Perry Receives UWF Award For Historical Writing

May 17, 2015

Tate High graduate Austin Perry has received the University of West Florida’s Carolyn A. Knefely Award for Excellence in Writing.

Perry studied history at UWF from January 2011 until graduating in May 2015. During that time, he also studied Arabic as a part of UWF’s foreign language program.

His focus in the history department was Western European history with a strong emphasis on English history and the history of the Church from the late 1300’s through the Reformation.

Perry received the Carolyn Knefely Award for his paper “Catherine of Siena: The Politics of Mysticism” that he completed as a part of Dr. Marie Therese Champagne’s Medieval Women course. His research focused on the depiction of St. Catherine of Siena by comparing her own writings with those of her biographer, Raymond of Capua, in addition to exploring the political nature of his biography.

Perry’s other historical interests include Anglo-Saxon society during the Norman Conquest, Western Christianity from the Great Schism through the early Protestant Reformation, and modern British society and subcultures. Perry plans to teach history at the high school level and eventually return for graduate school.


5 Responses to “Perry Receives UWF Award For Historical Writing”

  1. Audrey and Harold Holder on May 18th, 2015 10:19 am

    Austin we are very proud of you and your hard work and doing it well..Granny and PaPa

  2. wayne perry on May 17th, 2015 11:30 pm

    Austie, we are so proud of your accomplishments. You continue to make the family proud! Only wish, Grandpa and Grandma Perry were around to enjoy your achivements. Even though, I can feel them smiling!

  3. Joyce M. Lewis on May 17th, 2015 11:14 pm

    Congratulations Austin! Very Impressive Honor.

  4. Deborah Andrews on May 17th, 2015 11:17 am

    Congratulations! We are very proud of you! Debbie & Larry Andrews

  5. Honest John on May 17th, 2015 8:41 am

    Congratulations to you Austin . I know some lucky students are going to get a fine history teacher. David and Belinda I know you are proud of Austin. Don’t forget your guitar Austin .You are a awesome picker!