Inmate Charged With Stabbing Guard At Atmore’s Fountain Prison

June 15, 2015

An inmate at the Fountain Correctional Facility in Atmore has been charged with stabbing a male correctional officer over the weekend.  The officer was stabbed during a routine check of a housing unit inside the facility at approximately 8:50 a.m. on Saturday.

The officer was transported to an offsite medical facility where he was treated and released the same day.

Larry Jones, 44, was charged with the stabbing.  Jones is serving a 100-year sentence on a 1991 conviction in Montgomery County for first degree robbery, kidnapping, rape and sodomy.

The stabbing occurred after the correctional officer had confiscated a contraband cell phone from another inmate earlier in the morning.   It is believed that Jones assaulted the officer in retaliation by stabbing him multiple times with a makeshift knife.

Jones was removed from general population and detained in the facility’s segregation unit without further incident.

ADOC’s Investigations and Intelligence Division is investigating the assault.


8 Responses to “Inmate Charged With Stabbing Guard At Atmore’s Fountain Prison”

  1. Eacambia resident on June 17th, 2015 12:08 am

    I am praying for the CO’s recovery I hope they are ok . I always thought with the higher crimes like that that the prisoner went to Holman but this says he was in fountain I guess my question is I wonder why this man wasn’t at a maximum security prison by the looks of his previous crimes . I realize it can happen at any of them.

  2. spouse of an inmate on June 16th, 2015 4:37 pm

    the prison was on lockdown and as far as I know they didn’t have a cookout afterwards. when they have incidents like that or when an inmate gets in a fight with other the prison goes on lockdown until everything has calmed down.

  3. just saying on June 16th, 2015 8:32 am

    The inmates don’t have a right to hurt those who a watching them. the system is failing again.Let’s continue to let the inmates run the prison. Why not give them the pay check.

  4. john on June 16th, 2015 6:35 am

    They need to let the other CO’s get hold of Mr. Jones and make an example out of him!!! Don’t kill him, just make him wish he were dead!!!

  5. willis on June 16th, 2015 5:16 am

    @ Paul

    The only people dying on death row are from natural causes.

  6. paul on June 15th, 2015 6:50 pm

    If it was up to me he wouldn’t of had the chance to this.. his charges were good enough for the death penalty..

  7. Rainey Burkett on June 15th, 2015 6:37 pm

    Why would the warden have a cook out for the inmates a few hours after an officer was stabbed in his/her prison? Who has the officers back? Why take our tax dollars to reward inmates in prison. They need to shack down the prison and make sure the warden knows who he or she is working for and it’s not the inmates!!

  8. American citizen on June 15th, 2015 4:47 pm

    sound like the judge failed our citizens because tax payers should not have to supply food clothes housing medical or anything else for a monster like this!! My prayers go out to the officer that he may heal quickly!!