Air Force Captain Sentenced In Child Sex Scheme

July 25, 2015

An Air Force captain has been sentenced in a child sex sting.

Kenneth D. Lebay, 31, was sentenced by Judge Michael Jones to 28 months in state prison, plus seven years probation. He will also be required to register as a sex offender.  Lebay’s attorney immediately appealed the sentence and asked that he be released pending the outcome of the appeal, but Jones denied the motion . Lebay was remanded into custody.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, Lebay traveled to a local business to meet what he believed was a juvenile female but was actually an undercover investigator. He was charged  with obscene communication using a computer to lure a child for sex, and obscene communication using a two-way device.

The arrest came as part of “Operation Blue Guardian”, in which six other people were arrested.


13 Responses to “Air Force Captain Sentenced In Child Sex Scheme”

  1. Wayne on July 29th, 2015 7:43 am

    (The uniform is like a flag?)
    Cant find that article anywhere in any military document
    So much for honor placing the value of cloth over the human under it.
    The uniform did not commit this act
    Enough said

  2. David Huie Green on July 28th, 2015 11:56 am

    “All you guys are wrong referring to a uniform- clothing-”

    A uniform is like a flag.
    It is intended to mean something.

    David for honorable people

  3. Guillermo on July 27th, 2015 9:43 am

    Fact – The Air Force will sever ties with him as quickly as possible (the wheels turn slowly). He will not face Courts Martial (Double Jeopardy is attached), but will simply be separated Under (Less than) Other than Honorable Conditions, which is the worst discharge one can receive without being Courts Martialed.

    Opinion – He will probably serve 12 months and be released early for good behavior. After wasting literally millions of tax payer dollars in training, he will find his biggest challenge to be finding employment with a felony conviction and being a registered sex offender.

  4. David on July 27th, 2015 7:14 am

    All you guys are wrong referring to a uniform- clothing-
    You can put a $5,000.00 suit on a hobo– he is still a hobo-
    The man makes the uniform- not the uniform makes the man

  5. David Huie Green on July 25th, 2015 10:37 am

    “Just goes to show a uniform means nothing…”
    Followed by
    “The uniform may hot have meant anything to this troubled young man or you, but to the other 22 million Americans who proudly wore the uniform, it meant Duty, Honor and Country.”

    Methinks one could rephrase what she said with:
    He dishonored his uniform.

    This clearly shows the fact that not all wearing a uniform live up to the highest ideals that uniform might represent.

    David for honorable people

  6. BillyD on July 25th, 2015 10:08 am

    The first sentence was done on a local level. After he’s done with that the military will be after him under the UCMJ. He’ll never see the outside of a prison until he’s hopefully too old to worry with. Sick pervert was a disgrace to an Air Force uniform. Too many good soldiers out there for this trash to be deserving of wearing it. If I remember right the sicko had a wife and kids too. I feel for them.

  7. chris in Molino on July 25th, 2015 9:04 am

    @Local Resident
    Relax. FDOC has all but eliminated weights. There is no “rec room “, although the rec they do have is donated. The only inmates who get air condition are at one of the very few private prisons. So rest assured this isnt 25 years ago when prisoners had something to occupy their mind which is why there is more violence against other prisoners and gaurds.

  8. Sea Lawyer on July 25th, 2015 8:13 am

    The uniform may hot have meant anything to this troubled young man or you, but to the other 22 million Americans who proudly wore the uniform, it meant Duty, Honor and Country. Those who proudly wore the uniform sacrificed so you can type whatever you want on a forum without fear of arrest or censorship. Don’t discount an entire group because of the failings of one individual.

  9. Terri Sanders on July 25th, 2015 7:23 am

    Just goes to show a uniform means nothing…

  10. Local Resident on July 25th, 2015 6:40 am

    28 months! Since I am not an attorney, I am going to “assume” that was the maximum he could get for treating children like trash.

    Those millionaires in the Florida senate could do something about this. Build more prisons (minus weight rooms, rec rooms, and AC; good old bars and concrete) and use them. Though most of these perverts won’t be decriminalized, at least they won’t be walking the streets, causing more children to live the rest of their lives in pain and suffering.

  11. Kevin on July 25th, 2015 6:28 am

    28 months!!!!!!! I went for five years for busting car windows!!!!!

  12. Mike on July 25th, 2015 2:38 am

    An Air Force Captain!?! Jeez, man, couldn’t you’ve got a prostitute, you gotta go after little girls? Beyond pathetic! :(

  13. nwo on July 25th, 2015 1:34 am

    Sicko can’t trust no one u should up must respect serving your county but its always the one u least expect dishonorable discharged freak.