Molino Thrift Store Ministry Suffering After Theft

May 3, 2015

The Molino community is reaching out to help a local non-profit that suffered a theft sometime Saturday afternoon.

The Molino Outreach Thrift Store, located in a former grocery store on Highway 29, is operated by Pastor Jason Lee, along with his family and numerous volunteers. It’s a different sort of thrift store, one where the bottom line is not nearly as important as helping others.

Over the past few weeks, every piece of clothing in the store has been priced at just 99¢ — not to make a profit but to be a blessing to those that shop there, according to Lee’s postings on the store’s Facebook page.  Recently, the store has added new furniture and appliances to their offerings, at substantial savings off regular prices, once again as a blessing to those in the community that support the store. It allows many people the chance to purchase items that they might not otherwise be able to afford, while providing a minimal income to keep the ministry moving forward.

Much of the Molino Outreach Thrift Store’s marketing is limited to word of mouth, promotion by local churches and Facebook.

Saturday afternoon, shortly after the store posted that it is need of paper towels and toilet paper, someone walked out with Lee’s notebook computer. The laptop was not only used to post about the store’s specials and the ministry to Facebook, but it also contained off of their photos used to sell special order furniture on a daily basis.

“Please pray for the person who took it and pray that they will bring it back,” was posted on the store’s Facebook page using  another person’s laptop.

Local resident Josh Tucker has created a “gofundme” site to raise funds to purchase another laptop to the ministry and store. Anything donated in excess of the goal amount will be used toward continuing the ministry of the Molino Outreach Thrift Store. To donate, click here.


20 Responses to “Molino Thrift Store Ministry Suffering After Theft”

  1. Kathy on May 5th, 2015 12:52 pm

    That’s a shame someone would do that. The store is a blessing to many people who are in need.

  2. Cindy Criswell on May 4th, 2015 9:14 pm

    I didn’t know about the go fund but I stopped by the store and gave a donation to the lady working at the cashier. God Bless you Josh Tucker. God bless everyone that gives. May God touch the person that took this laptop and save him/her.

  3. been helped on May 4th, 2015 8:40 pm

    I hate to hear that this happened to Jason and his store. We were able to purchase a major appliance for my grandparents there a few years ago and it was a blessing to them. Jason had the store open on Christmas Eve and that made it possible for us to bless my grandparents with a gift they truly needed. We now donate all our items to Jason’s store because we feel that he helps the community in a way that the other thrift stores do not. Thank you Jason for everything you do, I’m truly sorry that someone would take advantage of you. I know there are many many people who you have helped, probably in more ways than you even know. God Bless!

  4. Lifendason on May 4th, 2015 9:18 am

    I am sorry to hear this brother, but praise God you are able to see what the Lord can do. I used to donate my families stuff to the thrift stores in Pace/Milton, but after visiting the Molino store I was so blessed not only to get my son a suit for $2, but to see people who were not out just for the all mighty dollar like some of the thrift stores are, so I now take everything to this wonderful store.

    Thank you Brother Jason, your family and church for being a blessing not only to the Molino folks, but us folks in Pace and the surrounding areas as well.

  5. not happy on May 4th, 2015 6:52 am

    this is plain rediculious i just went here for the first time last week every thing in store clothing wise was 99 cent matresses brand new and nice cheapest around for sure and this guy was so nice to us helping make us familiar with this store. so whoever did this…shame on you, you are messing with gods work for sure, there is so many greedy people these days. the ones who opt out on greed this is what they get..shame, shame,shame, id hate to be you. you definitely get what u give in this world so god bless! and as for the store keep up your good work no thief can bring u down and as someone said, this will only end in a bigger blessing for you. thank u for serving our community. i will be dropping plenty of stuff off for you today!

  6. matchbox on May 4th, 2015 12:38 am

    This stealing of your laptop has been turned into a blessing in disguise. Just look at the response from all of these wonderful people. That is pure God right there. Now more people than ever will be contributing to the store and in turn helping thoses who need it most.

  7. JSCS on May 3rd, 2015 10:09 pm

    The Molino Thrift Store is a blessing to many people who cannot afford things at regular stores.
    I feel sure that Bro. Jason would have been willing to help this thief if he had been asked.
    God will use this for good, just as someone else said. We can be sure that God is in control and will take care of his people.

  8. 429SCJ on May 3rd, 2015 8:52 pm

    The devil is no doubt attempting to impede this man’s good works.

    The poor fool who stole the laptop is probably well down the road to destruction and despair, regardless of their socio-economic station. Some will steal for need or want, others will steal just for the thrill or rush. I would appeal to them to do the right thing and return it. You will feel better about your self, as you will have taken a step toward decency and order.

  9. chris in Molino on May 3rd, 2015 7:22 pm

    I’m a grown man but reading this made me tear up. Brother Jason is salt of the earth. This is why the world is the way it is. Why nobody stops for broke down vehicles. You try to do right and help folks and they just prey on kindness and goodness. People like that wonder why bad things happen in their lives. I can’t say i’ll pray for who done this, i’m just not that strong. Thank you to Jason Lee for who you are. God Bless.

  10. julie turberville on May 3rd, 2015 6:35 pm

    My name is Julie and my fiance Jason we go there all the time….The pastor has helped us get back on or feet when we needed it..I cannot believe someone would steal from them. They help everyone out. I hope they catch this person or persons that would steal from such wonderful people …and if we can help pastor Jason out any way we will…

  11. Jane on May 3rd, 2015 5:17 pm

    i am so very sorry to hear this! They do so much good and are such kind people, it makes me want to cry thinking that someone could be so mean to hurt those who are helping others! Please, if you took it, please bring it back to them…just leave it in the store somewhere if you are afraid!

  12. thepreacherswife on May 3rd, 2015 3:40 pm

    So sorry to hear of this. My husband and I appreciate Jason and all he does for the community. Thankful to read Jason’s response. Man (whoever stole the computer) meant it for evil, but God meant it for good. May many more people be helped both physically and spiritually by this ministry.

  13. Alex A on May 3rd, 2015 3:13 pm

    I’ve donated several truck loads of items to Jason. Thought the items would benifit him greater than if I had a garage sale. I will be finding another truck load. I challenge all of Molino people to donate a box or two items.

  14. pastor Jason on May 3rd, 2015 2:55 pm

    Just wanted to say thank you for your prayers and support. The theft has humbled me because Of the love i see and feal from each of you. I love each of you as my brother and sister in christ and to the one who took the laptop i have no ill will towards you. What you took i have already received back in love 10000 times
    I promise to work even harder to bring you the best molino outreach possible. And strive to save you my neighbors the most money possible. God has used this for good.p

  15. Bob Cummings on May 3rd, 2015 12:14 pm

    We have a desktop computer the ministry is welcome to have.
    It’s an older computer that we have just recently taken out of service but should work until they can collect the funds for a new computer.
    Please have Bro. Jason contact me if interested.

    Bob Cummings

  16. EMD on May 3rd, 2015 10:43 am

    That is so heartbreaking. Whoever did this……… If drugs have caused you to sink THIS LOW, PLEASE consider getting help. There is a drug rehab… New Life….in Brewton. Perhaps you should go talk to them. You will have to get more high to live with yourself if you do not. Who will you hurt next, besides yourself? Praying for you to have an encounter with The Son of The One True God.

    To Jason and family and volunteers. I am so very sorry. God will help you recover if that is where He still wants you to be. I want you to stay there and so do many others…I am sure. Praying you recover and then some. Blessings

  17. Melanie on May 3rd, 2015 9:33 am

    I’m so sorry this happened,I bet it was some crack head wanting drugs.i hope it gets returned cause this is a great thrift store and pastor Jason and his family is very devoted to Molino residents.

  18. Stephanie Lopez on May 3rd, 2015 9:26 am

    This is such a shame.. Jasons prices are so reasonable!!!

  19. horse lover on May 3rd, 2015 9:01 am

    that is the most coldest thing ive ever heard. why would anyone do that except a crack head gona pawn it. Molino people love that store and supports them always. I hope who ever got it will meet the god up above and tell him why they did it.i hope you choke on I you terrible person.

  20. kevin enfinger on May 3rd, 2015 8:01 am

    You know some people are just sick. This is just the most ridiculous thing someone could do. I have known jason for years and this man wouldnt harms a fly but to come in and cause harm to him is just ridiculous