Florida Safe Phone Zones Announced

June 3, 2015

The Florida Department of Transportation has announced a a public-private partnership with GEICO Insurance unveiled a statewide safety campaign to tackle the problem of distracted driving on Florida’s roads. As part of a national effort to encourage drivers to pull into a safe location to use their phone for calling, texting and accessing mobile apps, Florida has designated 64 Rest Areas, Welcome Centers and Turnpike Service Plazas throughout the state as “Safe Phone Zones,” more than any other state.

The new highway signs sponsored by GEICO can be seen along the highways leading to those FDOT facilities. Additional signage within the facilities reminds motorists to take this opportunity to use their cell phones in a safe location.

“Motorist safety is our top priority and we are committed to reducing distracted driving on our roads,” said FDOT Assistant Secretary for Engineering and Operations, Brian Blanchard. “By calling our Rest Areas, Welcome Centers and Service Plazas ‘Safe Phone Zones,’ we are saying they are much more than just Rest Stops – they are Safe Stops.”

Pictured: “Safe Phone Zones” are announced. Pictured below: Safe Phone Zone rest stops in northern Florida begin to the west at the Florida Welcome Center in Escambia County. Photos and image for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Florida Safe Phone Zones Announced”

  1. Patriot on June 3rd, 2015 5:01 pm

    This is nothing ing more than “feel good” legislation. Adding a new sign to a rest area doesn’t make anyone safer.
    If FDOT actually wanted to make driving safer, they would work with state lawmakers to drastically increase penalties for using mobile devices while operating motor vehicles.
    How about making it a primary infraction, with a first offense penalty of 60 day license suspension? How about impounding cars?

    Nah…. We’ll just post some signs that GEICO paid for and pat ourselves on the back for “protecting” Floridians.

  2. Grandma on June 3rd, 2015 2:26 pm

    The effort is to be commended. Those traveling on the interstate system are more likely to pull over into a rest area(Safe Phone Zone) because of the tiring nature of interstate travel.
    I only wish it would go further and make areas on busy, major LOCAL roads. THERE is where we have a hurry to get there mentality of everyday life that WILL NOT pull over to take a call.
    How about making cars that disable all cell phones unless they are plugged into a Bluetooth (or similar) speaker that automatically answers and you respond by voice with out taking your eyes or hands from their job of driving. Text msgs would receive an automatic response text. “I’m driving now.”