Jay Elementary Math Teams Place At Pensacola High Tourney

June 9, 2015

Recently, students from Jay Elementary School brought home several awards from a math tournament held at Pensacola High School.

  • 4th Grade Results for Individual Round – Avery Mitchem and Jody Godwin received Honorable Mention. Emerson Walters placed tenth overall.
  • 4th Grade Results for Team Round – third place overall
  • 5th Grade Results for Individual Round – Shawn Thompson received honorable mMention. Megan Bethea placed first overall.
  • 6th Grade Results for Individual Round – Katelyn Mayo placed eighth overall, Brody Johnson placed fourth overall, and Carson Walters placed second overall.

With the combined scores the fourth and fifth grades, Jay Elementary walked away with a second place overall sweepstakes trophy.

Pictured are Jay Elementary fourth and fifth grade math team members (L-R)  Andrew Diamond, Kristin Archer, Megan Bethea, Emerson Walters, Hope Lashley, Avery Mitchem, Jody Godwin, Dylan Bradley, Preston Smith and Shawn Thompson. Picturd below: Jay Elementary sixth grade team members Katelyn Mayo, Emma Knowles, Brody Johnson, Bray Watson and Carson Walters. Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


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