Two-Year Bitten By Dog, Seriously Injured

July 20, 2015

A two-year girl is recovering after a serious dog bite Sunday evening in Cantonment.

The young girl was reportedly bitten in the chest area by a dog about 7:30 p.m. in the 1600 block of Muscogee Road. She was transported by Escambia County EMS to Sacred Heart Hospital as a “trauma alert”.  An update on her condition was not available Monday.

A county official said the dog was killed by its owner. The dog was identified as a lab-blue heeler mix.

Further details have not been released.


19 Responses to “Two-Year Bitten By Dog, Seriously Injured”

  1. joseywhales on July 21st, 2015 10:24 pm

    I’m with df. Who cares what the situation end result a child is in need of medical attention and love and affection. Shame for judging and worrying about some animal. Nice comment about the dog not being a pit bull. Didn’t think it would take long for someone to be ignorant enough to descriminate against them.

  2. melodies4us on July 21st, 2015 10:07 pm

    In a time like this , it doesn’t matter”who’s fault it was”. People please never trust a pet with a small child., no matter how nice they are. You may have grave regrets.

  3. K in Cantonment on July 21st, 2015 8:54 am

    I hate this happened!! Prayers for the child for a quick recovery. I have dogs and I train them to obey, I have grandchildren also the dogs are very good with them unless the child gets overbearing then they try and get away first, I have corrected one of my grandsons to leave the dog alone he was tired of him. I turned by back and the next thing I see he was poking him with a stick, I told him when you get bit your going to be the one in trouble well guess what the dog bit him. I was there I saw it he was warned to leave the dog alone, thank god it was not as bad as this child!!! So before anyone accuses the parents, the dog, etc. Get all the info. Unless you see this first hand DON’T JUDGE! It’s not always the DOG!

  4. Reality on July 21st, 2015 8:20 am

    You can’t trust people these days how you gonna trust a dog.My prayers for the baby and her family.

  5. MissPriss on July 21st, 2015 7:58 am

    Look, it all comes down to being a watchful parent who has the responsibility of parenting a child and owning a pet. Pets arent babysitters or reasonable sometimes and neither are children, it doesnt mean the pet has to be killed nor should a child get hurt….after all pets are part of the family. you wouldnt kill a family member if for example child hit the other over the head and hurt him badly. I am sorry that the child got hurt by the pet..but who really should be held accountable?

  6. LadyRebel on July 21st, 2015 6:01 am

    This is a brief story with basic info and people act like they know what happened! For one this was a lab/blue heeled mix not a pitbull breed most people do not train these kinds of dogs to fight! Also this is a 2 year old. Where were the parents? Where they keeping a close eye on the child? Or maybe the child tried to play with the dog and it got agitated. Maybe the reason the man.killed it was because of the severity of the bite. Maybe he seen his dog latch in and not let go and it was the only way to save the child. We don’t know, we were not there! Maybe he just freaked when he seen the dog hurting the child he did had a bought of temporary insanity! Truthfully.if a dog attacked my 2 year old grand daughter and severely hurt her I would probably be enraged and kill the dog myself. It’s called protective mode from being a parent much like I’d kill a human I caught attacking my child. Most people would. are in that situation you can not honestly say what you would do. He might have saved that child’s life! My prayers to the child for a full recovery and to the family.

  7. A Mom on July 21st, 2015 5:06 am

    @ sea lawyer, you have got to be kidding right or are you sick in the head thinking maybe a 2yr old will learn its lesson? again, a 2 yr old? You must not have any kids or your the type to protect an animal over anything including your own kid, well, I can tell you, if it were me, the owner probably would not have had the chance, if it didn’t belong to me & if I wasn’t alone with the baby, because car for the baby comes first, there are people who put their animals first, I don’t allow my kid to go to certain peoples house due to them not putting their dog out of the house while my baby is there, I don’t want my baby being licked all over by a dog & some people seems to be amused by that so I choose not to visit them, they can come to my house but I won’t go to theirs & no animal except mine is allowed in my house, I can control mine or I won’t have one.

  8. MMK on July 21st, 2015 1:10 am

    I wish some people would quit being so quick to judge someone. People need to know the whole story before they make there remarks. This child that got bit is my cousin and I am so sorry this has happened and only hope and Pray she will be ok..

  9. Matt on July 20th, 2015 10:31 pm

    @Sea Lawyer
    You can’t always control a dog that is determined to go after something or someone. I have had many, many dogs in my life and know how they can be. A dog that is 50 pounds or more can drag a full grown man off his feet in an instant without warning. Just because the dog done this doesn’t mean you automatically point fingers at the owner. You have no idea what could’ve been the issue. I had a dog as a teenager that had a brain tumor and he eventually became so vicious that I couldn’t get near him. I had to have animal control put him down. So you never know. If I were the owner I would’ve done the same thing and killed the dog if it would’ve attacked someone like that, especially a child. A dog that would do that to a toddler needs to be put down. I have three daughters from 14-4 and I don’t care if it was my mothers champion poodle, if it attacked any of my children I would kill it with my bare hands. Human life is more important than the animal. A bad animal doesn’t automatically mean a bad owner. Animals are unpredictable regardless of how well you train or treat them. Sometimes they just snap. Make sure you know all of the facts and not your assumptions before you hand down your sentence, your honor.

  10. df on July 20th, 2015 10:17 pm

    Some of these comments are absolutely ridiculous! No where in this news report does it say why the child was bitten. However, based on some if the comments, it sounds as if the owners should get the death penalty. I realize that some people do train their dogs to be violent but how do you know that is what happened in this situation. Dogs, like people, have a mind of their own and do things that are unexplainable and/or unexpected. It is very sad that some people seem to be more concerned about the dog than the child that was rushed to the hospital as a trauma alert. Sometimes I wonder how this world got to be in the shape it is in…but then I read comments like these.

    Prayers for the child!!!!

  11. atmoredude on July 20th, 2015 7:07 pm

    Kathy – I know you are being sarcastic, but in reality, I agree with everything you posted! A dog is a dog and that little girl is a precious child. Get real people!!

  12. wendell on July 20th, 2015 5:56 pm

    Just got home and had to chase a terrier out of the yard; he was harassing and trying to catch one of my roosters; now this terrible story! :( Please, for the love of all that’s decent, people, spay or neuter your dog to reduce it’s aggression, excitability, and desire to wander or escape, and keep them on a leash or in a fenced yard. They will be safer and live longer, healthier lives. Hope the little girl will be OK.

  13. Sea Lawyer on July 20th, 2015 4:09 pm

    I agree with Kathy, except i’ll take things a step further. The owner SHOULD be brought up on charges for failing to maintain control of his dog and for cruelty to animals for killing the dog. I would hope in addition to large fines, I would hope the judge would forbid this individual from owning any more animals.

    The parents of the child should be required to take classes that will better prepare them to be parents and how to maintain control of their children.

    Lastly, I hope the child fully recovers and learns a valuable lesson from the incident.

  14. Lynn on July 20th, 2015 2:47 pm

    Right, wrong or indifferent, I cannot imagine a dog that sent my kid to a trauma unit living. Sorry, but that’s just how it is. Going after the owners, legally, might be the next step, but ending that animal would be my first.

  15. Daniel on July 20th, 2015 2:41 pm

    Sorry Kathy, You are wrong in your reasoning. If a dog attacks a child and I do mean attack, not just a nip, It needs o be put down, regardless of its history.

  16. Puddin on July 20th, 2015 2:29 pm

    Oh, and prayers for the family. Let us know how shes doing please William, when you get an update.

  17. Puddin on July 20th, 2015 2:28 pm

    @Kathy. I know exactly what you are saying, and I agree with you. But, let me just put this out there. Unless we were there, we have no idea what happened. Had the dog bitten before? Had the owner already been told the dog would be put down if it bit again? We dont know. Little kids poke and pull and yank. Was the dog an older dog, or one that wasnt used to being around kids? Again, we dont know.

    My hubby had a dog that had never met a small child, ever. He was really old, completely blind and mostly deaf. We would stomp our feet when we got near him so he wouod know we were there. My, then, two year old grandson wanted to pet him and got bit. No, we didnt put him down, but we did isolate him when the grands were around.

    My point is, you never know what the circumstances, so lets not judge.

  18. Kathy on July 20th, 2015 10:50 am

    I’m sorry the child was hurt. Of course the dog was killed because it could have only been the dog’s fault. The owner certainly should not be held responsible. The owner can just kill the dog, after all it was the dog’s fault. Because we all know that no one trains their dog to be mean or fight. We also all know that no dogs are chained, neglected, or abused. Oh, and the owner can get another dog today, no problem.

  19. molinoman on July 20th, 2015 10:30 am

    Prayers to the family.