Free Teach The Teacher Soil Workshop Offered

July 6, 2015

This summer, the University of Florida IFAS Soil Science Department is offering a one-day, Teach the Teacher International Year of Soil Workshop for educators at locations throughout the state of Florida to learn more about soils and how to relate that information back to their students.

The workshop will be comprised of in-class lectures, activity demonstrations, and field tours that will be taught by University of Florida faculty.  The workshop will cover topics like Soils and Civilizations, What is a Soil, Water Retention and Movement in Soil, Soil is Living, and Soil Protects the Environment.

Participants will leave with curriculum, a certificate of attendance, and a better understanding of how to incorporate soil science into teachable moments in his/her classroom.

The local event will be held Tuesday, July 7 at the West Florida Research and Education Center at 4253 Experiment Road in Jay. Attendance is  free and lunch will be provided, but attendees should register in advance by clicking here.


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