Fingerprints On Soda Lead To Arrest, Robbery Conviction

June 6, 2015

Jimmie Barge was convicted by an Escambia County Jury of armed robbery with a knife.  The robbery occurred at the Circle K store located at 1201 East Cervantes Street.

Prosecutors said Jimmie Barge entered the store and posed as a regular customer for a short time.   As soon as the last remaining customer left the store, he pulled out a large butcher knife and rapidly approached the store clerk who was standing behind the counter.  He demanded money and quickly left after receiving $50 from the clerk.

Barge’s identity as the robber was discovered as a result of the investigation performed by the Pensacola Police Department.  Barge left fingerprints on a Styrofoam cup he had filled with soda then abandoned before committing the robbery.

Subsequently, the store clerk was able to pick Barge out of a photographic lineup.

Due to previous convictions, Barge faces up to life in prison.


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