Scott: Escambia Area Added More Than 4,000 Jobs Over Year In June

July 18, 2015

Governor Rick Scott announced Friday that the Escambia County area again experienced positive annual job growth over the year in June 2015 with 4,100 new jobs. The metro area’s unemployment rate declined by 0.9 percentage point over the year, from 6.3 percent in June 2014 to 5.4 percent in June 2015. Florida businesses have added more than 896,000 private-sector jobs since December 2010.

Governor Scott said, “With 4,100 new jobs added over the year in June, more Floridians in the Pensacola area have the opportunity to provide for their families and fulfill their dreams. We will keep working to cut taxes, create jobs, and make Florida the best state for businesses and families to succeed.”

The industries with the largest job gains in the Pensacola metro area over the year were trade, transportation, and utilities with 1,100 new jobs and education and health services with 1,000 new jobs. The Pensacola metro area had the fastest annual job growth rate compared to all metro areas in financial activities at 4.6 percent in June 2015. The Pensacola metro area had 5,982 online job openings in June 2015 and 1,153 openings for high wage, high skill science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) occupations.

Florida created 12,200 private-sector jobs in June 2015, and a total of 896,900 private-sector jobs since December 2010. Florida’s statewide unemployment rate for June 2015 was 5.5 percent. In June, more than 33,200 Floridians were placed in jobs by CareerSource Escarosa and the state’s other 23 regional workforce boards.


10 Responses to “Scott: Escambia Area Added More Than 4,000 Jobs Over Year In June”

  1. Lady on July 18th, 2015 9:49 pm

    Where are all these jobs? True,True , Mobile ie far above Escambia County Fl. 0ur children have to go away to get a decent job. These figures the Governor released must be for someplace else. The North end of Escambia County. Is always shafted. They think Molina. Is close enough for Walnut Hill, Century.,Davisville, McDavid and should drive for tags,drivers license, etc to BELOW Molina to get service when we have the Billy Ward Judicial Center up ou way. We cannot get the Health Dept accommodate us. The Sheriff’s Dept have a new building that was a Health facility a few days each month and the poor deputies have to ride the road instead of using the building so it stays CLOSE:D. 24-7. We should NOT FUND anything in the South.

  2. Ricky Bobby aka-Rick Scott on July 18th, 2015 8:42 pm

    That’s amazing cause I got layed off in June. Jobs, sure like to know were all this so called business is? I guess he talkin about the 5000 people cutting grass with no benefits. I bet he doesn’t show the numbers when winter rolls around and there no grass to cut.

  3. Anon on July 18th, 2015 6:53 pm

    I can say that I scored one of those jobs, a high paying STEM one none the less. (Good looks like these don’t go cheap). Do I think the governor or county had much to do with it, no. You can’t deny that it exists and it is in Florida, though.

  4. sonny on July 18th, 2015 6:15 pm

    Where? I have applied about 200 good decent paying jobs since first of year and have a college degree. Only heard back from one job and had a interview and never heard back from them! It is truly a screw up with what they are doing!

  5. VORr on July 18th, 2015 4:15 pm

    More deception and skewing…here is the data from the BoLS for the Pensacola metro area:
    Year Period labor force employment unemployment unemployment rate

    2014 Dec 212763 201657 11106 5.2

    2015 May 214231 202696 11535 5.4

    Look what I did! Now, I can make the statement that unemployment has risen 0.2% since last year.

  6. Allen on July 18th, 2015 2:58 pm

    The county commissioners definitely are not doing anything to stimulate economic growth. I say vote all of those lowlifes out of office. As far as the governor he is a scum bag doing nothing to help the middle class. I am tired of this criminal taking credit for all of these jobs.

  7. bartender on July 18th, 2015 9:06 am

    Im with bill, where are the jobs in pensacola? yes minimun wage jobs big deal. how come mobile gets all the big paying jobs? the just got amazon warehouse jobs being built. they are trying to get jobs over there and all we get is beach jobs so take care of the vacationers.there is plenty of land that the county owns and they wont even give companies a tax break or let them build for cheap.if the commissioners had to live a miminum wage jobs they might try and get jobs in long as there are no jobs theres gona be more robbing and stealing around here.look at the commerence park on highway 29,that was a waste of money,no businness in there. they can spends millions on soccer fields bu they cant finds companies that want to build here?? whats wrong with that picture.

  8. Kathy on July 18th, 2015 8:47 am

    I’m guessing those must be Navy Federal Jobs.

  9. Bob C. on July 18th, 2015 8:12 am

    @ Bill…..Indeed, WHERE are the “New” jobs located, what are the folks doing?
    Where are the new businesses or jobs opening up?

    Whenever I hear of “New Jobs” makes me wonder, are these really more of a replacement hire for people who have retired, resigned, been let go, moved, etc.?
    Or, are they really honest sure nuff NEW jobs?
    Does Rick Scott, and other politicians, use just the numbers from Dept of Labor showing when a person’s SSN is entered for an employer or do they balance the outgoing jobs (retirees, left) with the “New” hires?

    Politics is mumbo-jumbo and clouds the truth.

  10. Bill on July 18th, 2015 7:55 am

    Where are said jobs? They are probably minimum wage type jobs and even so I’m not seeing them. Rick Scott is a clown!