ECAT Introduces New Tech Features

July 1, 2015

ECAT is offering two new tech features to improve customer service.

There’s now free wi-fi service on all ECAT buses, and there is a new website feature that offers a “where’s my bus” feature.

Users can use the map to see the real-time location of buses and find out how many minutes until the bus is due to arrive at any scheduled stop. To see the map, visit or use a smartphone to scan the QR code on select bus stop signs.

Pictured top: A screenshot showing bus routes and the exact position of two buses on new ECAT “where’s my bus” map.


16 Responses to “ECAT Introduces New Tech Features”

  1. brokefromtaxes on July 3rd, 2015 6:32 pm

    So, which commissioner has a stake in that wifi contract?
    Just like the rest of you, it just makes me steaming mad for this kind of waste to happen. Raise taxes on gas for ecat regardless of what the public wanted.
    I say cut the bus all together, let some private company take over transportation and quit wasting the working people’s tax money.
    Pretty sad we have to subsidize every thing in this place, I’m tired of it.
    Work too hard to give my $ away. I don’t care if people need the bus or not.
    Walk, ride a bike or something. Save your $ and get a car like the rest of us.
    No need for the ecat to be burning up tax money that should be cut, NOT reallocated to some other hair brain scheme on the other side of town that has no impact on me.
    That’s not selfish, it’s common sense, something gov’t has no idea what it is.

  2. James Guilford on July 1st, 2015 6:06 pm

    Well, now we know where the 4 cent per gallon gas tax imposed by the county commissioners the first of this year is going. Not only free trolley for the tourist on the beach. Has anyone seen how many empty buses are just driving around? It’s kinda hard to see inside with the blackout windows. But look close and you can make out the driver’s head. It would be cheaper to replace the buses with nine passenger vans.

  3. Bill on July 1st, 2015 11:33 am

    Less than 3% of escambia county residents use ECAT. So in reality over 97% of us are being penalized to help out 3% of the county. That is why this country is going to collapse. A 5 year old is even smart enough to know its better to help 97% of the people instead of 3%. I also buy as much as I can in Alabama.

  4. JD on July 1st, 2015 11:27 am

    I would like to know why they are providing Wi-fi with my 4 cent per gallon tax increase that we didn’t vote on. How about getting a answer from the CC on this.

  5. Lisa on July 1st, 2015 11:21 am


    People DO pay to ride it; however, our county refused to increase the cost of the rider’s ticket and instead opted to tax everyone else at .04 a gallon of gas. So while they may technically pay a very small fee to ride the bus, it is the taxpaying citizens who had to subsidize ECAT.

    I don’t take what is being said as classism, I take it as fed up hard working tax payers who are tired of others suckling the teat of government.

  6. Kane on July 1st, 2015 10:54 am

    Wow such negativity and classism in these posts. My Grandmother and I rode the ecat exclusively when I was a young child. It was always a fund adventure for me. No we were not on food stamps or any other assistance. She just liked to ride the bus because she did not have a driver license. Many people ride those buses not just those that are on government assistance. Also the ecat is not a subsidiary, it is not provided for free you actually have to pay to ride it.

  7. Jim on July 1st, 2015 9:11 am

    This is why I buy my gas in Alabama and while I am there, I also buy most other things.
    I only go down to Pensacola when absolutely necessary.

  8. Neighbor on July 1st, 2015 8:58 am

    If they can’t afford their own transportation, they can’t afford to have devices that use wifi. This is ridiculous

  9. c.w. on July 1st, 2015 8:50 am

    The union at it’s best. More freebies for the welfare people. Lowery must be proud.

  10. Lisa Fuller on July 1st, 2015 7:15 am

    This is just another shining example of our tax dollars at work.

  11. David on July 1st, 2015 7:15 am

    At least they could put curb feelers on them and lower them 10 inches

  12. ProudArmyParent on July 1st, 2015 7:05 am

    Why am I paying to subsidize internet on the ECAT? Ridiculous!!!!!!!! Please, when is it going to stop, why should I have to pay higher taxes on my gas in Escambia County just so the ECAT is cheaper for those to ride and now get FREE internet. This “crap” has got to stop, you are nickel and diming the middle class right out of the middle class! Make those who use the ECAT pay for the ECAT. Very few from the Northend of the county ever see the bus (we’re at work), let alone ride on it.

  13. Wonderful on July 1st, 2015 7:04 am

    What a great idea. Spend more money on “new tech features to improve customer service” for the dozen or so that actually use ECAT. That way, when they demand MORE MONEY to continue to run, they have the excuse of their upgrades.

  14. JB on July 1st, 2015 6:45 am

    Isn’t this just NICE! A 4 cent gas tax assed on those who drive their own vehicles so bus riders can take full advantage of their OBAMA Phones. With all the new technologies and new buses abound, I still see half empty busses on the streets of Escambia county. I know all these new perks will help with that.

  15. Bama` on July 1st, 2015 5:00 am

    So this is what you did with your gas tax increase ,, you gave to drug heads and food stampers leaches on society free wi fi ,, GREAT JOB Escambia county one more reason never to live in your county,, Lets end all this free crap force them back to work,, If they need Wi Fi on a bus have a charge to use it ,, Stop making your real citizens pay for their laziness

  16. smart on July 1st, 2015 4:25 am

    It is sooooo good that ECAT is offering this, of course I have yet to see them in my area in the north woods. I hope everyone in P’cola enjoys it.