Little Free Library Available At Carver Park In Cantonment

June 28, 2015

A Little Free Library is available in Carver Park in Cantonment.

The concept is simple….pick up a book or two, and return another book or two to share. The Cantonment Little Free Library is located next to Carver Park Resource Center at 208 Webb Street. The Little Library is stocked with children’s books and more.

Several improvements were recently unveiled at Carver Park, including a renovated community resource center, enlarged parking lot, volleyball court and re-striped basketball court. The park will also soon feature a new pavilion for family and local events. The improvements began in 2014 and were funded to Local Option Sale Tax dollars.

Much of the work at Carver Park has been spearheaded by the Cantonment Improvement Association, a group working, as their name implies, to improve the quality of life for all law-abiding citizens of Cantonment, with an emphasis on making sure children and safe and well-prepared.

Editor’s note: The Cantonment Little Free Library is not maintained or affiliated with the West Florida Library. West Florida Library books cannot be returned to the Little Free Library. photos, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Little Free Library Available At Carver Park In Cantonment”

  1. Richard on June 30th, 2015 7:58 am

    I thought these were cute and could be very beneficial to children when I first saw them. Now it seems like people feel we need at least one on every block here in East Hill. I know an one block street that has 9 house on it with 3 of these little libraries. Now that there are more of these than mailboxes, we should continue the trend till every house has one then have the mail delivered there since noone else is using them

  2. Jennifer on June 29th, 2015 8:43 pm

    I would love to find out how to begin getting more of these around the communities/areas as well!