The Story Of A Lost Father, Played Out In An Unlikely Place

June 21, 2015

This a story about a man that was a  great father, a story played out in a bit of an unlikely place, a story that tells of a daughter’s love for her daddy.

Ellie Black, Sr. was born in Hog Wallow, AL, and had lived in Century since 1960. He was a hard working man, a boilermaker and a veteran of World War II, according to his obituary, published on following his August 10, 2012, death.

Our editors have watched quietly as his daughter, Linda Davis, posted public comments on his obituary for anyone to see over the years. On Father’s Day, we wanted you see the story those comments tell about everyday life and of a daughter’s love for her dad.

August 12th, 2012 4:57 am

My dad was a hard working man, a loving husband, father to his children, and the greatest paw paw to all of our children. He was a giving and caring man. He always said the greatest thing was love. He lived by this and preached this to us all. He was the most unselfish person I have ever known. He was not just my daddy, he was my friend. I miss him so much. No matter how old I may be, I will forever be, my daddy’s baby girl.

November 12th, 2012 9:08 am

Daddy, I still miss you so much. I think of you often everyday. Sundays are especially hard—still feels like I should be cooking for you. Nothing seems the same. I can’t seem to get it together. I just pray for strength. Shayla is walking now, and she still calls for paw paw. I love you daddy!

December 6th, 2012 6:13 am

Happy Birthday my daddy,
I try to think of wrong–all I see is right. I try to think of bad–all I see is good. I try to see weakness and only feel your strength. I try to find ways not to miss you sooo much. There are none. My heart aches for you every day. You were the finest man I have ever known. Not being able to see you and talk to you everyday is truly the greatest hurt I have ever known. You brought so much joy and laughter to us all. I find myself laughing at times thinking of silly things you did or said. You were–You are–You always will be a special part of my life. I love you.

January 2nd, 2013 7:39 am

Just want you to know my daddy as a new year comes in my thoughts are with you. In my heart you live. The person you were,the things you taught us, the lessons we learned in life because of you, the love you displayed to us all everyday of our lives, I carry with me daily. I will always try to make you proud. I love you and I miss you soooo much! Your baby girl, Linda

March 13th, 2013 5:37 am

People around me everyday are losing family members. Its so sad. Then I think of you, which I do so often everyday. Nothing is the same. Won’t ever be. I know I was blessed to have had you in my life. I treasure every memory. You played a large part in helping me be who I am today. I thank you. I love you my daddy.

April 13th, 2013 7:08 am

Hey my daddy……Its me again just thinking of you, missing you. E.J. is having a tough time right now. He is a fighter though, and I just know he will make it. He’s made of strong stuff from you and momma. I try to be strong for momma. She misses you, too. So many changes. Still trying to figure out a way to get you back………..but, until I do just know you are very much an everyday part of my life. I hold you close in my heart. Love you forever, Linda

July 4th, 2013 9:24 am

Daddy, Just wanted you to know that I’m still missing you terribly. I try to be better each day—but it just dont get better. Miranda is going to have another baby, as well as Becky. Ashley’s getting married. You were suppose to walk her down that isle. Now,you just have to give me strength to do this—but I know you will be with me. Rest peacefully my Daddy and know forever your baby girl loves you!!

August 8th, 2013 9:51 am

Its me again. Your second great great grandchild was born August 1st. Her name is Ivyonna Nicole. She is beautiful. Shayla still calls for you and carries pictures of you around. I really miss you daddy—forever and always

August 8th, 2013 3:00 pm

My dear daddy, I promise I have been trying to get through this past year and it just dont seem to work just right. I work, see about momma take care of my children whether they need me or not. I cant really seem to focus on any of it. I know , that I am a better person for all the time I had you in my life. It just was not long enough. I will keep trying. I will keep believing. I will keep praying for strength—but forever I will keep missing you. I will never let go of you—I dont have to—you are still a very big part of my life. They say time makes it easier. I dont know who they are—but they lied! I know it will never be easier not having you here—1 year tomorrow my daddy—-I love you—-more than the whole wide world. I’ll never forget!

August 12th, 2013 11:10 am

Hey my daddy—Just wanted to say I love you—thought I’d be able to go visit where you are—I could not—I know in my heart you are not there—you are right here with me. One day I may try to go there—just not yet. You know I love you!!!
Shayla is sooo smart. You would have such a good time with her. Ivy is so cute. You would love her too. Shayla is mad. She was the only baby. She just don’t understand–shes still just a baby—it will be o.k. as long as there’s love—right, daddy? I pray for us all. Love you!

September 15th, 2013 1:25 pm

I love you daddy and I miss you so much! Marvin passed away Sat. morning. He will be missed. I miss him now——but I miss you beyond anything. I’m trying to figure it all out. I know the right answers, but it doesn’t even matter, because you still are not here. Can’t make it right my daddy—-I love you—your baby girl

October 21st, 2013 9:52 am

Hey my daddy. I was with Becky at the hospital Friday night as she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. You would be so proud. With your help we walked Ashley down the isle to be married Saturday. She was beautiful. I love you my daddy.

December 6th, 2013 5:52 am

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my daddy! Wish I could hug you. Wish you could hug me back. Wish you could tell me some crazy joke. I miss you soooo much. Just know that my day will be filled with thoughts of you as every other day is…..I light the candle for you daddy—I know the flame will never go out. Wish I could get it together. Just know that I love you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY my daddy from your baby girl

February 19th, 2014 5:39 am

I love you daddy—you missed the ICE cold weather we had this year.This whole area was solid white ice. I drove to work in it. That was scary. I would walk a million miles in it to get to you if only I could get to you, and I wouldn’t be scared. I miss you daddy———-Your baby girl

August 8th, 2014 6:48 am

I love you my sweet daddy! I miss you! I’m going with Becky today to be with her and little Maddox. Hopefully they will find out and figure out a way to help him. My Becky has been a good Mom and she takes care of her children. I know its hard on her with all the special attention Maddox needs. I do pray for God’s will to be done—no matter what. Wish you could tell me a corny joke—to make it all better. Wish you could give me a hug!! Then I know it would be better. I love you my daddy—(big to the sky) forever and always—your baby girl

August 8th, 2014 11:47 am

Daddy, I remember when you didn’t want to eat, when your heart was hurting and not because of physical pain—-I’m so sorry—-but that’s how I feel—-this hole in my stomach no food could fill and this hole in my heart no doctor could fix—-I pray for strength cause it hurts so bad— I love you daddy———–baby girl

December 6th, 2014 5:34 am

My sweet daddy, I miss you sooo much. So much has happened and is happening. I work hard and stay busy but you are always on my mind. Today is your birthday and I will light a candle for you and make a wish—-but all my wishes are the same. I see you in my mind and feel you in my heart. You gave so much and asked for so little. No greater man could I have had as my daddy. Thank you for all you did and all you were. Happy birthday my daddy! I love you——your baby girl

December 29th, 2014 10:05 am

Daddy my sweet daddy, time just seems to be flying by. When I was a little girl I just wished time away. Now I wished I could have slowed it down because then I would still have you here but I still feel you in my life—-time will never change that! My life is so full and yet so empty—I miss you and love you—-your baby girl

February 20th, 2015 9:01 am

Daddy, you have been on my mind so much lately. You are always on my mind and forever in my heart. I miss cooking for you on the weekends, so all my grown up children think they are being neglected if I don’t cook for them…..I miss you and I love you so much.

June 11th, 2015 10:35 am

So many changes—so much happening but I just want to let you know you are still my hero (my best friend). I miss you so much. I don’t even know which way to turn some days. I’m sure you felt like that many days. Everyday I think of you and feel your love as I know you always loved me and all your family. You have 2 great great grandbaby girls now and a boy on the way. Beckys little boy is a special child and you would love him so much. He’s got curly hair just like you and the most wonderful smile ever. He probably would laugh at all your corny jokes! Wish you could tell me one now! I love you my daddy and always know you are in my thoughts and prayers everyday—your baby girl, Linda


18 Responses to “The Story Of A Lost Father, Played Out In An Unlikely Place”

  1. your baby girl on August 9th, 2018 7:08 am

    Another year my sweet daddy that you had to leave me. My heart is still broken and I still cry so much. Even though I know you had to go I still want you back. I know you are still taking care of my momma. I miss her so much also. I hardly ever go to Century—–especially to your house as its just not the same anymore—-nothing is—–nothing ever will be. I just try to get by—work and take care of these children that seem to love and need me. Family is everything—right daddy? I miss you so much. I went down a waterslide the other day with the kids. You would have loved it. Shayla is almost 7. Starts 1st grade Monday. She still talks about you–she remembers. Keep dancing with my momma and know that everyday I think of you and miss you both. Lovingly, your baby girl

  2. Candy Knight on June 22nd, 2015 9:00 pm

    I can so relate to this. I lost my father May 28th, 2008. It was, and will always be, the worst day of my life. But he left us with the best memories ever. He was the greatest Dad, paw paw, husband, uncle, brother, son, worker and friend that anyone could ever ask for. He was comical at times and then very serious when he needed to be. I so miss his laugh and his jokes! And I have to agree that whoever said it gets easier…that IS indeed a lie! It’s been 7 years ago now and it still seems like yesterday. My Dad was our everything too (I have 2 sisters and 1 brother) and we all feel the same way about him and that will NEVER change! I would give ANYTHING to have one hour with him, just to see his face and hear his voice one more time. My entire family was absolutely devastated beyond belief by his death. There are not words to even describe the feeling you have when you realize “This is really it, this is the last time I will ever see my daddy alive again”.. There is absolutely no way to explain what that feels like. And you NEVER get over it. I can truly say, to this day, I have still not dealt with his death because if I did, I would be on the floor and I’m not sure I could ever pick myself up again.
    One night when my son was a couple of months old (he’s 19 now), he had a bad night of colic and done nothing but cry for hours, I called to see if my mom could come over and see if she could do anything with him but my dad said she wasn’t home. Without saying anything to me, about 5 minutes later my daddy was standing at my door. He came into the living room and picked up my son and started walking the floor with him kind of bouncing him at the same time trying to ease the stomach ache. I picked up the video camera and started filming them. It was one of the sweetest things to see my daddy be so loving with his grandson. My son was asleep in 5 minutes! To this day, I have not watched that video. I’m not sure how I would react so I’m just waiting until I think I can actually watch it all the way thru without losing my mind. I’m not sure when they day will come.
    I can still see my brother, David Knight, singing “Go Rest High On That Mountain” at his funeral. I don’t know how he done it.
    If you still have a parent/parents with you on this Earth, cherish them – because you have no idea how lost and hurt you will be once they are gone.
    I have a 9 year old grandson who still cries when he talks about his paw paw and it breaks my heart!
    It will never get easier for our family.
    RIP Daddy.

    Edward Knight
    October 8, 1934-May 28, 2008

    Love you Daddy and we miss you everyday of life and always will! xxoo

  3. Louise Harrison on June 22nd, 2015 8:01 am

    My father Mr. Harrison was also a great father I miss you daddy each day I think of you. And you are forever in my heart….. I love you daddy your baby girl Louise.

  4. Linda (Black) Davis on June 22nd, 2015 6:09 am

    Thank you William and your staff for caring enough to honor my daddy in such a way. Thank you more for giving me the place I can go to talk to my daddy. It has been a healing process for me—a place we still share together! My journey is not over and my heart is still broken. I just pray for strength, live my full life, and share my life with my daddy in our special place. Thank you again—daddy’s baby girl

  5. Rebecca Adkins on June 21st, 2015 7:44 pm

    Pawpaw was one of the most caring, unselfish, hardworking men that I have known. I am so glad and thankful that I was one of his grandkids. I remember that we never wanted to disappoint him because if he was upset with you it would hurt your heart. I loved spending weekends at my grandparent’s house because they were wonderful to be around. He would always bring a smile to your face. He is missed so dearly and left an impression on many, many hearts. Thank you North Escambia for sharing this. I love you mom.

  6. Belinda on June 21st, 2015 6:45 pm

    Just a man a simple guy who needed very little to make him happy. This man Ellie filled lots of spots in many hearts over the years. A father who always would lend a helping hand know matter what the chore. A Grandfather and Great Grand who ran around outside with the grandkids and taught us all how to do his little dance. He was the best Father In Law to me. You know I never once heard him complain well maybe he always wanted to able to go outside and do stuff again. He is missed by many.
    Linda is my Sister in Law she has grieved so much for so long. On this day I pray that through this Story it touches her as it has all of us. Just a man a simple guy a Father forever in your heart and mind.

  7. Crystal on June 21st, 2015 4:30 pm

    Such a touching journey to read. I also shared many childhood memories with this family. His big hugs, super corny jokes & contagious laugh is missed by many. Linda, I pray that each day gets easier for you & I pray that you find peace knowing that each day brings you one day closer to seeing your daddy again. I love you.

  8. Tammy on June 21st, 2015 12:56 pm

    I miss my pawpaw so much every day. He was the most amazing man I have ever know the best dad anyone could ever have. He was more like my dad. I had the honor of him giving me away at my wedding and I cherish that memory. I love you ninny and I will always love you pawpaw.

  9. Chelsea on June 21st, 2015 12:17 pm

    i grew up with Becky,she was and still is by best friend. She loved go stay with her papaw on the weekends. She loved him very much,and I know he would have loved all these grand babies. I spent a lot of time with Linda also. She was my second mom and she treated me as if I was her on. She always made me feel welcome in her home and she made me laugh,all the time. Love yall and I think about you often.

  10. Becky on June 21st, 2015 11:14 am

    Thank you, William, for sharing this.

    If Ms. Linda is reading these, please know that you are not alone. It’s been 15 years since my Daddy died and he is still greatly missed, because he was such a great influence on all of his children and grand children, like your Daddy. The pain does lessen, but the memories never do. I offer prayers for the family, and tears, from one daughter for another.

  11. Alice Skaggs on June 21st, 2015 10:18 am

    I worked with Linda along time, she is like a second mom to me, she was always there for me then and still is today if I need her….she is a very special lady and her daddy was a very sweet man..I’m so glad I got to know him all them years and I think he liked that we all called him pawpaw too. Stay strong little Linda, always here for you and I love you very much.

  12. Brandy on June 21st, 2015 8:50 am

    Oh my gosh I’m sitting here crying, I can’t imagine her pain. Just from reading this I know her daddy loved her just as much. Praying for you to find a little more comfort knowing he’s with you. I also hope you find the strength to go visit him if you haven’t already.

  13. Willene Bryan on June 21st, 2015 6:46 am

    Mr. Black was a good man.

  14. Mary Blair on June 21st, 2015 6:44 am

    Mr. Ellie was such a beautiful, sweet man. He was ALWAYS smiling, & yes as Linda says, telling a corny joke, but because it was him telling it, & his excitement to see you smile, it was so funny. I would see him at the grocery store or the P.O. He was a precious man.

  15. Ben Davis on June 21st, 2015 6:25 am

    What a great tribute to a child and her father! I am so blessed to still have my Daddy as he will soon turn 90 years old. He is everything a Father should be, love you Daddy!

  16. Robin Black on June 21st, 2015 6:08 am

    There’s nothing like the love between a daddy and his little girl… No matter how old we get.

    And Linda does have the best daddy. I’m lucky I got to call him Pawpaw

  17. Ellie Black Jr. on June 21st, 2015 5:57 am

    My sister Linda Davis has had a tough time dealing with dad’s death. He was a good unselfish man. Linda is a good unselfish daughter, sister, aunt, mother, grandmother. Dad is so proud of her.

  18. Debra on June 21st, 2015 1:49 am

    What a touching story! I know this feeling, could have written this story, miss my dad the same way after 10 long, lonely years. Wish I could tell her it will get better. I can only say, if your father is still living, call him, tell him all the things that are said in this article, while you still have him. I love you Daddy. Love, Daddy’s little girl.