New Traffic Signal Now Installed At Dangerous Molino Intersection

May 11, 2015

A new traffic signal is now installed at the intersection of Highway 29 and Highway 97 in Molino. The signal is still is flash-only mode, and is expected to remain that way for a period of time before it becomes operational.

In October 2013, the Escambia County Commission affirmed its support for improvements at the intersection and expressed a willingness for the county to pay for the red light at the intersection. A Florida Department of Transportation study determined the intersection did meet the criteria for the light due to a high number of serious crashes, with an agreement in place that FDOT would design and construct the upgrades with Escambia County paying for the construction.

FDOT  completed the design phase. and the Escambia County Commission approved $265,400 in funding for the light in August 2014, with the payment made from the county to the state in late October 2014. The project then faced several delays before the light was installed.

Once the Florida DOT announces the first day of operation for the light, the date will be published on

A second upcoming project will redesign the intersection of Crabtree Church Road and Highway 97, which is currently just feet away from Highway 29.

Pictured: A new traffic signal in flash-only mode Sunday at the intersection of Highway 29 and Highway 97 in Molino. photos, click to enlarge.


25 Responses to “New Traffic Signal Now Installed At Dangerous Molino Intersection”

  1. Robert Graham on May 16th, 2015 2:05 pm

    Another light …lets just slow the speed limit to 25 mph and have the cops enforce the law ……looks Like I have 3 dum Ideas mybe I should work for the country lol

  2. hazel on May 12th, 2015 7:41 pm

    If they would shorten the median and folks would go down 97 to get to the Tom thumb I think this would dr crease accidents.

  3. Reality Check on May 12th, 2015 6:49 pm


    Actually, that portion of HWY 29 is clearly marked 55MPH. It also has warnings North and South bound that there is a reduced speed limit. Shouldn’t be a problem if you’re paying attention to the road like you should already be doing. It is uncontreversial that a light did not cause any of those previous accidents. Don’t be so closed minded.

  4. Michelle on May 12th, 2015 11:53 am

    Still say this is a bad idea. 65 mph speed limit and slap bang in the middle of nowhere a red light.

  5. willis on May 12th, 2015 6:35 am

    Anyone else notice you can basically see both lights coming south at night.
    Hwy 97 mast arm seems to far into Hwy 29. Bad angle.

  6. Jim on May 11th, 2015 10:29 pm

    Well, now at least the people of Molino will be able to give directions on how to go to most anywhere in the world. Don’t directions usually start with, go to the red light and……………

  7. nod on May 11th, 2015 9:08 pm

    I travel this intersection at least 4 times a week and I have never seen all these problems that are being talked about. To me it us
    not a dangerous intersection and I believe the lights are a waste of money. All that is needed is a little common sense.

  8. Puddin on May 11th, 2015 8:21 pm

    Well I travel that intersection twice a day monday thru friday. Im thrilled that they put up a stop light. Its going to make those lefts from 97 onto 29 so much easier. Only time will tell if it cuts down on the accidents, but one can hope.

  9. Miley on May 11th, 2015 4:03 pm

    If people would get off of the phone and drive, these accidents would not be occurring. I’ve lived in the area and traveled to the Tom Thumb since 88 and it’s getting worse because of people and their phones! The light isn’t going to solve anything just watch and see!

  10. Sherry Bloodsworth on May 11th, 2015 2:34 pm

    Scratching my head here on some of the above comments. :/

    The same “reckless drivers” whom many of you are complaining about at this particular intersection, are the same exact drivers who are probably sitting beside you at the next red light intersection once they leave this one. Your not making any sense complaining about this particular light going up, not going to help any.

    The way I see it….it’s a start and it will give those “reckless drivers” some rules to abide by giving the rest of us a much better chance to get home safely. A red light is a red light, no matter where it’s at. You are required by law to observe it accordingly or else…..I guess time will tell!

  11. Oak Grove Bud on May 11th, 2015 1:54 pm

    It’s going to get very interesting……bama is completely right about all the slow and go at this intersection, big trucks included.

  12. David Huie Green on May 11th, 2015 1:49 pm

    (I’m gonna pretend I did that on purpose as an example of human imperfection rather than accidentally due to true human imperfection.)

  13. David Huie Green on May 11th, 2015 1:45 pm

    “People aren’t happy with anything, just goes to show you can’t please anyone.”

    Many are happy and hope it will change the kill rate to a lower number.
    Therefore you CAN please SOME people.

    Some others are dissatisfied because they know most of the problems would have been eliminated if all drivers were always careful and others are dissatisfied because they know some will still drive poorly, no matter what you do.

    All you can do is all you can do and life with human imperfections.

    David for better drivers, longer lives, fewer injuries

  14. Danny on May 11th, 2015 1:37 pm

    There needs to be a turning lane for traffic traveling west on 97 trying to turn on Crabtree Church Road. Another solution here would be to move the Crabtree Church Road intersection farther west down 97.

  15. mick on May 11th, 2015 1:24 pm

    You can put all the signals and signs up you want – they are only useful if drivers stay focused on the task at hand – operating their vehicle safely: stay focused, watch out for the other guy, obey traffic laws, NO TEXTING, use common sense and practice common courtesy…I have a better chance of winning the lottery than for any of these things being taken to heart by drivers…

  16. Stupid Idea on May 11th, 2015 12:25 pm

    This will barely fix all the crashes at that intersection. This adds more confusion and moving the Crabtree Road will cause another problem. That’s Florida for you people.

  17. SRR on May 11th, 2015 11:48 am

    People aren’t happy with anything, just goes to show you can’t please anyone.

    Lets do away with all red lights because they aren’t needed, because of sun shine and/or people inconvenienced; while we’re at it, remove the speed limits too. We” just go Mad Max on the roads.

    People make me laugh and only proves their idiocy sometimes.

  18. molino res. on May 11th, 2015 9:47 am

    The angles need to be adjusted. You can see the red for 97 and the yellow for 29 at the same time. If you pull too close on 97 you only see the yellow for 29. This may get very confusing for some marginal drivers. Adjust the angles or put some bigger mule blinders by the bulbs.

  19. Molino Resident on May 11th, 2015 9:44 am

    This is a good thing…and it will save lives. Progress is good. Our little town had been held back long enough by those opposed to change. It’s good to slow folks down and to have some business brought to our town like the Dollar General. I look forward to more opportunities for our community to grow and with all considered I very happy to have the traffic light !!

  20. molino jim on May 11th, 2015 8:47 am

    Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse— we were proven wrong. One possible answer would have been to move the intersection to the south. The intersection was good 20-30 years ago, not now.. People trying to turn into the Thumb from 29 by making a “U” turn back south is only a small part of the problem. The intersection is an road engineers worse nightmare.

  21. Alex A on May 11th, 2015 8:40 am

    With the morning sun or evening sun shining on these east west lights, it will fade out the RED light giving you the appearance of a green light. Matter of time. Chemstrant and 9 mile road is an example of this hazard

  22. No Excuses on May 11th, 2015 8:27 am

    Maybe it will at least SLOW some of the speedy idiots down. I’ve seen them blow past my house (on Hwy 29) at well over 80 miles an hour. The FHP likes to sit in my front yard and catch them coming over the hill. It’s 55 in Molino folks. Slow down!

  23. Chris Maloney on May 11th, 2015 7:42 am

    That is $265,400 that should have been used for an overpass similar to the Hwy 29 & 9 Mile Rd intersection. In Louisiana if you travel from New Orleans to Lafayette along Hwy 90 there are several overpasses along the way that keep traffic flowing safely.

    The Tom Thumb should be relocated away from the intersection and many of the problems would go away.

  24. bama on May 11th, 2015 7:04 am

    It ain’t gonna help,, Its call right turn on red and rolling stops,,,, I have seen to many not even look before pulling out ,, On one day me traveling south on 29 7 I saw 2 turn off south 97 to south 29 ,with out complete stop and a 18 wheeler doing the same from north 29 to north 97 I had to hit my breaks to miss all 3,, it is not the intersection , it is the idiot drivers

  25. Jane on May 11th, 2015 5:02 am

    Maybe this will save a life….I really hope so. This intersection is so bad that I drive around it whenever possible. I live close enough that I can hear the sirens every time there is an accident, which is quite often.