Molino Woman Charged With Dealing In Stolen Property

June 16, 2015

Allegedly pawning a stolen computer tablet landed a Molino woman in jail on two felony charges.

Cherie Renee Wallace, 38, was charged with fraud providing false owner information on a pawned item and dealing in stolen property. She remained jail early Tuesday with bond set at $6,500.

Wallace allegedly pawned a Samsung Tab 2 in an Otterbox case that had been reported stolen during a residential burglary. According to an arrest report, she was identified by pawn shop staff as the person who pawned the property, and positively identified by a fingerprint.

The owner was able to recover his tablet after paying a balance due of $50.


15 Responses to “Molino Woman Charged With Dealing In Stolen Property”

  1. tomtom50 on June 16th, 2015 6:28 pm

    Lisa. That is a very good question but i to had to buy my stuff back as well once

  2. Sea Lawyer on June 16th, 2015 5:02 pm

    @Lisa W
    Pawn shop didn’t have knowledge that the item was stolen property, pawn shop paid for the item and therefore deserves their money back. The rightful owner can take the accused thief to small claims court to recover the money paid to recover the item.

    Right or wrong, that’s the law.

  3. Carmen Antone on June 16th, 2015 4:52 pm

    The pawn shop did everything correctly, by getting the ID and the fingerprint which is why this person was caught in the first place. The pawn shop was not “dealing in stolen property.” Pawn shops don’t really have a way to know if an item is stolen. From my experience, they are required to report all items purchased along with serial # and description and it is placed on a 30 day hold before it can be sold. That’s how these people get caught. It feels wrong for the owner to have to pay but the pawn shop shouldn’t have to pay either as long as they’ve done everything right. Hopefully the thief will have to pay the restitution to the victim for any expenses.

  4. Lisa Watson on June 16th, 2015 10:49 am

    Why did the owner have to pay to get stolen property back? If I bought that thing from the lady, I’d be charged with buying ( receiving) stolen property. I’d go to jail. No one would have to pay me to get the item back. Why doesn’t the pawn shop get charge with buying stolen property? Why isn’t the item confiscated and returned to the owner at no to him? He already paid for it once, why have to pay again because he got robbed? That’s insane!

  5. Jane on June 16th, 2015 10:04 am

    Having been victim of robbery and paying to get my things back from a pawn shop, I agree it is like being robbed twice. However, I can also appreciate the pawn shop for being honest and reporting the stolen pawned merchandise. They may start not reporting stolen stuff if it becomes a financial burden to them. So, when stolen mdse gets pawned and it is reported, at least I have the satisfaction of seeing the thief get arrested an punished. Otherwise, they might never be caught. I have learned there are pawn shops who career thieves deal with regularly and stolen goods never get reported. Anyway, glad this one was caught and being punished.

  6. Tired on June 16th, 2015 9:59 am

    If found guilty, the suspect would have to repay the victim that money. They can get what’s called a Writ of Replevin from the courthouse. It’s pretty much a Judges order for the pawn shop to give the victim back his property. Then the suspect would have to pay back the pawn shop. It’s kind of a hassle. You have to send the pawn shop a certified letter with a copy of the report and wait 10 days then file in court and wait almost a month on top of that to get the writ. It doesn’t cost the victim anything except a lot of time. That’s why the victim usually decides to just pay the shop on the chance they might get the money back from the suspect later. As of right now those are pretty much the only 2 options a victim has in this case. The kicker is that even if the suspect is found guilty and ordered to pay restitution if they don’t have any means of paying it back, because no job, ‘disabled’, ect. then the court reduces the debt to lein, meaning unless they buy a house or win the FL lottery they’ll never have to pay it back. Thats the laws the police have to follow. Yay Tallahassee!

  7. haley on June 16th, 2015 9:38 am

    WOW. It doesn’t seem right that the person who actually owns the item that was pawned should have to pay to get it back. Nonsense…..

  8. Alex A on June 16th, 2015 9:18 am

    As far as paying the pawn dealer. He did his job, or the sheriff would not have gotten the tablet back. The owner will be paid back by the lady on her restitution order when she goes to court.

  9. JD on June 16th, 2015 9:04 am

    I agree maybe the Pawn Shop should be charged with receiving and dealing in stolen property!

  10. A Victim on June 16th, 2015 8:59 am

    I was a victim of a home invasion, they took all my jewelry and numerous other items. But the most important thing was my mothers wedding rings. She was married to my father for 62 years with the same rings. And she passed away a few months back. And the idiots took them. They are now in jail. But the rings are nowhere to be found. A lot of the gold was melted down, but what was pawned I can receive back. And a very special THANK YOU to a law enforcement officer, he advised me of a FS (Florida statute) that you can complete the paperwork and get your items back without paying the pawn shop… I am picking the remainder of my jewelry up soon without putting out the money…..
    The man & wife team that stole from me, also done the same thing to his parents. They allowed him to walk free…. NOT ME!!!! Do the crime, you will do the time.

  11. jen on June 16th, 2015 8:57 am

    Victimized twice, yeah, that makes sense! NOT!

  12. jeeperman on June 16th, 2015 8:47 am

    Actually, the thief will most likely be required to reimburse the owner if and when convicted. As part of the sentencing.

  13. EMD on June 16th, 2015 8:21 am

    I agree. Shame on that pawn shop owner. He should have insurance for such, or be more careful who he buys from. SO NOT FAIR ! ! !

  14. Hudson Sr. on June 16th, 2015 7:07 am

    A person should not have to pay a pawn shop to get their items back that were stolen. It should fall on the pawn shop to collect from the thief.

  15. kk on June 16th, 2015 4:48 am

    The fact that the owner has to pay the pawn shop the money that the thief received for stealing the item is wrong and this needs to change. Why should the owner be robbed twice?