Scott Slashes $461 Million From Budget, Including Local Programs

June 24, 2015

Gov. Rick Scott used his veto pen Tuesday to slash hundreds of projects from the budget adopted by Florida lawmakers last week, setting off a new round of infighting within the already fractious Republican Party that controls state government.

Local items that were cut included $1 million for the National Flight Academy, $3 million for the Pensacola International Airport, $1 million for the Muscogee Freight Corridor and $150,000 for Second Chance Outreach Re-Entry and Education Development, Inc.
The governor struck 450 lines totaling almost $461.4 million from the spending plan for the budget year that begins next month. Everything from pay increases for state firefighters to money for orange and grapefruit juice at visitors centers were cut in the largest practical use of Scott’s line-item veto since he took office in 2011. While Scott slashed $615 million that year, the number was inflated by nixing $305 million that was supposed to be generated by selling state lands; even supporters said the initiative would have brought in a tiny fraction of that funding.

Scott said he wielded his pen against projects that didn’t meet a defined set of criteria he set out. The vetoes reduced what had been a $78.7 billion spending plan to about $78.2 billion.

“I went through the budget looking at every project saying, ‘What’s a statewide priority? Can I get a good return on investment? Has it gone through a state process?’ ” Scott told reporters.

But others saw payback after two grinding legislative sessions this spring in which lawmakers largely sidelined the second-term governor. Scott’s proposed increase in education funding was reduced, and his tax-cut package was whittled down to pay for an increase in hospital spending he opposed. The Senate also strongly backed a plan that would have used Medicaid expansion dollars to help lower-income Floridians buy private insurance, prompting Scott to threaten members of the upper chamber with vetoes. The plan died in the House.

“He promised that he would punish the constituents of those legislators who disagreed with him, and he kept his promise,” said Sen. Don Gaetz, R-Niceville.

In a blistering statement, Senate President Andy Gardiner upbraided Scott for slicing programs for Floridians with disabilities, along with cutting the raises for forestry firefighters and funding for health-care providers.

“While I respect the governor’s authority to veto various lines within our budget, his clear disregard for the public policy merits of many legislative initiatives underscores that today’s veto list is more about politics than sound fiscal policy,” said Gardiner, R-Orlando. “It is unfortunate that the messaging strategy needed to achieve the governor’s political agenda comes at the expense of the most vulnerable people in our state.”

Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam also blasted the governor for vetoing almost $1.6 million for the firefighter raises.

“They’re demonstrably underpaid relative to peers,” Putnam said. “And I’m even more disappointed that it was not applied consistently. The helpful people who take your driver’s license photo were allowed to receive a pay raise, and our forest firefighters who put their lives on the line were not.”

Scott said $2.6 million for pay increases for employees of the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles was backed up by the needs of that agency. He also noted pointedly that he has advocated for performance bonuses for state employees.

“The Legislature did not put in the budget pay increases for state workers other than that one (for firefighters) and highway safety,” he said. “In highway safety’s case, they’re seeing a shortage of applicants, and so that was the rationale.”

Not everyone was critical. House Appropriations Chairman Richard Corcoran, R-Land O’ Lakes, applauded Scott for looking out for taxpayers and trying to impose some accountability in the budget process.

“In the totality of it, I think he did a great job of recognizing we’re not dealing with Monopoly money,” Corcoran said.

He also minimized the complaints about Scott’s decision to strike large portions of the spending plan.

“I think this is something you see post-big veto lists all the time, and it doesn’t mean it’s wrong,” Corcoran said.

Scott axed $15 million for a downtown campus for the University of Central Florida — a project dear to Gardiner — because he said it wasn’t approved through the Florida Board of Governors process for the university system. The board had agreed to ask the Legislature for $2.8 million to help fund a $5.8 million study of the project.

The governor cut a swath of increases for health-care providers, including more than $3 million for pediatric physicians and more than $1.7 million for private-duty nursing services, saying those services had received an increase in the current budget year.

And he slashed tens of millions of dollars a year in water projects more closely associated with the House — including $27.3 million for water management.

Senate Appropriations Chairman Tom Lee, R-Brandon, said that represented a loss for House Speaker Steve Crisafulli, R-Merritt Island. Lee said many of his Senate colleagues were taking the vetoes personally and perceived that the upper chamber was being punished, because of Scott’s earlier threats during the health-care debate.

“They would have no basis for that had it not come from his own lips to their ears,” Lee said.

Lee acknowledged that Scott used the veto more readily this year than last, when the governor struck just $68.9 million from a roughly $77 billion budget.

“What a difference a year makes,” he said. “I wish I could’ve been the appropriations chair in an election year.”

Whether Scott further damaged his already-tenuous relationship with the Legislature — and particularly the Senate — remains to be seen. Gaetz noted that Scott was “all-powerful” on Tuesday because of the line-item veto included in the Constitution.

“But tomorrow, the world turns,” Gaetz said, “and the governor’s back in the position of trying to sell his ideas for next year’s budget.” contributed to this News Service of Florida report by Brandon Larrabee.


14 Responses to “Scott Slashes $461 Million From Budget, Including Local Programs”

  1. Frustrated wife on June 27th, 2015 1:10 am

    To bringiton i have a hard time sitting here accepting your comments. Those state workers for one my husband law enforcement pays part in his retirement,doesnt just sit behind a desk all day he is constantly out there risking his life to protect your sorry butt and doesnt get paid enough to do what he does. He does his job with honor and hasnt gotten a raise in over 7.5 years so i am sure if you had to get out of bed at midnight for a call, i dont think you probably could handle it. As a wife we worry daily will they come home and no the state wont take care of our families. We have our own provisions. So take that to the bank. Rick Scott is all for himself if you knew he owns all drug test companies they were using do research …

  2. tax payer on June 26th, 2015 4:34 pm

    Way to go, Rick Scott!!!

  3. BringItOn on June 25th, 2015 5:47 pm

    State , County , and City Employees do nothing but complain all the time. If it was up to me, you all would be paying half of your health insurance. There would be NO DROP program and you would have to go out and invest like every other real working stiff in order to compensate your income. Also, you should pick up your pace and accomplish something daily while your at work instead of sitting around whining all day. THATS CALLED PRODUCTIVITY!!!

  4. Michelle on June 25th, 2015 5:38 pm

    I agree with Scott ! DRUG TEST welfare recipients and State Workers !! These cuts should have been cut a long time ago ! Thanks Mr. Scott !

  5. bill m on June 25th, 2015 7:51 am

    This is payback for the representatives who opposed Gov. Flim Flam in the recent budget wars. I wonder if Apple Market wants to give him another steak now!

  6. crazy nut on June 24th, 2015 9:36 pm

    You fellow correction officers hold on we will get a pay raise. when GEO takes over the hole state cut out our retirement and what little other things we get Just hold on it is coming

  7. chillywilly on June 24th, 2015 9:10 pm

    The last election Gov. Scott carried 75 % of the vote in the panhandle,
    Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa and Walton counties.
    So this is the will of the people. He cuts funding for northwest Fla projects
    Gov Scotts has no problem wasting our tax dollars on legal fees
    1.5 million and 1 million to ACLU civil rights lawyers on his attempt to
    drug test all welfare recipients and state workers without probable cause.
    and another 100 thousand dollars in legal fees to defend him and his cabinet
    for violation of the Sunshine law over the ouster of Gerald Bailey at FDLE.
    Just settled in mediation, Scott did not want Gerald Bailey to give that deposition. This is the will of the people.

  8. molino jim on June 24th, 2015 8:55 pm

    Look at the happy smile on Scott’s face—was this when he was cutting programs?

  9. Rufus Lowgun on June 24th, 2015 5:38 pm

    It certainaly didn’t take long for the other shoe to drop. Wasn’t it just yesterday that Governor Voldemort was here in the panhandle high-fiving himself on his big “victory tour”?

  10. EPenn on June 24th, 2015 2:07 pm

    It’s a bit funny when you think about it, but doing the victory tour before you make all the cuts via veto, is kind of a low blow… Who’s still cheering? lol

  11. molino jim on June 24th, 2015 9:26 am

    @theeyeshaveit.You are correct on your comment. We keep putting to same people back in office year after year. How many times have we heard “I voted for (fill in the blank) because he’s our man and he gets what we need and want”. Just look at the comments about Rep. Broxson on NE yesterday. But come election day we’ll put him back in office. There’s an old saying about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

  12. Theeyeshaveit on June 24th, 2015 8:44 am

    And this is what you voted for….deal with it!

  13. c.w. on June 24th, 2015 8:32 am

    The paper tell us a few things that were cut, but, what passed? Will the correction officers get a raise or will the politicians get it all, again. Scott, Gaetz and the other enept people in Tallahassee needs to get a clue.

  14. a lil bit frustrated on June 24th, 2015 2:23 am

    So, is there any chance any of these cuts will go towards state employees I.e. corrections officers that haven’t seen a raise since Scott went into office? Just wondering cause it sure is hard to support a family when everything goes up except what the pay reflects. Wonder why there’s a so many are quiting? Because its not worth risking your life when what you do isn’t valued. I’m sure there are a few other jobs in the state that deserve raises to that haven’t seen them.