Court Tries To Decide Exactly What Is A Kosher Prison Diet

July 20, 2015

After ordering the Florida Department of Corrections to provide kosher meals to inmates, a federal judge is expected to hear arguments about what exactly that means.

U.S. District Judge Patricia Seitz ruled April 30 in a long-running dispute between the state and the U.S. Department of Justice about providing kosher meals to inmates whose religions have dietary restrictions. Seitz required attorneys for the state and the Justice Department to file proposed language for a final judgment and permanent injunction.

But Seitz issued another order last month setting a July 15 hearing because the two sides could not reach agreement on details, including the state objecting to use of the term “certified kosher diet” in any permanent injunction.

She wrote that she will hold the hearing, in part, to determine the “meaning of the terms ‘kosher diet’ and ‘certified kosher diet,’ ” though she said that portion of the hearing could be canceled if agreement is reached.

Seitz wrote that “there is nothing in the record regarding what plaintiff (the Department of Justice) meant when it sought to have defendants (the state) provide ‘kosher meals’ to prisoners, and there is nothing in the record as to how either side believes defendants can demonstrate compliance with the court’s order to provide kosher meals.”

Pictured: The cafeteria inside the Century Correctional Institution. file photo, click to enlarge.


28 Responses to “Court Tries To Decide Exactly What Is A Kosher Prison Diet”

  1. Freeda on July 21st, 2015 4:03 pm

    If a child does not have lunch money they eat bread and cheese that’s all…..people would rather help grown people who had a choice than to help a child that has no control over their environment.

  2. crazy on July 21st, 2015 4:00 pm

    Some of yall are crazy on here. All inmates need is 3 hots and a cot. There family can pay for there education if they like. I vote no on tax payer money going to inmates for sensless things as kosher meals. The only inmates who should get such benefits are workcamp are lower custodity inmates. These guys in prison for killing and baby rappers should be given nothing!!! Wake up people.

  3. chris in Molino on July 21st, 2015 5:09 am

    Yes, the U and K symbols with circles on most of the packaged food in the canteen, or your cupboard for that matter means it has been certified kosher and theres an extra tax for it. So those honeybuns are kosher.

  4. chris in Molino on July 21st, 2015 5:00 am

    I said McDonalds, not fast food. And if fast food were the best i could do, i may indeed just break a few laws. I’m extremely sorry i misspelled guard. I was at work and trying to rush. Please excuse the mistake.
    I agree totally. Inmates sell food from the chow hall. One reason i say most inmates never should get out. If they put as much effort into being innovative to survive in prison, they could surely find ways to survive outside. Some guys wash other peoples underwear and looked down upon for it, but hes not stealing.
    As for honey buns, I’m under the impression they are kosher. My idea of bring kosher means being blessed by a rabbi. The little capital “U or K” on many packaged foods meant kosher i thought. Anyone know (for sure) ?

  5. Baron on July 21st, 2015 12:06 am

    I see nothing wrong with them earning their college degrees while in prison. This well benefit everyone. Send them boys to college!

  6. blue on July 20th, 2015 8:18 pm

    Work release inmates work at most fast food chains in pensacola and are they not felons too? And it’s guard.

  7. Sage 2 on July 20th, 2015 7:30 pm

    Adjust to your surroundings…convicted criminals, regardless of religion.

    Is there something these people do not understand about being incarceration?

    Of course, there is always the bleeding heart libs that want a sentence to be as if the convicted is on vacation…and always the taxpayer foots the bill.

  8. Hmmm on July 20th, 2015 5:38 pm

    Poor Inmates!!! Give me a break. Check the numbers out a majority of inmates are in maximum prison for baby raping are killing. Im glad there behind locked gates. And im a no go for kosher meals.

  9. Officer on July 20th, 2015 4:22 pm

    From first hand experience the inmates smuggle the items from their kosher diets out of the chow hall and sell them to other inmates or trade them for honeybuns that is nto a kother item. Get real people most of the thugs that receive these kosher meals have never even heard the word kosher until now…these meals are expensive to provide and this is a program that is lining someone else’s pockets that is already rich.

  10. Citizen on July 20th, 2015 1:30 pm

    If an inmate truly desires to follow an archaic strict Jewish Kosher diet, rather than further burden the courts or corrections department. I’d say let them look it up them selves in a Bible and learn for themselves. Then see what is already on the cafeteria menu and pick from there what suits them and leave off what does not. They did not follow the laws of the land, We should not go out of our way to help them follow any of their desires or wishes. Like a spoiled kid at the dinner table, set in in front of them whether they eat it or not is no longer our problem.

  11. chris in Molino on July 20th, 2015 12:05 pm

    They did grow their own food. Had a chicken farm, dairy farm, catfish farm, make their own clothes, and lots of other things.
    You cannot treat them as some of you suggest because then there would be no incentive to behave. And by behave, i mean sending some smart alec gaurd home with a patch missing from his head or holes in his abdomen. Think about it. However, most are animals that should never be released. Some are much better people than any you’d meet at most “churches” round here. Just made a bad decision.

  12. chris in Molino on July 20th, 2015 11:50 am

    @No Excuses and Milton
    Wow, your telling me about my life ! I entered FDOC at 16yrs old. No youthful offender status. This was 94″ By 99″ i was sent to FSP on CM1 because i bashed in the skulls of two perverts playing with themselves in the shower while i was in it. Despite good behavior i remained at FSP until my EOS in 2004. I’ve seen all manner of animals, inmate and gaurd alike.
    My choices are limited despite a 131 IQ and being very tall, clean cut, and very handsome (not conceited) just obvious. I am well read and have been the very best at anything ive done. But no, i couldn’t be a nurse or anything in the medical field requiring licensure. I cannot be an attorney, a real estate agent, or an engineer. So please dont tell me about choices. I was a stupid kid who made a mistake and will pay with my lack of choice for the rest of my life. My father has been at Gulf Power for 32 years. My grandfather did 20yrs in the Navy and 30 as an investigator for ECSO. He arrested me. So i don’t come from trash either.
    Btw, Dominique is the district manager for McDonald’s. They do NOT hire felons. Maybe if its a privately owned franchise. Yes, i’ve worked for IP and other good companies. Hell, i performed inspections on construction at Santa Rosa inside the compound. I’m smart yey most are not. I’m also fortunate and blessed, most are not. I have a wife and family. To look at me you’d NEVER imagine i was one of the “department’s worst inmates”. To hear them tell it.

  13. mick on July 20th, 2015 9:13 am

    unleavened bread and water, mmm, mmm! its prison

  14. No Excuses on July 20th, 2015 9:00 am

    McDonald’s does hire ex-felons. I see several from my prison working as maintenance men, etc. when I go through. Also, many businesses that want the work opportunity tax credit will hire them as well. Yes, they do have limited options, but it’s not as hopeless as you are making it sound, Molino Chris. It’s about perseverance and willingness to do what it takes to get the job and to improve one’s lot in life by learning, working hard and taking advantage of LEGAL opportunities for advancement. Choices, choices, choices.

  15. Gary on July 20th, 2015 8:54 am

    Prison should be punishment. Hard core and hard times. The food should be the minimum requirement to keep one alive and nourished. As far as rehabilitation goes, programs are available for those who want it.

    My brother did several years in the state pen for drug violations. He was released a few years ago and took advantage of the opportunities they offered. He now has a Class A CDL, and drives an 18-wheeler all over the country making really good money. He is clean, takes randon drug tests, (As does all the other drivers.) and is doing very well for himself.

    I thank God he was one of the few who had it very hard in prison and vowed NEVER to go back again.

  16. Angel on July 20th, 2015 8:45 am

    A lot of people are completely MISINFORMED about what really goes on in prisons. From first hand experience, just because a prison says or lists on their website that they offer classes to help “rehabilitate” an inmate doesn’t mean the classes are available. I have asked about the classes available for a loved one and I am told 98% of the time that they are not available. The only thing available is church and KAIROS, which is bible study. There is a class available called Modalities but it is government funded and the prisons force people to go so they can get there share of the money. It is all a farce. The prisons say they have classes just to get the government money. How about training these inmates to be productive in society? People are too quick to judge prisoners. Views and opinions change once you have a loved one incarcerated. God can judge, not us.

  17. Milton on July 20th, 2015 8:34 am

    Responses to comments thus far (yes I too work at a prison.

    Jim – Inmates can access college classes while behind bars however they have to pay for it themselves.

    Christ – I agree that DOC does not promote programs enough. McDonaldsand most major companies do hire ex-felones.

    Mike – I agree but just remember that 85% of these inmates get out and become your neighbors.

    Really – We are the Department of Corrections not the Department of Punishment.

    Being Truthful – You are correct about kosher food items becoming the new contraban. Most inmates request the kosher diet because they perceive the pre packaged kosher food to be sanitary. Ever work in Food Service?

  18. harvey on July 20th, 2015 8:22 am

    Jim please tell me your pulling our legs ,, why should I pay their food and school? I just barely get by n what I make ,, If not for canning and freezing my own I would not,,, Make these criminals get out and be a self supporting prison ,, Plant and pick can it or freeze it but please understand I do not want my tax dollars to help a single one in there

  19. Shelia on July 20th, 2015 8:20 am

    The idea of these guys having an chance to earn a college degree while behind bars is great! Many if these men would not have an opportunity to attend college other wise. If they leave with an education they are less likely to return. Education is the key to a better life. Educate these men!

  20. harvey on July 20th, 2015 8:15 am

    same as mine ,,, 1 meat ,,1 vegtable if its sunday cream potatoes,,, and a glass of water .

  21. Puddin on July 20th, 2015 8:06 am

    How about feeding them rice and beans. Thats kosher, vegan and everything else you can think of. Add a multi vitamin and they are good to go.

  22. Being Truthful on July 20th, 2015 7:45 am

    Kosher diet is a pain in the butt.Most of the inmates that sign up for the meal do it to manipulate the system they figure they can eat that ,out the canteen and when they can eat the food out the chow hall I know I work there.They are caught all the time trying to take some of their kosher food out of the chow hall to sell it on the compound.I feel like if they were so true to they religion they never would have come to prison in the first place knowing when they get out they are going to get them a steak with all the trimmings and some beer and get tore down.THAT IS NOT PART OF THE KOSHER MEAL!!!!!!

  23. M in Bratt on July 20th, 2015 7:42 am

    I wonder if the US Justice Dept. is going to pick up the additional cost of providing these “Kosher” meals since they are the one that brought suit. This is but another case of the Federal Government, at tax payer expense taking away the State of Florida’s right to run their prisons as they see fit.

  24. molino jim on July 20th, 2015 7:21 am

    @Jim– there are already programs in place. Some take advantage of classes and or work training programs and are able to have a better life. One area of trouble is where a person has a record and can not get a job because of the arrest record in the field they want to work in.

  25. Really on July 20th, 2015 6:57 am

    This makes me sick….what is the meaning of prison…did I miss something? I was always under the impression that is was to PUNISH people for wrongdoing ! I’m sure if these people we are speaking of were that devout in their faith they WOULD NOT BE IN PRISON!!!! This is just another one of those things being forced upon the tax payers. For the college classes, maybe Jim could pay for them , and start a business and hire convicts directly out of prison at a great rate of pay because they will have a college degree. Prison is for people who have made bad choices in their life, and that comes with consequences, I prefer not to foot the bill for someone in this position…..this decision to cater to specific eating requirements has opened a door that will soon give prisoners more privileges than the working man!

  26. Mike on July 20th, 2015 6:53 am

    Kosher? In prison? What every other prisoner eats, no special treatment for convicts. Anything else is liberal, bleeding heart nonsense. And no prisoner should get a free college education on the taxpayer’s dime while honest, hardworking folks struggle to make their way through school.

    Man, I am tired of this coddling of criminals, and I know there are a lot that feel the same. :(

  27. chris in Molino on July 20th, 2015 4:49 am

    That may happen, doubtful though. This is why not
    Florida’s crime rate has steadily dropped over the last 40 years while the population has increased. Infact, the last time the crime rate was higher, 1979. The prison population was just under 20k. As of December 31,2014, just over 100k. Wow ! Thats a 500% increase with a rise in civilian population and drop in crime rate. Someone who cares would look at these numbers and say, “what the heck is going on”? It’s simple, the state makes money off the backs of not just inmates but taxpayers. I could break that down with several of my next statements although i’d be in short story territory. The FDOC doesn’t encourage an inmate to do well at all. They breed hate, violence, stpidity, and homosexuality, amoung numerous other things.
    A good job, please. Employment services like Keegan or Landrum won’t even touch a felon. A felon is prohibited from holding almost any licensure from the state. Between the govt. and insurance companies, almost everyone does a background check and almost nobody will hire someone with one. You cannot get a job at McDonald’s now with a felony record.

  28. Jim on July 20th, 2015 2:12 am

    I am glad they have started this, but when are they going to start the program where they get to take college classes while behind bars? That way when they leave they will have a college degree and will be able to get good jobs.