New Molino Traffic Signal at Highway 29 And Highway 97 To Become Active On Thursday

June 9, 2015

The new traffic signal at Highway 29 and Highway 97 in Molino will become operational at about 10 a.m. on Thursday. Drivers are being advised by the Florida Department of Transportation to use caution when approaching the intersection.

The new signal is mounted on horizontal mast arms. Since the signal is in the horizontal position, motorists with color weakness problems will need to remember red is on the left and green on the right.
Construction activities are weather dependent and may be delayed or rescheduled in the event of inclement weather.


18 Responses to “New Molino Traffic Signal at Highway 29 And Highway 97 To Become Active On Thursday”

  1. Danny on June 10th, 2015 6:43 pm

    Lynn, I have to agree with you. Crabtree Church Road , and 97 intersection is too close to the 97 -29 intersection. this will create a traffic jam for people trying to get on and off Crabtree Church Road. I can’t wait to see how many drivers cut through the parking lot to beat the light, hopefully no one will get run over.

  2. Steph on June 10th, 2015 9:11 am

    One more solution for this intersection would be to require tom thumb to close of their access onto 29. There are always careless drivers and inexperienced drivers that don’t care or understand how dangerous that front entrance is. For the impatient please relax and slow down.

  3. Leslie on June 10th, 2015 8:27 am

    Last weekend at that intersection, one of the poles going across Hwy 29 with the attached light, was shaking like crazy. None of the other light pole arms were shaking. I hope they get that fixed. Certainly wouldn’t want an accident to happen because a light falls down.

  4. for hope i guess on June 9th, 2015 9:00 pm

    just now thinking of this???? what about 112 where truckers take that road to skip weigh in??? investment in these country roads needs to step it up, people fly cut off to atmore and many more , even i could have pulled over at least 5 dui drivers in last week, swerving and flying. .. how about new dollar general at neal road many wrecks to come…what we dont have the funds smh!!!! 29 is bad off all cops are near grocery advantage move down a little from burger king to there, people are nutts….. they all know where to slow down. .. switch it up escambia. .. i think u guys do a great job but as u get on them spots where cops are never at, they abuse it!! be safe everyone. kids are out of school so most of us have them in the car!!! please simmer down!!! these cops have other things to do than babysit drivers!!!!

  5. Wharf Rat on June 9th, 2015 8:03 pm

    @ Lynn…you can be assured the same people who run red lights, stop signs, and throw garbage out their car window will block an intersection as opposed to state law.

  6. Oversight on June 9th, 2015 7:06 pm

    Mark it down… this red light is not a fix the car crash problem at this intersection. First off, it is poorly designed and needs to be corrected into a 90 degree crossing. The new traffic signal however, may have the opposite desired affect and will actually increase crashes here. Stay tuned and watch because just today as I traveled south on 29, I observed yet another near miss as someone turned left from north 29 and drove straight across into the Tom Thumb. This is supposed to be one of the issues that to be corrected by this traffic signal upgrade for the Atmore cut off. Good luck and drive safe.

  7. CW on June 9th, 2015 7:02 pm

    I hope there’s a turn light, otherwise people will still be cutting across traffic while trying to get to the Tom Thumb.

  8. Wharf Rat on June 9th, 2015 6:01 pm

    Now, a traffic incident with no witnesses, or, anyone wanting to be bothered with talking to investigators…”.everybody” has a green light.

  9. JD on June 9th, 2015 5:49 pm

    Are they going to change the speed limit through there???

  10. Lynn on June 9th, 2015 5:06 pm

    Crabtree Church Rd. still needs to be addressed! Cars turning left on Crabtree will get backed up onto 29 due to cars coming from Atmore. I think I’ll avoid it for awhile and see how it pans out!

  11. I'm me on June 9th, 2015 4:35 pm

    I go through that intersection every day @5:00am
    And 6:15pm I just hope I can remember that I may have to stop now

  12. Concerned on June 9th, 2015 4:31 pm

    To all who travel across Hwy 29 toward Farm Bureau please be very careful as former travelers will not be prepared to stop and this very much raises the possibility of T-Boned accidents, not a pretty picture and most cases not a pretty ending. I pray there are no accidents and if we all lift this up in prayer maybe everyone will live for a longer period of time.

    Thank you William for staying on top of this and informing everyone.

  13. Seth on June 9th, 2015 3:59 pm

    Now that there is a light here, what are we going to blame all the future accidents on?

  14. molinoman on June 9th, 2015 3:55 pm

    @catwoman, I’ve live here all my life as well as my family, back to the mill days. Too many have died at that intersection, too many to count.

    If this red light saves 1 life it has served its purpose. I guarantee you take a death toll report for the past X years and after the red light is activated the numbers will be staggering with less deaths. Sure there will still be accidents and an occasional death like all red lights, but to think this intersection doesn’t need one is idiocy.

    The first death after activation I promise people will be out of he wood works saying “I told you so.” That still doesn’t mean it was not a needed change.

  15. Mike on June 9th, 2015 2:58 pm

    catman, that is great that you’ve never had a problem with that intersection. But, we live in different times now. Your average television-raised, smartphone-attached-at-the-ear, online 24-7 current generation wants & NEEDS all the warning lights, alarms, indicators, speedbumps, buzzers, emergency shutdowns, guards (you get the idea) etc., that they can get.

    Consider these stoplights a blessing! Now let’s get some at 29 & Barrineau! :),_Florida

  16. EMD on June 9th, 2015 1:57 pm

    “Strobe” Good idea.. SO glad we are FINALLY getting a light there. It is a shame so many have to get injured and die before these conditions are rectified. Needed there for a very long time.

  17. catman on June 9th, 2015 1:42 pm

    I have lived here all my life of 60+ years and have never had a problem at this intersection. I say they should build a life flight pad on one of the four corners, they will probaly need it. Stay focused with the task on hand folks.

  18. fred on June 9th, 2015 12:51 pm

    I wonder if these will have the strobe on the red signal, like the light at 113, north of Flomaton. That really gets your attention.