Code Enforcement Changes Coming To Century

June 16, 2015


Escambia County Code Enforcement’s role in Century is about to expand, and, that, a former council member says, will pit neighbor against neighbor.

In early 2009, the Town of Century voted  to enter into an agreement with Escambia County to bring code enforcement back to the town for the first time in several years. The agreement called for Escambia County to provide code enforcement for county and town ordinances within the town limits. It was agreed that enforcement would be “proactive”. Code officers were not to respond to citizen complaints within the town; rather, the officers were tasked with seeking out violators.

Monday night, Century Mayor Freddie McCall told the council that code enforcement’s “hands should be united”, allowing citizens to call in complaints, even anonymous complaints, to be checked by officers.

codehouse.jpg“It had become they (code enforcement) had to come and find it (violations) for themselves,” McCall said, asking the council to amend the interlocal agreement with Escambia County.

“If they don’t see it, we ought to let it go,” former council member Henry Hawkins said. Hawkins was a member of the council when the code enforcement agreement was finalized in 2009; however, he was absent from the council meeting in which a final vote was taken. “We don’t need to open a Pandora’s box….People will get mad at each other and call things in.”

“I personally don’t think they are very proactive,” council president Ann Brooks said. “I personally see a lot of things, if they would just look.”

“Can I remind this council that we got ourselves in a pickle with this before,” Hawkins said. “If I am mad at you, I am going to call in a complaint.”

Pictured top: After the owner of building  at 9500 North Century Boulevard was cited by Escambia County Code Enforcement, he had the buildings demolished. Pictured inset: A dilapidated house that once stood in Century prior to the return of code enforcement. photos, click to enlarge.

McCall’s request to allow citizen code complaints was approved by the council 3-1, with Sandra McMurray Jackson voting against. Council member Annie Savage, who arrived at the meeting about a half hour late and missed most discussion on the issue, abstained from voting.

Escambia County Code Enforcement current visits Century one day per week.


14 Responses to “Code Enforcement Changes Coming To Century”

  1. Paul on June 17th, 2015 4:02 pm

    In response to the opinions for a separation of the county and town. I myself do not agree. I believe the best interests of Century would not be served by the county. We would loose a group of people with the town’s interest in heart. If the town tried to do away with the county they would be broke and unable to function. Forge and reestablish cooperation and logic and, reason between them two.

  2. M in Bratt on June 17th, 2015 10:20 am

    It’s about time. Visitors to the panhandle that come in on US 29 are now welcomed to Florida by falling down, derelict buildings, and yards full of junk. What a first impression of Florida this must convey. Code Enforcement need not travel far in Century to find properties that need to be cleaned up or demolished. While we are making changes in Century, why not let the voters de-certify The Town of Century. The city doesn’t collect garbage, provide fire and police protection, code enforcement, library, or any other services associated with being a city. Sell the water and gas departments to pay the debt off and let the county and ECUA take over the few services left, and shut it down.

  3. JMC on June 17th, 2015 12:52 am

    Wow, I researched some of the past articles on NE about code enforcement and past town council takes on this. In my opinion, this town needs to allow the laws and procedures in place in the Escambia County and the State of Florida to be allowed to help us. I read that in the recent past the town wanted citations to be written yet not enforced and to allow the Century Town Council to set them selves up as the appeal board and judge. They told the county to butt out. That has not worked. In fact it sounds illegal in my opinion. Or Good Ole Boy politics. Most of the code enforcement would not affect homesteaded properties but allows a legal means to foreclose on abandoned building and such, Commercial properties. The Escambia Code Enforcement does not have an interest in just writing tickets with no means to follow through. Don’t stand in their way and promote backward filth and degradation and ignorance.Yes Mayor McCall “untie their hands.” Yes town council voted affirmative. Sounds like a vast improvement. I hope more public education will be released so we know what we need to do do clean up our own spaces and not contribute to a problem. I don’t think they are out to get anyone, just make improvements and learn from past mistakes and be willing to try to make it right. I support that goal.

  4. Citizen code complaint on June 16th, 2015 11:15 pm

    What do we look for? What are the ordinances? Why do you need citizens to do this?
    If that will be affective I am all for it. Thanks for the link jeeperman.

  5. Stumpknocker on June 16th, 2015 11:07 pm

    Seems to me after reading many articles and post the town of century only wants to get the county involved when it’s convenient and only have certain things apply in century or not apply at all,also not to follow the county ordinance for something’s. Maybe Century should drop the county all together and have their own code enforcemebt,ems,fire and animal control,county would stop collecting taxes and that money could be kept in century and used for the above mentioned.

  6. beside courthouse on June 16th, 2015 9:30 pm

    Yeah well bogia you need to mind your own business, we have this place up to code and when the ecce officers see something they tell us and we fix it asap so if you don’t like it, you can take many of the back roads around our place. Now I bid you a good day.

  7. High Cholesterol on June 16th, 2015 7:58 pm

    Hummmm….let me guess…these rules DONT apply to council members…..first animal ordinance and now this….soon you’ll need a permit to put up a clothes line.

  8. Funny on June 16th, 2015 6:27 pm

    Could “in a pickle” mean “well preserved”?

  9. Compassion on June 16th, 2015 3:54 pm

    Remember the reason is to get the problem corrected not stir up discontent. This is a part and process of community development and apparently can be complex Just because someone is in non compliance, they may be poor, Ill or mentally Ill. The owner may not be able to be reached or deceased. The family may not live nearby. Perhaps homes are foreclosed or abandoned and to go and attempt a clean up is trespassing and an expense. At the same time. Please keep us informed and aware. I would like for my town to be better and cleaner. This could possible be a chance for members of the community to come together and help each other. If property is truly abandoned, it should be reported and investigated and if so, the county take the responsibility. I am not sure why a code enforcementnt officer would visit once a week and Century still looks like it does, especially along highway 29.

  10. The way I see it on June 16th, 2015 1:30 pm

    The way I see it is now the entire Town of Century, Mayor and Council Members, town employees have the agreement and power, authority and responsibility to report all violations and be responsible for them to be carried out.

  11. Citizen on June 16th, 2015 1:16 pm

    If it was voted that Escambia County would be proactive in 2009, then they should still be proactive. I don’t understand why they had to be voted (invited) to come in the first place. Century is Escambia County. Could the Town of Century and town employees make a list and report the violations to the County? They see and know the ends and outs and are paid and responsible for the town. I think the County and District 5 need to be held accountable for this end of their jurisdiction. They send my property tax notice in and expect timely payment. I called in a complaint for a feral cat colony and they said they could get a trap up here in about 8 months. Ridiculous. Thank you town council. Get this mess cleaned up. Once a notice has been made, provide a ways and means. Who will do the demo, haul it off, take it to a landfill? Poor folks probably can’t. Complete the plan put it into action. Make it a priority. And by the way, jerks that throw trash out your car window or on the ground or on my property are disrespectful to me yourself and this town. Please stop.

  12. Alex A on June 16th, 2015 9:26 am

    A grunted neighbor can now complain on a ten year violation and get the neighbor cited. Makes sense to me. Should be a time limit on the length of violation.over 1-3 years let it ride.

  13. jeeperman on June 16th, 2015 8:40 am

    In the rest of the county, Code Enforcement is only “reactive” to complaints.
    Being “proactive only” is not in their nature.
    After all, when they go to/from the office each day they pass numerous violations and do not issue citations. They pass the same violations 500 times (yes, 500 times) a year.

    Escambia County citizens, including all Century residents can already file complaints or requests of many kinds via this link:

    Without giving your name or address if you have an anonymous email.

  14. bogia on June 16th, 2015 4:23 am

    I think these “code enforcement officers” should start beside the court house/tax collectors office! What a welcoming sight for ppl passing through..but you know its been that way for years, as a matter of fact since before 2008/2009, so it looks to me that Century’s “code enforcement” is slacking!