FWC Law Enforcement Report

July 6, 2015

The Florida FWC Division of Law Enforcement reported the following activity during the two week period ending July 2 in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties.


Officers Miller, Cushing, Jones, Tolbert and the U.S. Coast Guard participated in a two night detail conducting inspections of commercial shrimp vessels in Pensacola Bay.  A total of seven vessels were boarded. One citation was issued for fishing more than two nets and one warning was issued for not having a restricted species endorsement.

Lieutenant Hahr was patrolling in the Perdido River WMA at Fillingim Landing when he observed a car pull into the parking area and stop abruptly.  The driver exited the car and began swearing and yelling at several others that appeared to be in his group.  He turned the music up in the car and seemed to be threatening the others with violence as he pounded his fists together and threw up his hands in a fighting stance.  Lieutenant Hahr approached the man and called him away from the car.  The man immediately quieted down and stated that everything was fine when asked about his behavior.  Lieutenant Hahr detected the odor of alcoholic beverages on his breath and other indicators of impairment.  He conducted field sobriety tasks and determined that the man was impaired.  He also determined that the man’s driver license had been suspended numerous times in the past and was currently not valid.  He placed the man under arrest and escorted him from the area.  The man was transported to the Escambia County Jail where a breath test was conducted.  His breath alcohol level was .190g/210L.  He was booked for DUI and driving with a suspended driver license.

Officer Webb concluded a boating accident investigation that involved a hit and run on the Escambia River.  The accident happened when a vessel operator who was towing a skier veered into the path of another vessel.  After the accident, the operator of the vessel towing the skier fled from the scene.  There were only minor injuries to the victims in the second vessel.  Through his investigation, Officer Webb was able to identify the operator who fled.  He spoke with the subject several times and made arrangements to meet, but the subject would not show up.  Officer Webb obtained warrants on the subject for leaving the scene of a boating accident, failure to report a boating accident, and careless operation of a vessel.


Officer Hutchinson received a complaint regarding a subject who had illegally harvested and possessed an alligator gar from the Escambia River. Officer Hutchinson followed up on the complaint and located the subject. After further investigation and interviewing of the subject at his residence, Officer Hutchinson discovered that the subject was still in possession of the alligator gar. The gar had been caught on hook and line gear and then shot with a rifle. He seized the meat and carcass and charged the man with illegal taking/possession of an alligator gar.

Officer Hutchinson was patrolling the Blackwater River when he observed a small vessel traveling towards him.  As the vessel neared him, it left the river channel and turned into a cove.  He repositioned his patrol vessel so that he could continue observing the vessel and observed the occupants just sitting in the vessel watching him.  He made contact with the occupants and observed that they had been fishing.  They admitted to catching a large sheepshead, but when Officer Hutchinson asked to see it, the subject sitting on the cooler stood up and asked about the size limits for redfish.  Officer Hutchinson told him he first wanted to look inside of the ice chest. The subject opened the ice chest and Officer Hutchinson immediately observed several undersized redfish in it.  After further inspection, he discovered that the three subjects were in possession of seven redfish, five of which were undersized.  They also were in possession of an undersized spotted seatrout.  Two of the subjects admitted to catching and keeping the undersized fish and knowing the size and bag limits for the fish.  Officer Hutchinson seized the illegal fish and charged the subjects with possession of undersized redfish and spotted seatrout and possession of over the daily bag limit of redfish.

This report represents some events the FWC handled over the past two weeks; however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement. Information provided by FWC.


4 Responses to “FWC Law Enforcement Report”

  1. chris in Molino on July 8th, 2015 5:55 pm

    I have mixed emotions.
    The waverunners B. Phillips talks about is one group. And one from that group is there EVERY weekend. I agree. I have a boat and am nearly there every weekend. Sometimes i drive on Alabama side because i do drink. I’ve posted signs along the river such as “why bring a glass bottle to the river” and “got trash bags”. This guy who rents canoes and kayaks profiting on public land should issue trash bags. I pick up at least two big bags per week. I learned to swim Perdido and love it. I prefer seclusion which is why i go north of Barrineau. But get ready, Alabama has made 20 miles of trails and plan to build pavillions on many sandbars for rent to canoers = more people. I take my whole family and we drink but we’re not stupid. I pick trash up because i don’t want fools to ruin it. By ruin it, i mean FWC patrolling. They care not, it’s all about revenue. When they start patrolling, is when my boat gets registered and put in on Alabama, so they can’t harras me on the water. Alabama don’t have the resources or desire to ticket people to death.

  2. B. Phillips on July 8th, 2015 9:49 am

    Great job officer ! I live on the river and talk to a lot a really nice people floating it but sometimes it’s really sad to see a large group come by that are drunk, talking their stupid talk, their trash floating in the river with them, wanting to bum cigs. and beer. Sometimes their trash floats by before they do. I thank the FWC for doing what they do to keep Perdido River as family friendly as possible. Sure wish something could be done about the more and more presents of Wave Runners on the river. It’s just not the place to mix a high speed watercraft with tubers and kayakers, someone’s is going to get hurt or killed one day. The river can be perfectly clear and when the wave runners start running up and down it all day it stays muddy almost to the point that you don’t want to get back in the water. THANKS again FWC for the work you do on the river I’d hate to see how it would be without your presents.

  3. Don on July 7th, 2015 4:01 pm

    Thanks officers!!! Especially Lt. Hahr. No place for drunks on perdido

  4. 429SCJ on July 6th, 2015 4:23 pm

    Good Work Lt Hahr, for keeping that drunk trash out of our family oriented recreation areas.