!

    I wonder if the South end has more on stamps than the north…hmmm Sounds like a targeted program.

  51. Beautiful on August 14th, 2015 8:25 am

    That lunch really look good. Hope all the schools get to eat free. All of my 3 kids is grown and gone, but when they was in school while their father served in Iraq .I had to pay $50 a week for two of them to eat lunch and breakfast . Plus I Had to give them snacks money. Thank God one of them was out of school.
    N that is a beautiful little girl. God bless n keep all the kids over the world.

  52. Donna on August 14th, 2015 8:17 am

    I would like to take all the money wasted on excessive standardized testing and use it to feed every public school student who walks through the door.

  53. Who Cares on August 14th, 2015 8:11 am

    Guess the kids at the north end are Left out. I smell a Law Suit. So EBT gets them feed at home now free food at school. Why work?

  54. Ashley M on August 14th, 2015 8:09 am

    Maybe because those most LOW income families come from these areas and attend THESE schools. There is always SOMETHING for SOMEONE to complain about.

  55. JW on August 14th, 2015 8:05 am

    So….if this is a federal program, ALL schools in the county should be eligible. I am curious as to “WHAT” makes a school eligible? Poverty level driven? OR is this just a random choice for the south end of the county? Not all south end HS and MS made it. I see Jim Allen made the list.

  56. Lisa on August 14th, 2015 7:55 am

    It should be so in all Escambia county public schools.

  57. Just listening on August 14th, 2015 7:49 am

    To: Gman, Me, M, Parent, bewildered, and Kim:

    Amen to all of you, If its good enough for one school – then it should be good for all!

  58. Just the Facts on August 14th, 2015 7:40 am

    No, we’re not left out in the north end! We’re paying more this year to cover less! School lunches have gone up in Escambia county and Santa Rosa this year, Just saying! The haves-have…The have nots-have…The middle-has absolutiy nothing!

  59. Southerner on August 14th, 2015 7:39 am

    Socialism-Taking from some and giving to others.

  60. Kim on August 14th, 2015 6:29 am

    How convenient that they are all in the South end of the county.

  61. bewildered on August 14th, 2015 6:27 am

    At first glance this seems to be an excellent idea – no child should go hungry.
    I have no school age children so this does not affect me one way or the other. However, I would like to know who comes up with these hair brained selection processes? If this CEP program is available, why not make it available to everybody? A high school kid attending Pine Forest High School eats free, but the one living in the Escambia High District pays $4 or $5 a day for the same food!!! What is next? Maybe the government will decide that people living in certain zip codes no longer have to pay income taxes (regardless of income)

  62. Parent on August 14th, 2015 6:19 am

    …and in the meantime, breakfast and lunch prices increase at all other schools. I’m not surprised.

  63. M in Bratt on August 14th, 2015 5:55 am

    Looks like the North End is left out,,,,,,,,,,,,,Again

  64. Me on August 14th, 2015 5:44 am

    What about the students on the north end? (Molino Park Elementary, Earnest Ward Middle &, Northveiw High Schools)

  65. Gman on August 14th, 2015 5:08 am

    Just put every school on the list, this way no one is left out to go hungry.

  66. Not Fair!!!!! on August 14th, 2015 4:18 am

    I don’t see any of the North end schools on this list!!! If they are gonna give the lunches free in town, then they should do it county wide. Mr. Superintendent needs to rethink this decision!!!!!!!!!!!

  67. Jane on August 14th, 2015 3:37 am

    According to national statistics, Escambia County in Florida is one of the poorest counties in the nation. (Not in Florida, in the United States!!) If we had more jobs here I imagine this would not be necessary. Thank your county commissioners next time you see one.