10 Day Back To School Sales Tax Holiday Underway

August 7, 2015

Today is the first day of Florida’s 2015 Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday.

Due to the success of recent sales tax holidays, the tax-free holiday has been extended from its original three day period to ten full days of tax free shopping.  During this period, no Florida sales tax will be collected on sales of clothing, footwear, and certain accessories with a selling price of $100 or less per item, on certain school supplies selling for $15 or less per item, and on the first $750 of the sales price for computers and certain computer-related accessories when purchased for noncommercial home or personal use.

To view a complete list of exempted items for this year’s Tax-Free Holiday, click here.


One Response to “10 Day Back To School Sales Tax Holiday Underway”

  1. gatorbait on August 8th, 2015 10:23 am

    Gov Rick Scott thank you for the back to school sales tax holiday but
    I would appreciate it a lot more if you would stop wasting our tax
    Dollars on your frivolous lawsuits and stop using our tax dollars to
    Settle lawsuits against you for breaking the Florida Sunshine law for
    Open Government. You just agreed to settle with a Tallahassee attorney
    That sued you for using private e-mails to conduct state business for
    700 thousand dollars. Scott agreed to settle case over the ouster of
    Gerald Bailey head of FDLE for 55 Thousand dollars. And the state
    Has paid 200 thousand dollars in legal fees and settlements for other
    State officials. This is a million taxpayer dollars wasted. This money could
    Have been spent better to help the citizens of Florida. Gov Scott Vetoes
    A $ 2000 a year pay raise for the State Forestry Firefighters that have
    To support their families on a base salary of 24 thousand dollars a year.
    And then turns around and approves 2 million dollars for a sea wall
    Around a golf course in orange county in south Florida.
    I am Appalled .