Spanish Tall Ship Elcano Open For Tours Today (With Photo Gallery)

May 31, 2015

Large crowds tourned the Spanish tall ship Juan Sebastián de Elcano while it was in port in Pensacola over the weekend.

The Elcano is the official training ship for the Royal Spanish Navy and entrusted with the formation and training of the Spanish Naval Midshipmen. Since 1927 the Elcano has sailed more than a million and a half nautical miles through all the seas of the world. Of the 85 cruises she has completed, 10 of them have been around the world.

Considered to be a “floating embassy,” her presence in foreign countries and ports contributes considerably to the Spanish foreign policy. Elcano Captain Enrique Torres-Piñeyro of El Ferrol, Galicia, Spain and crew will sail into Pensacola Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 9a.m. to help honor the U.S. citizenship of General Bernardo de Galvez, a Revolutionary War hero who won the Battle of Pensacola 234 years ago in May.

Spanish commander Galvez defeated British troops in the Battle of Pensacola on May 9, 1781, reconquering West Florida for Spain and aiding the 13 American colonies in their quest for independence. Each year, Pensacola, which boasts a large population with connections to Spain, celebrates that victory. In December of 2014, the United States Congress conferred honorary citizenship on Galvez, citing him as a hero of the Revolutionary War.

For more photos, click here. photos by Ditton Gorme, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Spanish Tall Ship Elcano Open For Tours Today (With Photo Gallery)”

  1. Arthur Lopez on May 31st, 2015 8:37 am

    Interesting article. I did not know Gálvez was from Gslicia Spain. My mothers whole side of the family is from Galicia.
    I knew there was a reason I moved to Pensacola.

    Thank You again