Escambia County Seeks Appointees For Health Facilities, Housing Finance Authorities

July 10, 2015

The Escambia County Board of County Commissioners is seeking Escambia County residents interested in volunteering for specialized/layperson appointments to County Boards and Committees which have vacancies. Appointees serve without compensation and some appointments require filing of Financial Disclosure Forms.

The Escambia County Health Facilities Authority was established in accordance with Florida Statutes. The Authority’s duties are to assist health facilities in acquisition, construction, financing and refinancing of projects. Knowledge of finance and/or health care administration required. Authority members serve a four-year term of office.  Financial Disclosure Required.


  • An Authority Board member must be a resident of Escambia County. An appointee must be able to attend monthly board meetings during regular business hours and to travel out of town. This requires the Board Member to have an employer and/or occupation which provides flexibility to engage in volunteer community service activities.
  • Under its current annual meeting schedule the Authority meets once a month on the third Tuesday at 4 p.m., except for the months of April and September when the Board and Staff attend educational conferences related to current topics in tax exempt capital financing for healthcare organizations. Monthly time commitments generally range from three to five hours per month, depending on business matters under consideration.  For educational conferences the Board members are out of town for up to four days twice a year.
  • Board members must have reasonable computer skills; access to a computer running Windows 7 or higher, with the current version of Adobe Reader, Microsoft Word and Excel, and with high speed internet access to receive email with attachments, and to download large PDF files containing meeting agendas and backup materials. A new Board member will spend three to five hours for the initial orientation and training on Authority operations.
  • Board members must be able and willing to learn about (1) tax exempt bond financing and federal regulations related to municipal bond financing; (2) rules and regulations for municipal bond issuers; (3) current capital financing options and techniques for non-profit healthcare organizations; and (4) Florida laws related to local government operations and finance.

The Escambia County Housing Finance Authority was established in accordance with Florida Law. The Authority’s duties are to assist in eliminating shortages of adequate housing; stop reoccurrence of slum conditions; and stimulate employment and commerce. Knowledge in the area of labor, finance or commerce required. Authority members serve a four-year term of office. Financial Disclosure Required.


  • The Authority’s regular meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month and typically last between one to two hours (i.e. 24 hours annually). Board members are also required to attend special meetings that are occasionally called on an “as needed” basis in connection with proposed multi- and single-family financings.
  • Board members must review various documents (official statements, trust statements, loan agreements, etc.) prior to each monthly meeting. Preparation time generally ranges from one hour for a normal meeting, to four to six hours if there is a substantial item on the agenda.
  • Board members are also required to be available for any bond issue closings that occur during the year and to also make time during the month to consult with the Executive Director (and/or be available to sign documents, checks, etc.) as needed in connection with routine Authority business.
  • Board members are also strongly encouraged to participate in various educational workshops and conferences sponsored by the National and Florida Associations of Local Housing Finance Authorities (approximately two a year) in an effort to stay abreast of emerging trends and changes to all the various laws and regulations in the housing finance and municipal finance industries (i.e. such as their due diligence responsibilities before approving a bond issue, SEC/MSRB regulations, disclosure responsibilities, etc.) that impact the Authority’s mission of providing safe, decent and affordable housing.

Escambia residents interested in serving on either the Escambia County Health Facilities Authority or the Escambia County Housing Finance Authority are asked to submit a resume and letter indicating the Board on which they wish to serve by the close of business on Wednesday, July 22, 2015. Resumes should be submitted to Judy Witterstaeter, Program Coordinator, Board of County Commissioners, P.O. Box 1591, Pensacola, Florida 32502.


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