Not About The Catch: Pen Wheels Fishing Rodeo Held In Walnut Hill (With Gallery)

May 3, 2015

The 41st annual Pen Wheels Fishing Rodeo was held Saturday in Walnut Hill.

Over the history of the fishing rodeo, it has been held at locations ranging from Ft. Pickens to the Three Mile Bridge in Pensacola. Since 2001, it has been held at Jantz’s Catfish Pond on South Highway 99, just off Highway 97.

Dozens of volunteers stood ready Saturday to help the disabled. They baited hooks, tossed a line and offered words of friendly encouragement, while dozens of disabled people were registered in Saturday’s fishing rodeo. They were from around the area.

“You going to put my picture on the New York Times,” one participant asked our photographer as she posed with her catch.

Saturday’s event wasn’t so much about the catch as it was the experience for those they often would otherwise never have the opportunity to fish.

“We both caught one, but mine weighed more than his,” one woman said, pointing a the man next to her. “It’s not about who catches the most, but having fun. But my fish was bigger than his.”

For more photos, click here.

The Pen Wheels Fishing Rodeo is provided to the disabled for free as a project of the Pensacola Fiesta of Five Flags organization.

Pictured: The Pen Wheel Fishing Rodeo for the disabled Saturday in Walnut Hill. exclusive photos, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Not About The Catch: Pen Wheels Fishing Rodeo Held In Walnut Hill (With Gallery)”

  1. Lourena Mellott on May 21st, 2015 5:29 pm

    This event means a lot to the people who get to go. We my brother (physically handicapped and mentally challenged), and myself a blind vendor who has worked in Florida’s vending program for 25 years) love this event. The last two years we were not notified when the event was to be held. I never thought to look on line till now. My brother was very disappointed. We go to Steve’s farm and he is able to catch fish. I just want everyone to know this is a great event for the mentally and physically challenged people like myself. I can not see, but the laughter is evident everyone is having a blast! My hats off to those who put this together! We will be there next year with bells on! Thanks again, and just love the sound of your voices when singing!

  2. mick on May 4th, 2015 8:48 am

    Thanks volunteers, you did a good thing…

  3. EMD on May 3rd, 2015 10:51 am

    AWESOME!!!! Love it ! ! !